Show MILLINERY MRS GULLY takes this itel ITIL IT IL method to inform her friends and the public generally that she is prepared at all times to make silk and velvet bonnets and other articles of millinery she keeps flowers trimmings ae constantly on hand she will be happy to wait on her friends when called upon at her residence in the ward oct 16 1850 from the herd ground S STRAYED west of the tile church farm seven sheep marked by having the end of each ear car cut off and a hole in each car one had llad a small bell hell oil on whoever will give any in formation where they or any part of them may he be obtained will be handsomely rewarded by the sub scriber who resides in the ad ward christopher WILLIAMS oct 10 igho amitio TAXES LAST CALL 11 T WOULD hereby inform c all ail those these who have not paid their taxes for the year 1850 and all delinquents that further delay will be attended with ex pence and if a settlement is delayed beyond the instant property will be exposed for sale to pay the amount of tax and expenses I 1 i have waited patiently and have acc abc accommodated ommo dated all in my power after this notice it will be beyond my jurisdiction to accommodate any longer those who wish to save cost will please call at my residence within ten days and settle I 1 otherwise I 1 will have to yield to the law and collect the taxes by selling property H S ELDREDGE assessor and collector city from the camp of the legion on thursday evening last a span of chesnut sorrel mares one a light chesnut with a star in the forehead a strap about six feet long the other has a larriet about twenty fire five feet long both shod all round any person giving information of the same to sanford porter of the loth ward or joseph rich of the ward will confer a favor on tile the owner NAT NATHAN lan IAN T POT ER living in north kanyon ward in cherrys chernys settlement oct 12 herdina herding tn ephe HE under signed would respectfully inform athe JL the public that they have taken takena herd ground in valley where they will herd stock of f all kinds on reasonable terms we will be prepared to drive from our oar yard north of the ward on wednesdays Wed nedy of each week for TOT particulars enquire of IRA J W S S WILLIS WILLM thomas ricks G S L city sept 1580 WHEAT WHEAT E are now ready to receive wheat and ly WE we wish all persons who wilo have sold us wheat would deliver it immediately as we must most leave for the states WILLIAMS BLAIR blain oct 2 1850 1650 17 y t f AT LAST ARRIVED ARRIVE D 15 WILLIAMS BLAIRS MERCHANT TRAIN A j and they haye have a full and anstock stock tock of olevery every description of andr y goods ilard imd ware stationery qu een and a air fair eil supply of groceries wh which f ch we e purpose to sell seil ell low reny vent L LOW eow y w to wit coffee rio 37 12 1 2 cents sug sugar a r clarified 33 13 cents cent and every thing else in proportion call calia calla A see buy our goods and groceries and we will soon return for more and sell them low too try us at the new store opposite the che temple block west of the state house vve we have already built a store which has cost us about are ready to build our dwelling houses just as soon as time will permit make this our permanent residence help build up the city pay our tithing and ani follo follow the counsel of those authorized 49 t counsel in all things we do not adver advertise iise eise some articles lower than some have been beef selling for the sake of running our brother me merchants in the trade or for a speculation to draw customers and charge double prices price on other articles but for the purpose of doina doin doln as we would be done unto LIVING AND xit LIT LIVE and as we progress in business should we increase in capital we design to incest the whole in such machinery as shall be mot most useful to the citizens of desert deseret we uk our friends to try us once and see for themselves WILLIAMS G S L city sept nola NOTICE hector 0 haight will be prepared to drive cattle and horses to a his herd at blooming grove on monday of each week starting from joseph murdocks in ward 7 at lit 9 A M july A SURGEON BURGEON DENTIST ad street streel cast 21 south bouth of the council house will attend tw t all branches of his llis profession pro feigion the morry worry effectually cured june 15 ff f FOR SALE OR TO RENT a w and grist mill on big kanyon creek am abow riz dox x miles southeast of the council ilous lioam e for further particulars enquire of ZERA ward 0 S L city sept ATTENTION FOR THE STATES will leave on the instant poi pusi pol IN lively for the states and will attend to any business with which we may be entrusted edon on reasonable terms WE ARE AKK to purchase all cems against tt the federal government if presented by the thirteenth instant and all no indebted to us are expected to call iffa and asset set tle lle punctually within ten days WILLIAMS BLAIR blain G S L city oct 1 jezo t f |