Show THE EASTERN MAIL arrived an op ty eve evening ning by which we received nib jib paper t but through the poli tenca of s ami abi n perusal of the new yo yoa voa H rid abt aei abi 1 vi gearri ee ardi arri that acta abill bill to establish a territorial I 1 government government overn ment for utah has passed con congress ore the territory is bounded west by the ter of oregon on east by the summit of the rocky mountains south by b Y the 37 parallel of north liti latitude tude the officers a governor Sec secretary retry chier chief justice 2 associate justices attorney and marshall to be appointed by the president a council of 13 members and house of 26 representatives to be elected by the people salaries saI sal arTis and government expenses to be paid out of the general treasury also a delegate to congress ac particulars tic ulars hereafter our type was ready for the press before the above was reco recoiled ived A paris correspondent of the herald july intimates a design of the socialists by means of secret socie societies ties to murder at an appointed moment all the men who occupy a high position in the governments ern ments of europe it is reported that mo has gone the whig ticket consequently mr sir benton looses his goy GOT quitman of miss has been indicted by the grand jury of N 0 for participating in the cuba expedition and the gov of lahas lallas made are a requisition on him for himself the barque bacque georgiana georgians and brig susan loud were confiscated at havana july 10 and their officers ordered to be executed |