Show CATir orni oRmi iches aches from late calif callior ort wh f r li 4 vf ire py this his week show z afi ni biral rai ral st fb of a tto tta s tn tiet tint t r country antry ie 10 timy 9 FITE fice 4 f aug au is thad in deep mourning it is for the he murders of f aromi prominent nen t men by he mob ra n f ie te lph tilo the mayor cf was nas was n aa d dangerously genously w wounded the mono monopoly po ay of aristocratic land holders the tax on and proscription len ien of foreigners are represented as heing keing the fruitful source of robberies rob eries thefts theft es murders fear and consternation throughout the length and breadth of that peaceful hap lisp py land of gold and plenty insomuch that scores of decisions from their courts are registered gist ered in most of their papers for nearly all manner of crime that men are capable of inventing from tk the diversified accounts the reader might almost suppo suppose se that the time ilme time was waa approaching for the scriptures to be fulfilled that he who wilo will not take up the sword against his neighbor must needs flee to zion |