Show EDUCATION the TT enquiry is frequently made what course shall we ve pursue with regard to our school I 1 should like to take a school this winter what shall I 1 do to accomplish com it ita and many more such like queries ar are daily presented which we beg leave to refer to the proper source for information yz viz the regency of the university whose meeting we have not had the opportunity of attending of late and are not informed of their conclusion on many points which are now exciting a deep interest among among parents and teachers and while the regency are using us ingall all ail due exertion to causette cau cause sethe the fencing and inclosing of the university Univ Uni verity crity lands lauds this fall mi might alit not frequent from irom the Board through the now non bensin xin sin relation to primary sli sll schools be a source e of g great r eat profit to llie tile people we understand that school s hecl hous houf housea houses ea are being erected in the th k iveral warfus w a rd ii where they do not already dast and tile tiie spirit of enquiry and think thira for is is increasing with the increase iff the cold mid weather and the decrease af 9 ai bhe the e tn etense tenae la br bor of the harvest and we consider it a a mast moat appropriate time for our masters in to speak out and put us on the right track |