Show GENERAL ASSEMBLY SATURDAY oct 5 1850 10 am the senate and house of representatives met at the bowery pursuant per to adjournment roll called a majority present when they went into joint session senator P P pratt presented a petition from JM blair BIair A colton and amoss caloss for right to use a new shingle I 1 n machine which on oil motion was laid on the table A petition from AM Harding to secure a right to use a shingle I 1 macii Macli mc of his own invention invent ion lon petition granted E T benson moved that some person be appointed to examine the tile laws regulating ta 0 patent rights and report them at the next meeting in t carried the chairman appointed r hinted senator G A smith said committee Robert Pierce having sent in his resignation as supervisor of roads orf on motion it was accepted and Gammell Mr appointed in his place isaac higbee having resigned I 1 his office as oneff one of the county judges of utah co which was accept accepted ed when governor young app appointed hinted isaac higbee td to fill the office of clerk and recorder of said county which was sanctioned by both houses governor young appointed aaron johnson william miller and joshua T willis as judges of utah county until the next election which was also sanctioned unanimously im buly huly T DU AIR davelis VelIs AVelis presented A bill to authorize the organization of davis county 11 as follows be it ordained by the general assembly of the state of deseret that all that portion of country included in the following boundaries to wit beginning beg ining at the hot springs and running thence west to the river jordan thence down said river eight elgh t miles thence west to the great salt sait lake and lying south of the dividing r ridge 1 I ye from the mountains on the east cast af ceross across the desert west and south botsh 4 of the weber river to the great aidt salt lake be hereafter known by thenamae the ther naine name of davis county sec see 2 tile the marshall of the state under tha the the executive is hereby authorized to organize said county sec see 3 all officers appointed or elected under this organization shall hold their offices until super ceded by an election held heid in pursuance of the ordinance regulating elections passed nov 12 1849 which was read three times and passed approved oct 5 1850 isao BRIGHAM YOUNG governor senator GA gesmith Smith moved that the general assembly do now rise until the tile first blonda monday in december 1850 when tile tiie third session will commence seco seconded tided and carried benediction by gov young THOMAS BULLOCK bullook clerk of the senate communicated for the news MR EDITOR editon perhaps a short sketch of the three days muster may not be wholly uninteresting to your many readers I 1 therefore take the liberty of submitting the following for your disposal in pursuance of orders previously given the nauvoo legion assembled at the temple square oil on the morning of the loth instant and after a few preliminaries being 0 settled such as mounting the footmen into wagons ac moved off and marched to the camp ground previously selected on the jordan about six miles above the city during their absence the time was principally principal ay occupied by learning to camp in regular 0 order to perform camp duties guard mounting officer drill inspection of arms ac in the afternoon oil on friday they were faired with a visit from governor kimball and others who after refreshment in camp reviewed the le lelon legion leion 0 ion lon which was paraded for t that hat purpose the governor appeared peare d well pleased with the progress that had llad been made in tile organization discipline and general appearance of the legion al many of the grand and imposing I 1 things were wanting to glye give consequence appearance or show ye yet the althe fearless the patriotic the real appearance or bone and sinew if you please of the tile community were there the turnout turn ou out t was not as large as might amigh t have been expected owing partly to some having been excused who had but just returned from the panic expedition but many very many I 1 regret to say are arc delinquents and will be returned as such all such persons will be prosecuted in accordance with the law upon that subject after their return oil on saturday the governor proposed that the legion establish a military school the ensuing 0 winter which was heartily ilear licar tily responded to by all pres eslis ent E enlisting n list 1 n g orders have been i issued ed wl which wllie h will cause an addition of ta tact n new ew regiments an appointment was made for the c lection of officers at the next company muster which takes place on the last saturday of next month thus you see although much has been yet more remains to be done good condition of arms and ac coutre ments sufficient supply of ammunition and punctuality at t tile e hour appointed are arc things to be be remembered and acted upon in a reformed manner hereafter more perhaps than at any previous muster have all both officers and soldiers seen the usefulness of performing camp dut yand of discipline all that were present appeared to feel well and glad they tiley had turned out and returned home I 1 doubt not far better plea sod with themselves than others who let their imaginary interest persuade them from the tiie hath of duty it is to be hoped that the first cohort will hereafter be better supplied with music and the general staff especially with flags yours respectfully respectful lyl D H WELLS |