Show from prom the daily placer times sacramento city au aug 15 1 m THE DIGGINGS notice to preemption pre emption claimants clai mants fia A meeting will bo be held at tile the court house in marysville marksville Marys ville on saturday evening the loth dinst at 7 to take into consideration the propriety of making malang regulations ions for the mutual benefit of all claimants in this county and to guard against 0 tho the monopoly of the landed aristocracy whose pretended claims now cover the whole country con pou we therefore deem de rn it highly ne fk cessare that resolutions should be made and immediate action had on this subject to prepare for concerted action with other counti counties ws for the purpose of protecting such rights as are bare guaranteed to us by the principal laws of the united states MANY CLAIMANTS yesterday at 2 a body of squatters numbering about forty proceeded to the foot of I 1 street on the levee and undertook to regain a lot of ground which had been lately in the occupation of one ono of their party they were fully armed and a general understanding prevailed that their object included the liberation of the two men committed the day before to the prison ship upon the charge of being be ing concerned in a riotous assemblage on the morning of the for the purpose of forcibly resisting the process of law after the displacement of some of the lumber upon the ground the party of squatters were datered from proceeding further in their intent the mayor had meantime requested all good citizens to aid in in suppressing the threatened riot and very large numbers had gathered about the spot several citizens armed proceeded also to the prison ship but no demonstration was made in that direction tile the squatters retreated in martin martial order and passed up I 1 street to ad thence to J and up to ath followed by a crowd of persons they were here met by the mayor who wiio ordered them to deliver up their arms and disperse this they refused to do and immediately several shots were fired at him four of which took effect he fell f from grom I 1 rom his llis horse and was carried to his residence dangerously if not mortally wounded mr J W woodland who unarmed stood near the mayor at the tile time received a shot in the groin which he survived but a few moments A nian man named jesse morgan said eaid to be from millersville Millers ville ohio lately arrived and who was seen to aim at the mayor next fell dead from the effects of a ball which passed through his neck mr james harper was very severely but not dangerously wounded in supporting the sheriff it is difficult to give an exact detail of tile the terrible incidents which followed in such rapid succession it appeared from an examination before the co coroner that tho party of squatters drew up in regular order on arriving at the corner of ath street and that the sheriff was several times fired upon before he displayed any weapons testimony was also given as to t lie the person who was was seen to fire upon mr woodland the tho mounted leader of the squatter san irishman by the name dame of maloney had his horse shot under unde him lie he endeavored to escape was pursued a short distance up an alley and shot through tile the lead head falling dead dr Ro robinson biNon one of the armed party under his command was wounded in the lower part of his body mr hale of the firm of crowell halo co was slightly wounded in the leg A young boy son of mr rogers was also wounded we have heard of several others but are not assured of the correctness of the reports upon the oath of several gentlemen that they saw dr robinson deliberately aim at the mayor he was wa arrested and placed in confinement an irishman named caulfield accused of a slun similar liar itar act with regard to both the mayor and mr woodland was arrested late in tho the afternoon after these terrible scenes which occupied less time than we have llave been employed to describe des them had passed a meeting of the tiie council was held the proceedings 0 of which appear in another column tile the citizens gathered at the corner of J and ad streets ailin w hd in other places throng throughout hout the city and proceeded to organize in parties to prevent further autra outrage e A body of mounted men under the command of the sheriff hearing the report that the squatters were reinforcing at the fort proceeded eded thither the lawless mob were nowhere to bo be found scouts were dispatched in in all directions but no trace of them could be discovered meanwhile several beveral other parties had formed into rank and proceeded to different parts of the city establishing rendezvous at various points brigadier general winn issued proclamation declaring the city under martial law and ordering all law abiding citizens to form themselves into volunteer compares and md report their organization at head quarters as soon as possible at evening quiet was fully restored throughout the city lieu governor governor Jo vernor mcdougal who left upon the senator and expects to meet the gold hunter will bring alp im this morning a detachment of troops from benecia an extraordinary police force of was summoned for duty during the night A universal readiness to respond to al all ail 1 the demands of this trying occasion occasion has manifested to all what we at least have never doubted that the people of sacramento me nto would show a united front noal agai against against D their assailants when tile the first principle of their liberty a rc respect for the law of tile the land should be set at nought DOINGS OF THE COUNCIL resolved that the acting mayor shall issue his proclamation offering a reward of 1000 for the apprehension and conviction of any of the principal leaders in the riot riol or affray which occurred in the streets of sacramento city on the tile day of august 0 1850 and for any who were with arms aiding and abetting and by their presence giving givin countenance to tele ie affray the mines arc are yielding richly but even this tilis source of prosperity cannot operate to remove tile tiie gloom that the frequent murders robberies assaults and other acts of lawless violence has cast upon the tile various branches of business the law is the cause of the present unfortunate position of affairs as it is driving hundreds away from tile the mines who wiio have formerly contributed to sustain the activity of business heretofore existing in that region while it wages many lawless and reckless foreigners to the perpetration of crime and outrages upon the rights of society A RUMPUS yesterday just before the lamentable affray in J st quite an excitement was occasioned oil on L street near ad by an attempt made by a german to take the life of a man whom as he states he discovered holding illicit intercourse with his wife it appears that his wife left him a few weeks since and suspicions had be been en excited during the intervening 0 period which were yesterday confirmed his pistol not being loaded with a ball prevented him from accomplishing his design which as he expressed it was to kill him ile he left the sportswear ing that the tile woman was his wife she had obtained no divorce and until she did he would not permit her to play wife for any one else PROS proscription I 1 on the board of aldermen of san francisco have llave passed an ordinance prohibiting all fore foreigners eigners from braying dra ying boating driving hackney coache sor selling spirituous liquors the only exception cep tion made by the ordinance is in favor of those already owning drays ac who are permitted to pursue their usual avocations provided they can show themselves possessed of a good moral character what the standard of morality is considered is not stated slated we suppose however lio iio wever that it admits the usual california license the board of assistants have concluded not to confirm this tilis very liberal and tolerant law just yet OLD HAYS this celebrated character the high constable of new york died at that city on the june A history of his life would be a revelation of mysteries and miseries such as is seldom recounted |