Show A NEW FORM OF MESMERISM it is said that certain clock makers at bristol connecticut in making some chronometers chrono meters lately found foutin it impossible for the work workmen medO 1 to keep awake when they were setting dt instruments it is necessary in regulating them to count the beats in a minute by a regulator and change the hairspring until both go nearly in time then the screws in the balance are turned until the greatest maximum is obtained when they are rated and the rate registered the workmen find no difficulty with the parts but when wilen the whole movement is going any person who sits down and counts the tho beats or watches the motion of the balance invariably becomes drowsy attempts have been made with other clocks but they do not produce the same sensation the clocks are arc of polished work and gilded by a peculiar galvanic process which if the facts be as here stated may have something to do with tile tiie effect what is curious is that the person who is put to sleep continues to count tile tho beatings 1 of time with his hand or foot the writer in the boston post who gives an account of tile tho matter adds it affords me some somo amusement to visitors to see sec a company of men at work and half of them asleep yet laboring to keep themselves awake on saturday last a collier came to the tile factory with a load of coals au aice atti d was 4 admitted dmit ted into the finishing cocin foam to see the tile clocks one of tie the workmen desired to make the experiment accordingly the old man was put to count striking on lie the bench with liis his hand in time with the clock lie he went to sleep in three minutes and was kept under the influence for nearly an hour his dog that had followed him into the room upon discovering in liis his situation exhibited alarm an and d ran ron about how howling lingin in a most dismal manner 1 all this did not disturb the sleeper but the moment the clock was stopped he awoke and was surprised to find that so much time had passed there is some great principle established shed in these phenomena that i is truly mysterious |