Show from P rom the alta alia californian MEXICANS IN THE SOUTHERN MINES A decree has at length gone forth against them forbidding further trespass of these men mert on the placer of the southern districts and quite summarily ordering them to depart from the towns and trading brading posts of the mountains first turning over their arms to persons constituted by the excited multitude to receive them the movement thus openly directed against this class of foreign miners is said to have been instigated by recent barbarities committed by the mexicans the public of sonora were incensed by the discovery of two dead bodies beneath a smoking pile which was watched and tended by two mexicans although no evidence of murder committed by these men was found they were vere seized and would have been put to death untried for the of fence had not a few americans interfered and had a legal investigation entered into which acquitted them notwithstanding popular feeling had been wrought to such a pitch that the tiie expulsion of all foreigners from the mines was demanded which was understood by the prime movers of the excitement who were recent sydney import importations ati i ons to mean the mexicans and Son notices were posted about sonora warning such to leave the town and country and in the early part of last week parties bound southward were continually crossing the san joaquin at the rate of two or three hundred persons per day CA OALIF OHNIA we find dates from washington in the N york tribune as late as the june in the senate oil on the of june mr douglas gave notice of an amendment ameril ment providing provi di in i P that two new states to be ba called called sacra jw s mento and colorado may m ak be erected butof out of the territory of california with the consent of that state said states to be admitted upon an equal footing mr soule moved his substitute for that portion of the bill relating to the state of california the substitute proposed that the pres ident shall issue his proclamation declaring that california be admitted into the union as soon as he shall shail receive evidence that she has in convention assented to certain conditions among which are her relinquishment of the public domain and the restriction of her southern limits to the missouri line it also provides that revenues collected in the ports of california unexpected at the time of this proclamation shall be paid ove over r to the state of california also that the country south between 36 0 30 north in mexico and between the pacific and sierra nevada shall be organized into a territory to be called south california and that the same shall be admitted into the union as a state when ready able and willing with or without slavery as her people may desire and make known in their constitution mr soule advocated his substitute on the and mr lV webster ebster opposed it at length on the in the house nothing important had llad transpired CUBA INVASION true bills had been found in new orleans against lopez loncz mr sigur of delaware governor quitman judge chink ney smith of ex gov henderson mr and ten others of the cuba invasion A number of others had been brought brou 9 lit to new orleans in custody FISH AND OYSTERS Or several parties are now exploring the bays upon the coast with the view of ascertaining whether oysters do not exist in any quantities and of a good size and flavor we have in our waters an abundance of the soft shell clam splendid hard shell i ed crabs scallops ps cockles cackles co do ckles and a very fine kind of muscle ANT from NEW MEXICO the following telegraphic dispatches are contained in the new york tribune and regarded as veracious ra st louis june 25 advices advises from santa fe to may have been received in this city the convention previously called had met and formed a state constitution which had been formally promulgated as the constitution of the state of new mexico which was to go into effect on the of july the boundary question was defined the constitution prohibits slavery members of the legislature and senators with representatives to congress were soon to be elected second dispatch st louisjeune Louis June 25 the following has just been received from santa fe the convention of delegates called has been held here they have formed and promulgated a constitution for the government of new mexico the convention assembled on the lath instant and the session lasted eight or nine days in which a constitution was formed which would go into operation about the first of july the boundaries of the state were defined and slavery prohibited the constitution was adopted on the may in fifteen days afterward an election was to take place for members of the state legislature gi slature two senators and representatives in congress would soon be elected and efforts would also be made to procure their acceptance at washington mr st vrain judge Ote roand henry connolly are prominent candidates for governor and capt A W reynolds and maj R H witman for senators it is supposed that hon I hugh fugh N smith the present delegate in congress would be elected to the house of representatives CANADA in the house ofas of As on the of gen lafontaine Lafor taine introduced a bill to increase parliamentary representation sen tation and the inspector general announced the intention of government to introduce a general banking law also a measure on the currency on the resolutions were introduced to amend the constitution by separating legislative gisla tive and executive tending the elective principle and assimilating the whole system of government to the Ameri amerl american amerlean can ean ino mo del |