Show AN ORDINANCE amending see sec of the revised or I 1 finances din ances of brigham city BE IT ORDAINED BY THE pity COUNCIL af OF BRIGHAM baity CITY that see sec of the revised ordinances of brigham city be amended to read as follows time for selling liquors no person licensed Is aforesaid nor any employees of such person ierson nor any person 0 or persons acting in his stead or behalf shall sell give or in in any way dispose of any intoxicating drink before the hour of five a in m or after the hour of eleven p m except for medical purposes upon the prescription of a physician nor shall he or his employees tr tir agents allow any person not in his employ to enter or remain of business for any purpose whatever nor shall he keep his dolias doors v r f open during the aforesaid aforesaid hours from eleven p m and until five 0 bloc clock a in or at any other time when th the eggle sale of intoxicating liquors Is prohibited hibi ted tace hours in this section mentioned hallbe construed to brethe stroke of te he hour standard time passed this day of august A D 1906 C HOLST SEAL mayor attest THOMAS mcmaster R recorder |