Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CITY OFFICERS BRIGHAM CITY mayor C hoist I 1 E I 1 N J nelsen council councilman men arthur C neeley lewis J lund andrew funk recorder thos mcmaster treasurer jenny diedricksen marshal Marsh alChas chas cheal attorney nels jenson justice of the peace wm horsley supt bupt water works orson nelsen chief fire dept john funk abst chief peter jensen i street supervisor brigham jensen Night watch and jailor H S jensen sexton lorenzo burt BOARD OF HEALTH dr R A pearse chairman F W fishburn secretary Secret tury fir dr L H berg the city council meets the second and fourth tuesdays of each month PRECINCT OFFICERS justice of the peace F funi unai COUNTY OFFICERS judge birst judicial district W W manghan Mair ghan district attorney fred J Cha chairman irmam county commissioners A W valentine commissioner iowa string M B hart commissioner kelton keltone Kel tont E H jones county clerk N J valentine atty C E foxley treasurer N cole sheriff 4 joseph josephson recorder christina madsem madge assessor ellas elias jenseni jensen county of schools A E jensen surveyor J N holdaway fish game warden ellas elias jensen jar county physician dr R A pearse water commissioner N P andersen COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH A W valentine chairman Cha irmam dr R A pearse secretary 11 B hart and 11 H jones members of the board PRECINCT OFFICERS JUSTICE CONSTA 11 brigham andrew funk charles cliel cheal sunset 41 N porter T E junction V R walter J E Z montgomery Monte nerr plymouth E rudd N i nish promontory geo house charles card terrace a W parsons E J bassett clear creek S B E baker park valley david darld W E whitaker creek pall J W colt riverside J A raphaer willard S 4 cook geo J wells abree mile C yount alm almon wight N C jeppesen Joppe Jopp aen esen haul bans kellar calla Calls fort W W lasley E Hun Hunst liei Dowe C J dewey DB D B marble Colllns toc C r E 1 Twi J R standing malad E R hadley james coll Be bear arRiver river al holmgren Holm gien H P Thore aan fielding frank walker dowey dewey wood portage D parkinson J W halcord rawlins thos law john H watt C W robbins A L petersen Pe tereen manna manila X H fridal charles broksch |