Show additional LOCALS oliver wood oi 01 Col collingston collinston Colllns linston ton was in town tuesday mrs lucy wright snow is 1 up from salt lake on a visit aulmor plate lj hosiery sold tx N L hansen sa mr seymour L miller was over from penrose wednesday mr air martin lee returned last night from his trip up into the mining regions of idaho mrs olga lee has returned from a two weeks visit with friends in ogden and salt lake city J C wixom went to provo tuesday to attend the encampment of the utah county indian war veterans john F erdmann accompanied by his daughter blanche spent wednesday da y at garland A very fine lot of solid gold cold rings just received will sell at cut prices the jeweler tt tf J 1 I have 28 fine clocks all styles prices from to 2000 what will you give me for your choice call in I 1 need money J johansen bansen Jo the jeweler tt tf |