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Show ' f 'Tf yT y1 - in Anns Meet At Metier Home For 20-3- 0 Ely, Nev. to work. . fn engage railroad ! Anns met January The 2l at the home of Virginia Meh-lewho, with Mrs. Claire Good-liffe- , was hostess. During the evening refreshments were served and games played with prizes going to Mary Lou Call and Glenna Andersen. ..Present were LeOra Baron, Melva Baron, Kenna Jacobsen, , Glenna Andersen, Kathryn Sonny Toplk, Barbara Olsen, Gwen Carver, LaRalne Petersen, Jennie Wlnzler, Beverly Packer, Nanette Woodland and Mary Lou Call. 20-3- 0 Services Friday r, Fish-bum- Butler, 66, Wil- John William lard business man for more than 30 years, died Monday at 2.30 p. m., In a Brigham City hospital after a short illness. He was born April 5, 1885, In county, a son of Alma and Lucy Hale Butler. He attended Weber county schools and resided in Hooper until 1905. At that time he moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho, and aftet a period of seven years moved to (Hooper, Weber I fty7P 4 Vage Welve"BOX ELDER NEWS - In 1919 he came Monthly Meeting f Its Been , to Willard Brigham City, Utah and established a grocery store January 30, 1952 Wednesday, and gasoline station business which he operated up until his death. W. Butler, Idaho Falls. Funeral services will be conOn July 17, 1905, he married Mary Beesley In Ogden. During ducted In Hooper by Lindquist his earlier life In Willard he was and Sons Mortuary of Ogden. Funeral services will he held active in community entertaip-imen- t as a violinist. He was a Friday at 1 p. m. in the Willard member of the Willard ward of ward chapel with Bishop Deli bert Cook officiating. the L.D.S. church. Friends may call at the famSurvivors Include his widow, Willard, and one son and one ily home Thursday afternoon daughter: John H. Butler, Wil- and evening and Friday until lard, and Mrs. Grant (Eva) Dou- 12:30 noon. Interment will be in the Hoopglas, Ogden; and three grandchildren and one brother, George er, Weber county, cemetery. Happening "Ever Since Eve1 BrighimNstive Dies In Idaho i t - t I , ,w t c rk) ' t (David Russell (Evans, 52, died suddenly of a heart ailment at his home In Boise, Idaho, Jan ' uary 22. born He was in Brigham City, August 28, 1899, a son of David and Louise Burt (Evans. On July he married 16, 1927, Myrtle Gladys Holmes In Sacramento, Calif. They resided in Salt Lake City for a few years before moving to San Francisco and later to Mountain View, Calif. i Ji? " Xi t. Six years ago they made their home in Boise and had lived s there since, Mr. Evans was connected with the Grinnell ' Sprinkler system while in the Bay Region and the time of his death was supervisor of the sprinkler division of the Intermountain Plumbing Co, of Boise. iHe was well known In ' Masonic circles in Idaho. , ( t 'O W U 1 PRICES REDUCED TO COST AND ... QUICK CLEARANCE TO MAKE COST FOR will be raised tonight at 8 p. m. Left to Keith Merrill, Dixie Gordon and Ross Dredge. The pubic is invited charge. AND OTHERS Regular $8.69 650-1-6 AND OTHERS Regular $9.89 600-1-6 Cg V0i ; v . VALUE. , REG. $1.79 v YOKES QUALITY WESTERN TIRES. WHILE OUR ' PASSENGER CAR. STOCK LASTS. TIRE only EXAMPLE: $15.90 (tax incL) 1ST WALLPAPER-.CLOSEOUT PRICE ON ALL PATTERNS STOCK. 670-1- 5 33W DISCOUNT; - aawjiimj Box Elder high ; .... 23 GAUGE SHOTGUN SHELLS V. 16 GAUGE SHOTGUN SHELLS . UMITED , . BENCH SAW, Regular $72.95 - $2.25 , (SHOPMASTER) Beautifully boxed fiike sta 1 Rubber Beacon er Wax Red Self-Polishi- ( WAGON FLOOR YAX STATIONERY 30 All-lMet- al Wagon Regular $5.45 Regular $1.10 qt. 3 DAYS ODLY Thursday - Friday - Saturday WASHER DEEPFREEZE .... 16 Foot CORONADO Box t REGULAR $439.95 CORONADO : Table Models REGULAR $22.95 $4C5 h Flb REGULAR I t CLOSEOUT REGULAR 69c f f)7( 512)0 Chrome legs, plastic seat. REGULAR $10.95 , CLOSE i REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR SAILS i Carpet Sweeper ALL STOCK Comb Kleaned "Wagner REGULAR $7.45 Sweep. 2.off 1 OUT OF ALL S95 WORK PANTS ' ..22c 39c ROLL 25c ROLL i 20c ROLL .4 15c 10c Whipcord REGULAR $3.59 $49 PgflrifS :5CTiOyg d FALL RIVER, ' 'HON: 21 2S-- K ' V OIL CO. Q 577 Brigham City WEAVE BUTCHER BVe RAY0I1 YARDAGE ). cQ3A Full 39 wide, now per yard .44 WOMENS HANDBAGS All shapes, dark colors d n ; Cl C9 vy WOMENS RAYOn CREPE BLOUSES Sizes 32 to 40, now $1X3 - , ' , Sr MENS p t n dylsS J U y&nliiJ . . , . BA ft CO MENS RUBBERS for logger heel, now $2X3 UNDERWEAR Shirts and drawers have ' long sleeves and legs, each ! MInV 1 y C0 COYS JACKETS Wool melton and wool lined poplin, clean-u- p - , Mass. (UP) The thief who stole one of Martins prize pigeons fail-(eto reckon on one detail. It was a homing pigeon. The pig-'eowas back in Martins coop within two days. M WOMENS NOVELTY shoes Womens and Girls OVERSHOES Cleanup priced Yen , V a nnn North Main STARTS WEDNESDAY ft-OV- 6 WASATCH NORTHERN 75 Pigeon Comes Home ; Q ; . h n FURNACE OIL Prompt Courteous Service . Shirley Tanner, 12, died at the family home here Friday at 6:30 p. m, after seven months illness. She was born In Brigham City, May 1, 1939, a daughter of Herbert A. and Vera May Kimber Tanner. She was a student at Gouse Creek school and a member of the L. D. S. church. Survivors ai s the parents, grandparents, Mrs. Mary Emily Tanner, Grouse Creek, and Mrs. Josie Kimber, Brigham City, and the following brothers and sisters: Mns. Audrey Teeter, Ogdert; Floyd Tanner, Cedar, Rapids, la.. Mrs. Marjorie Thompson, Norma Tanner, Merle Tanner, Darrell Tanner, Don Tanner, Eileen Tanner, Allen' Tanner and Barbara Tanner, all of Grouse Creek. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 1 p. m. In the Grouse Creek - L.D.S. ward chapel by Elmer Kimber, bishop. Friends may call at the family home In Grouse Creek Wednesday (today), until time of services. Burial will be In Grouse Creek cemetery . MANY ITEMS NOT LIST- PAINT 6 . Succumbs Friday SALE! TODAY! TRIMZ BORDER YOUTH CHAIRS ' NED and CLEAN SOIL-OF- F Childrens good story hooks. STORE WIDE ED. SHOP AND SAVE $1(0)55 ROOKS 559 $16.95 Q Hottest Burning . O Clean Burning No Waste Grouse Creek Girl L r.lOGIinilBISE 59c F.O.B. STORE SEATCOVERS $5L(B95 ALL 11 cu. ft. deluxe box' I REGULAR $349.95 t ORE Utility tub for small wash-ing. 4i gallon capacity, REGULAR $1.49 I CORONADO REGULAR $110.95 TUBS RADIO groat . F.O.B. STORE ' 3 Only A value. $3SS0S , with pump. REFRIGERATOR I STOVE OIL o The first meeting will be held at i:45 p. m. for stake presidency, members of high councils and bishoprics. The second meeting will be held at 2:45 p. m. and will be for those listed above and also all ward teachers Including members of the Aaronic priesthood assigned to do ward teach- Elder Russell Max Kunzler was honored at homecoming services last Sunday evening in the Willard LDS ward. Russell returned Saturday from the a mission to Northwestern and West central missions. While serving he labor- ing. ed in eight states. Sacrament meeting was conducted by Rex Edwards. Floyd Jensen and Douglas Quayle were visiting high councilmen. Floyd Kunzler offered the invocation. During the services Athleen Toombs and Helen Jane Lemon played an organ and piano selection, Hills of Home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Edvalson made remarks and Mrs. Edvalson played1 a piano solo. She was converted to the church through the efforts of Russell and other elders laboring in the city where she lived. Parents of the missionary spoke, following which Russell gave a ' report of his mission. Between speakers the choir sang. Benediction was offered by Glei; Kunzler, brother of the missionary. - Y V City. Honored Sunday $64.95 - Joan Flamm, Brigham ' City,' Utah State Agricultural' college student, is one of 39 senior Voca- - v tional home economics ; majors who will go to 14 ochools throughout Utah for six weeks . of practice teaching. Joan will practice teach -- at Jordan high school-- " - , v cn A ward teachers convention of the North and South Box Elder stakes will be held next Sunday afternoon, February 3, at the stake tabernacle at - Brigham Willard Elder Is J$59.95 BAND SAW, Regular $79.95 QUANTITY Joan Flamm To Practice Team At Jordan High p Sun. Afternoon Elder Russell Max Kunzler . . . served 25 months . . . ftf I , (SHOPM ASTER) , Hunsa-ker- Colleen Farmer, Jerry Wilde ' and Maurlne Rigby. ; Student director Is Lowell White and make-uspecialist Is J. Bell Sackett Included on the stage crew are Kelly Farmer, Jay Smith, Ward Secrist and Stanley , Shelby. Speech and drama instructor, Joyce Thorum, is directing the ' , Play. Convene Next $&.95 , . . . . don, Ross Dredge, Glade WardTeachersTo FACTO.' (HIAWATHA 3 ILP.) ...... $2.45 GAUGE SHOTGUN SHELLS 12 ..X $2.10 s thes-plan- unveil OUR IN DISCOUNT OUTBOARD MOTOR, Reg. $99.95 school their play Ever Since Eve tonight at 8 p. m. In the first of two performances scheduled in the Box Elder high school auditorium. The comedy, which has a plot revolving around a high school paper editor, will be shown the following evening, Thursday, at the same time. Open to the public, it is free of charge. Included in the cast are Diane Burke, Keith Merrill, Dixie Got- will ONLY ONE OF A KIND CLOSEOUT ;r HEAVY LOAD EAGLE - 1 DO WE i At High School Tonight And Tomorrow 82)0 flt $2)0 free of Ever Since Eve Slated By BEHS Cast IMPLEMENT ENAMEL. , Green, Red, Orange REG. $09 ALL LEATHER WORK GLOVES. A REAL MENS to attend, . Back From Mission He is survived by his widow, of Boise, two daughter and a son: Elaine and David Evans, Boise, and Mrs. Beverly Ingalls, Coeur dAlene, Idaho; his mother, Brigham City and two sis- -, ters, Mrs. Alice t MUtentoerger ' and Mrs. Erma Bell, both of Salt - . f J Lake City: Funeral services were conducted last Friday in Boise And internment was in the Morris Hill Mausoleum at Boise. ' $ , right: Diane Burke, , emro iilovb mm cflGt AMERICAN Scene From BEHS Play. ... on which the curtain THIS MERCHANDISE MUSE BE SOU) DONT TRAVEL IN YOUR CAR WITHOUT A PAIR HERE IS A SAVING YOU OF CHAINS HANDY SHOULD LOOK ATI ; ; THAN LESS FOR NEW STOCK. ROOM ' price $3.CDG$0XD j J |