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Show t .Uj- Ilf I. i ' !i (J if! f - . O iris Janet, Bi&slgger,' daughter and of Mrs:. Louisa Bissigger, Grady E. Mathis, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Mathis, recited wed ding i vows at the home of the brides mother, 1591 south Fifth east, on January 8. The' ceremony was performed by Bishop Richard Hansen of the Brigham City Sixth ward In the presence of close friends and relatives, . The bride was charming In a maroon suit with blue and white accessories, A beautiful corsage of gardenias and pink rosebuds was pinned at her shoulder. Gladys Flory was matron of -- honor, (Ray Flory was best man for the bridegroom. Tor her daughters wedding wore a floral print afternoon dress. Mrs. Mathis wore a blue suit. . Immediately the following ceremony the newlyweds were 'honored at a reception at the home. friends and relatives called to extend best wishes. The couple Mrs-Blasi- gger , Vi', (M ij will be pleased to leaTji that be hospital in Ogden. is recovering nicely from a serMr. Ferry will remain In ious back operation performed den for the next week or Many friends of J. W. Ferry January 22 at the St. Benedicts days. Recife Wedding Vows w United In Home Ceremony By Bishop Hansen ' ' ' .' :!G1 t F' , Ins Janet Bissigger And Grady I. Mathis A"-- t received many lovely glfta. During the evening a beautiful white two tiered wedding cake was displayed. The cake was trimmed in tiny pink lattice-worhearts and topped with miniature bride and groom and three beautiful wed, ding bells. During the reception refreshments were served by Doris Charlotte Mathis, Mathis, Sharene Stewart, lleen Peters and ILa Rene Young. following a brief honeymoon the bridegroom returned to U. S. army service In California. The bride will remain In Brigham City and attend school until May when she will Join her ' husband. rose-Dud- J. Y. Ferry Undergoes Serious Back Operation y Og- ten y h: Brigham City, Utah Wednesday. January 30, JU" f i4 y r. T V- -- iM Locust Camp of D.U.P. Meets At Marble Home Vice-cap- M AX1. STARTS .THUHSffiAY cnmm smnrtrwR on all CHfflA and GLASSWARE! ALL FAMOUS NAMES Syracuse, Bavarian, Homer Laughlin, Duncan Crystal BUY NOW FOR VALENTINE DAY WE'VE GOT TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE SO OUT .THESE LOOK AT THIS SAVING! ... GO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! STATIONERY Bis-sigg- LOOK AT THIS BUY! Only Vi Regular Price! TO GO AT 12 (wg .SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. PRICE ( 20 Piece Sets Redwing Provencial ODDS and ENDS of LUGGAGE DINNERWARE ' at less than Vra Yen 12 ALL BETTER LUGGAGE REDUCED , Ace Hi Pinochle Club Meet At Faulkners . of the Ace HI Pino chle club enjoyed dinner at the Idle Isle last Thursday evening followed- - by pinochle at the home of Mrs. James. Faulkner. Special guest for the evening was Mrs. Wm. Benson. 'Prizes went to ; Mrs. Benson, Mrs.. Wynn Jensen. Mr. E. J. Larseii and. Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren. Members Card Of Thanks PRICED POTTERY Special Price on POTTERY TO GO! LOVELY GIFTS for all occasions. seU:ng. off Saucers Sets 20 Cut 2(S) Decorative TEAPOTS News comes from' Tucson, Arizona of the birth of a son to Dr. and Mrs. Ira W. Larsen, Jr., on 26. Saturday, January The baby ' weighed seven pounds and is the first grandchild with the Larsen name. Proud grandparents of Brigham City are Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Larsen. This Is the fifth grandchild for the Larsens. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Barr of Tucson. Mrs. Larsen was the . former Betty Lou Barr. i i2 Price AN AMAZING BARGAIN! ODD SETS HOMER LAUGHLIN, . KNOWLES and BEAUTIFUL Vernon ware SYRACUSE AND BAVARIAN CHINA TO GO AT , - Some Card Of Thanks (We desire to express our thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and flowers received from our many friends and neighbors in our recent bereavement in the loss of our sets incomplete. TO GO AT sin-cere- BIGREDUCTON! . SYRACUSE 14 Reg. Price ; PLACE SETTING Louise Burt Evans And family. To those who by their acts of kindness expressed their sympathy and friendship at th time of .the death of our beloved husband and father, .William M. fcohner, we wish , to express Following are births, heartfelt thanks. We wish esfrom Cooley Memorial hospipecially to thank the ward bish- tal; V A girl to Russell and Jean Olopric, the Relief society,- our asand Ball who on sen others all friends, January 08. sisted in any way.,A boy on January 28 to " , and Susan Finn Whitaker. 4 The Conner Family-- HURRY . . . Get your share of these amazing money-savin- g buys. BUY NOW FOR GIFT GIVING FOR VALENTINE'S DAY, WEDDINGS-a- nd - V Reg. $10.50 PLACE SETTING $9.45 Regular $11.10 loved one. - Came in too late for Christmas China Cups and Mr.' And Mrs. Ira W. " Larsen Jr. Announce Son - Cleanup ODDS and ENDS 2 .It To those who by their acts of kindness, expresesd their symat the pathy and friendship time of the death of our beloved son and brother, Seth A. Jensen, Lt. USN, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks. We wish especially to thank the ward bishopric, Relief, society, and all others who assisted in any way. s Mrs, Alma M. Jensen ' and Family. ,3 PRICE 1 Card Of Thanks t PRICE . . SQ75 ONE GROUP 1 z. Reg. $17.50 Dinnerware . ;p 1952 s 0(M.(jlD ro - i Locust camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Vera Marble, Thursday evening, January 17. Berniece Foote presided and conducted. The opening song was by I MM J Kin the four Palmer sisters and prayer was 'by Mary Jeppson. The Palmer sisters rendered another number and the minutes of the December meeting were read O 4 3 tV and approved. Roll call showed ex15 members present, four o cused and four visitors. Sergeant And Mrs. Grady E. Mathis The lesson, "The Old Prospeccut wedding cake following ceremony performed Janutor was given by Louie Squires. ary 8 at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. Louisa Mary Oollett read The life hiswu mmucnoM nmr mmu The bride is the former Iris Janet Bissigger. tory of 'Ruben Collett, an early NOTIONS fINOU DUS The grooms mother is Mrs. Elizabeth Mathis. pioneer. rout a.Kfirm twuhmo iirvks A poem, "A Tribute to Ruben BUT Collett, I SUCH AS BUTTON written by Bliss Lanes Sego Lily Camp Meet CpVEMNO Mr. And Mrs. Bill Norton AND BUTTONHOUMO. Jones, a niece of the pioneer, was , MAKINO Home After Vacation . Home At Horsley read by Berniece Foote. memwas the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norton, A&tt by Closing song Mrs. LeGrande home bers, and benediction was by was the scene of Horsleys meet- Brigham City, returned to their regular home January 27, after a months 'Ruby Shupe. Refreshments were Lily camp, vacation served by Vera Marble, Mary ing of the Sego Pioneers in California where on of Utah Daughters Jeppson and May Campbell. they visited their daughter and 24. January family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wea 2456 Waahlngion Blvd-, Captain Vera Sederholm pre- therman, Downeyville. To Of Civic Club Hear OGDEN.JJTAH sided over the meeting which While at Downeyville X , . Indian Folklore Thursday was conducted by First Lieuten- were snowed In for 10 days they r and - Brigham Repmentative ant Laura Morris. were the first out of tie snow InMAT j of A delightful program "Come Come, Ye Saints was bound town. Drifts, that oov dian Folklore has been planned the opening song followed by ered houses, cut off light, tele Pbon ni-K,yby the Civic Improvement club prayer by Mrs. Margaret Jensen. phone and water service. fsottction to be presented Thursday after- Roll call showed 19 members They also visited with their MsUm Co. noon, 'January 31, at 4 p, pi. In and four visitors present. Six other daughter and family, Mr. $wig IN lows Him were excused and 16 good cheer and Mrs. C. F. Baughman, of policy the War Memorial home. CieUiiS to machine only Mrs. Ellen (Hendereen , of the visits reported. Minutes of the San Rafael. There they enjoyed through Singer Sowing Con-Io-n Tnterraountain Ihdlan school will last meeting were read, correct- beautiful spring weather. identified by the ion out for the after- ed and approved. They continued on to BakersRod S bode wort on the be guest speaker youngsters window never through noon with;, several Captain Sederholm read and field and from there to Los Anfrom the school presenting In- commented on Bulletin 19 from geles and home. . , dian music. Central camp. Mrs. Harold B. Felt Is program May Jensen was then voted In- Sacrament Meeting Held . chairman:'-"to the camp as an ' applicant . In 6th L.D.S. Ward$up, ? member. A sketch of the life of . Henrji Sacrament, meeting was held 'Herbert Pett was given by Ivy in (he Sixth L.DH. ward chapel Fuller, followed by a duet by with Bishop Richard Hansen in 4 Brent and Martha Horsley, chil- charge, dren of Bishop and Mrs. Le was' the Opening song Grande Horsley. Brent also play- choir, conducted by LottiebyTyson, ed a piano selection, j His num- and accompanied Merle by ber was followed by the lesson, Malmrose. Opening prayer, w85 "Old Prospector," by Mrs.' Me- by Bay Oldroyd. also included lissa Petersen. Sacrament was by the choir the life of Jesse Knight, who as sacrament was taken care of was known as Uncle Jesse to by Wayne Hunsaker and Garth many people and churches that Baird, assisted by the deacons. helped In his life. , Speakers for the evening were I The group then sang Amer-le- t visiting high councilmen, Da; followed by the benedic- vid O. 'Anderson and Edwin is tion by Lillian Secrist. Anderson. Between speakers the A 'delicious luncheon was servchoir rendered a number. , ed by Birdie Hansen, Annie LaClosing song was by the conment, Annie Goodliffe and Me- gregation and concluding praylissa Petersen. er was by Raymond Lewis. .r'-vjjj- s vt Ge-nie- ' WtJS STX' 5 BOX ELDER NEWS BAVARIAN 94 Piece Set Reg. $125; sale only : . $9.97 $99.97 OTHER SETS PRICED TO GO! for all occasions! Enjoyyourself with your friends at the 14th Annual Saturday, February 2 B.E.H.S. Gymnasium, 9:00 P.M. it Queen Coronation 10:30 PJIrA' Refreshments it Admission 50c person |