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Show . c. YAZZIE YARNS News Of Intermountain Indian School , . By Helen B. Hill , ' children learn everyadults (the good from parents and the bad from the neighbors), is the general consensus of opinion. The fol That-- , thing from lowing incident, however, will undoubtedly cause considerable introspection. Last week four girl students were brought to . the hospital clinic toy one of the advisors. Each girl had a seif inflicted scratch neatly drawn and centered down the bridge of her nose. The advisor suggested that a conspicuous bandage be placed on each of the four snozzles thus shaming the- - girls against CLOSED 2L ft FOR ' H w ... but we're closed for remodeling. Sorry folks we'll soon be reopen-e- d j ffVfOn't take long . . . and and ready to serve you those delicious, , . , tempting . , . , ORIENTAL AND AMERICAN DISHES )h tit1'.' ... in newly redecorated quarters. .Watch for our opening announcement. - 3 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 38.152 Clinton Hunsaker, president; Or-vi- n At the meeting it was announced state Young Farmers convention will be held Feb. 8 and 9 in the Newhouse hotel in Salt Lake City and that the B. E. chapter will have five delegates attending. The group meets the first Monday of every month. Anyone interested should contact one of the officers. (Speaker at the Feb. 4 meeting will be Doctor Bateman, pasteur grasses specialist from the Utah State Agricultural college. was CeElected cil Chlarson, Honeyville and Robert Smith, Brigham City was Max elected secretary-treasureBaugh is the new historian-reporter- . r. Area representatives are Willard and Perry, Lowell Lemmon; Brigham City, Jay Kotter; Harper and Honeyville, Max Baugh; Corinne, Pete Singh, and Bear River City, Whitney Checketts. Retiring officers are Thomas In a world of uprooted peoples, there are today between 30 million and 0 million iffu-geepopulation experts ,' estimate. s, Elder high school Monday and Mrs. Douglas Gaxdipe are the proud parents of a nine pound U ounce boy born at the Cooley Memoial hospital, January 23. The big blue bundle is named Edward Douglas and he and his mother are doing fine. until February 6, planning fbr the next summer session. D. BOX ELDER NEY$ of the Burt, vice president; Clair Knud South Box Elder county Young sen, secretary-treasure- r and L. Lemon, reporter and Farmers at a meeting at Box - REMODEUHG V s'. Vj. rtf Clinton Burt, Bear River City, was elected president Mr. Dorothy Ellis, business manaof Indian Service Bummer school, arrived on campus Wedi nesday. Miss Ellis will remain here PAGE NINE Young Farmers Organization Elect New Officers At BEHS Last Monday Evening 4 ger , j Hold Top Posts Nora Grissom entertained at dinner Monday evening in honor of Marlema Dugan. Guests included: (Florence MdClure, Martha Halt, Genevieve Harrington and Wilma Victor. , 4 ii ft any further form of decoration. The nurse on duty complied and the amateur tatooers left the clinic properly embarrassed. Why the scratches were made could not be determined. Possibly a movie depicting the antics of the natives of Africa could have influenced the girls. At least lets blame this one on the neighbors.' D5tfcrCc3IiC;:":f When new drugs or old rail to stop your cough or chest cold dont delay. Creomuls.on contains only safe, helpful, proven ingredients and no narcotics to disturb natures process. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and bed raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money, Creomul sion has stood the test of many millions of users. CREOMUIfSION Mras Ante Coasts, M CsMs. I New Young Farmers Officers to right: Cecil Chlarson, Honeyville, Burt, Bear River City, president ; and Robert Smith, secretary-treasureNot in the picture Is Max Baugh, . . . left Clinton vice-preside- r. , historian and reporter. 1 Visiting Mary Lou Jeff and Mr. Pierson Metoxen, Joy Rhodes, and Mrs. Sidney Sloan are their Betty Lou Scacewater and Art relatives, Velma Jeff, Henry Hansen. of Crown Jeff and Ed Henr . point, New Mexico. ; Mrs. Leo Hess of the Intermediate school and her students Mr. and Mrs. Roland B. Har- enjoyed a pop corn party last ris will entertain at a dessert week. canasta Friday evening, February 1, in honor of Mrs. Russell Joyce Thorson returned to duty Dugan. last week after being on sick Guests will Include: Mr. and leave. Mrs. Russell Dugan, Dr. and Mrs. George A. Boyce, Mr. and Myrtle Arrowsmlth and Mary Mrs. Jim Bordeaux, Mr. and Mrs. eveDavid Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ev- Joyce entertained Sunday erett Renville, Mr. and Mrs. ning at a desert canasta in honGordon Brown, Mr. and Mrs. or of Mrs. Marlema Dugan. Guests Included: Wilma . VicGeorge Lowry, Dorothy Hanlon, Mrs. David Stewart, Dorothy Myrtle Arrowsmfth, Elizabeth tor, GeneOliver, Dorothy Ellis, .Martha Hanlon, Nora Grissom, B. Rusvieve Harrington, Mary Hall, Norma C.' Runyan, Florence McClure, Euphrasia Mit- sell, Elizabeth Oliver, Stella Mrs. chell, Mis. Floreine Walling, Young, Gertrude Giesen, FlorMartha Hall, Lynn Engles, Stella Young, Mr. and .Mrs. ence McClure " and' Charlotte Mangseth. - . m i..i .I t f has joined the hospital staff on a temporary appointment to assist witfi Mrs. Delbert Glbby the Increasing number of chicken pox casesVnd the continued incidence of influenza, ff V , - V it ri - f Mrs. Heinz R.Klahm recently underwent a tonsillectomy open atlon. . , ' jsjj '' i s, T ; ,T , The January party of the Employees asociation was held on , Friday evemn! in Building 91. - . - - - - i . No, - Touted N. Stake Seo this Hev M Quintets Meet InCasaba Play BIG-VAL- EAQY Spituixizv UE hi , L .AM ' r Automatic Spin -- rinse Water Filter- Built-i- n The highly contested first place in North Box Elder stake basketball will, go on the block tonight when the two undefeated squads, Fourth ward and Honeyville, pair off. Both teams have a record for the season to date and will toss all the talent available Into the fray. The public is invited to attend the event free of charge.' Other games' include Eighth ward vs. Seventh, Third vs. Co rinne .and Bear River takes a by in the league. Earlier In the evening the same wards will play In Junior league, only with Bear River playing Harper instead of taking a bye. . . -, Handy Swing Faucets n You esne best this new EASY for value! Now with' "Cleanflow" Water Filter EASY gives whitest e brightest washes ever. Amazing Automatic double-rinse- s clothes cleaner in Mortals from basket. You s fust turn spinning tap! Handy Swing Faucets save suds, rinse, fill and empty washer all at the flick of s finger. Does a week's wash in less than one hour. EASY TUGS built-i- 4-- 0 n Spin-rins- 1599S Coal And Appliance -- 4i . new wifh Phone One 68 North Main . t i i y At , b i n g o ' Lorenzo Following Smith and his group of student dancers and singers presented the following authentic Indian dances) Navajo Yeibeohai, Arrow dance, th Hoop dance, and the Feather dance. ) Boys who participated were: Leonard A. Begay, John H.r (Begay, Rich Delford L, ard 3. Jackson, Smith, Jonah Cleveland, Bennie McDonald, Henry H. Begay, Ben nie Joe, Albert Rosenberg, . Da vid Chlssie, Johnny Dlneyazhe, Kee Tsosie . Black rock, Billie Yazzie Williams and Dan Nez. Frizes for the . zaniest and best costumes were awarded to Mrs. George A. Boyce, George T. and Brooks, Bill Higginbotham your correspondent. There was dancing, ballroom followed by square dancing, un der the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kay. The Kays have promised to be at the recreation hall next Friday to instruct any one interested in square danc -- ing. The party was a real success. gay and congenial crowd was present. Those who served on the plan at ning committee or assisted the party were: Bill Higginbot ham, Dr. Raymond Teal, Char les Sonntag, Clarence Hill, Lu ther Morris, Terrence Reid, Anna Max Be IBecenti, Lewis Fish, crist, 'Mrs. Lettie Christofersen and Phillip Gover. A Sodom-- Bydre-hati- e Sedan. Below, Oldtmobile Simper m8(T Super Drioo Above, Oldsmobile Ninety-Eigmnd GM HydrouUe Steering optional at extra oo$t. Equipment, aoomeerim and trim iuhject to ehange teithout notion. ,;SS TYPE CAN TALK! WE MUST ... LIMIT 6 SORRY KNIVES TO A CUSTOMER - i. ' i When skillfully handled, ( type can express any feeling you wish to put j forth. We give careful consideration to every job in our shop to guar antee this. .. , 1 J 1 NEW SUTER WTOW-IUTI- DRIVE! Drive adds a Now Hydra-Matnew range Super Range for new super performance-thrilli- ng action in any driving situation! KW GM HYDRAULIC STEERUt6l NEW OLDSMOHLFS ROCKET"! This newest development in With 25 more horsepower power assisted steering new Quadri Jet Carburetor valves now takes out the effort, leaves new high-lif- t in the feel of t(fe wheel! more thrilling than ever! 1932' OIDSMOIILIS ,i TWO 418 TO SERVE LOCATIONS FIRESTONE South Main STORE Phone 163 YOU BETTER , s , TEXACO SERVICE STATION Phone 157 43 North Main , L Of, ' IIt Engine OUsmobilee emr talOt NinetyJZigjhtet triumph of fine-cdesign a Classic! Below, the sensational new action-sta- r Oldsmobiles Super 88 for 1952! Both bring you the 160 horsepower "Rocket"! Both feature Oldsmobiles new Hydra-Mali- c Super Drive with its thrilling new Super Rang for spectacular action! Both offer new GM Hydraulic Steerend an even smoother "Rocket Ride"! And, in thin ing Oldsmobilo achieves a new magnificent new Ninety-Figh- t, r design. A sweeping new "long look outside! high in interiors the finest youve ever New "Custom-Lounge- " seen! These brilliant new "Rocket" Oldsmobilef for 1952 are now on special display in our showroom! See them todsyl Jtfeef the most powerful "Forhrt At top, the V f , i -- -- NOW ON DISPLAY AT fine-ca- THI FOLLOWING ', w Central Chevrolet Co. ar 18 DEALERS'.'.. tw - R North Main Si. |