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Show a T" y Arbons To Hold Opening Friday ,r 5 "i Best Of Luck TRUCK on the occasion of the reopening of his place of business in Brigham City. REMEMBER ARBON'S... as one of the places you can ft i ' get; delicious, wholesome $. ; - PARAMOUNT ICE I ' t DAIRY . . .to Harold Arbon on the opening of his fine new building. Were proud to have served him with the installation of the plumbing and heating in LARSEN BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Phone 292 467 South Main J f P 4 n VERN PETERSEN 117 East 2nd South Pfcee 623 ' , ; 1 x Grand Arbon's Meet ns Monday At IAS. Regular meeting of the Brigclub was held ham City Monday at the Indian school employees cafeteria at 7:30 p. m. 20-3- 0 . . . on the reopening of his business at the corner of Fifth South and Main. . Were proud to have played a part in this fine new building with the installation of the ROOFING METAL WORK I AIR COOLER r ' yv FRIDAY, FEBRUARY President Dale Baron presided. In honor of their birthdays Ben Andersen was toasted by DuWain Jacobsen and Bob Call was toasted by Bob Brown. , Chairman Bob Beard and com' mittee congratulated the mem bers for the excellent part they spon played In the sored Chuckwagon dinner. It was announced that approximately $2300 was earned for the Box Elder polio chapter. The group decided to challenge the Klwanis club to a basketball game Thursday. Leon Goodliffe was named chairman of the Safety Sally committee and Nick Topik was named chairman of the Junior police. The application for membership of Dale Becker was read before the membership. HEATING SHEET METAL ROOFING ' 48 North Main Phone 25 ruary 1st. just to see our new store and fixtures. You'll find STOP i IN AND PROUD) ... to have been ... on your to visit our invitation Harold on his opening day . . . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ... and" wish him every 1st on this success ... a delicious MALT ... for a quick, testy, satisfying lunch! fine . new building and improvement. Merrells Incor- Ipaxaniouiit porated wish you every success. DAIRY PRODUCTS We handle a complete line of PARAMOUNT DAIRY Products Were pleased to have had the opportunity of KILK... serving you in your new location with mill , work from our wood occasion. TRY ARBONS DELUXE HAMBURGER HAROLD..; Main, and add a hearty wel- In our new store too, you'll find g complete line of notions end sundries, in addition to good food, drinks and frozen with at the corner of Fith South and I come. WE ARE selected as the general contractors on the new Arbon building, - i WISHES, located , Stop in for lunch, a quick snack, your favorite beverages . . . cr BEST t Isfe, We welcome our old customers . . and invite new friends , . . to visit our new store on our REOPEN I NG DAY i . . Friday, Feb- SEASHORES 1 f Were proud to have been called Into do the electrical wiring and furnish the light fixtures on this new building. A1' Or, Carlton Culms ee, U.SA. dean of arts and sciences, - resigned as chapter representative to the state organization because he' has been elected state vice president. He was succeeded by IDr. Wendell M. Keck cf the college English departx ment. 20-30ia- AOEMDMS o i ' , f SUCCESS ' " Harold, on the occasion of the reopening i of your popular confectionery. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend, this new structure. tv 0 Of Writers League BEST WISHES i f ''V BUILDING DEMOLISHED . i CONGRATULATIONS..; Wins Proxy Post CREAM AND PRODUCTS. . V '..4.v vi the sheet metal mill; Andersen Glass and Paint NEW STRUCTURE-REPLACE- S and Installed the air condition-in- s company Installed the plate glass; flora were laid by Bob unit. Beard, and Leon Goodliffe furLarsen Brothers were called in nished the cabinet work. to do the plumbing end heating installations and Vern Petersen PAGE SEVEN Offer Free Gifts To ture erected on the same loca- was the electrical contractor on BOX ELDER NEWS the new structure, , tion. Ladies Visiting New the Harold Arbon, Brigham City, Utah Operated by Merrells, Inc. built the new Store Opening Day popular establishment will opert counter In their wood working Wednesday, January 30. 1952 in larger quarters, offering . exArbons Lunch, closed since services. Peach Days when a truck de- panded The building Itself has a wimolished the former building located at the comer of Fifth der frontage allowing more room CONGRATULATIONS... south and Main street, will re- and the full, basement will pro. open Friday morning, February vide adequate storage space.! in sandwiches Specializing 1, in a fine new modern at rue- and light lunches, ice cream and Harold, on your fine new building and store, We beverages, a full line of notions and sundries has been ; added. wish you every success. The firm will continue as a Paramount milk and dairy products Were proud to have been selected to do the cabioutlet. ..... j A free gift will be offered to net work in your new Btore. all the ladies visiting the newly -Prof. John J. Stewart of the reopened business , eStUblishment on Utah State Agricultural college opening day, Friday, .MM Journalism division has been i Aiding in the construction of elected president of the Logan the new building were Albert LEON GOODLIFFE Stoner and Frank Larsen who chapter of the League of Utah served as general contractors, Writers. He is the son of Mr. and concrete 11 West First North Phone 1114 Mrs. (Robert Stewart, Brigham doing thg excavation, construction work. and City. (He succeeds Dr. M. L and local roofing Seashores, Nielsen, of the U.S.A.C. modern language department. Prof. sheet metal firm, installed the Stewart has served as secretary-treasure- r t for a year. of (Prof. Stanley P. 'Andersen the college. English department is the vice president, succeeding Mrs. Veneta L. Nielsen, U.S.A.C. instructor In English. Mrs. Edith ' Morgan Is the new 1 roof, furnished to HAROLD ARBON i n working mill including COTTAGE CHEESE... CQEAL1... DOTTED... ! ICE CHEAT.!..: CHOCOLATE T.'M.. BEST WISHES HAROLD ;:) i A"!.. from . . . i ALBERT STONER I i Thone 901-- J FRANK LARSEN Phone 289-- J : ) MERRELLS t f ? INCORPORATED j f Walk A Block 32 j LUNCH COUTH r.lAi:i II and Save CONFECTIONERY - 1 4 I - |