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Show the prime animal Mayor Lorenzo' Bott won J in his sleep. The mayor had filled his belly with pancakes and the trimmins, visited the dance and then gone home. When his ticket was drawn he was sawing logs. t Just About AwfUutuj By Bob semi-truc- , , I was only doing 50. The roads looked safe; a little wet and slushy, but good and "Modern Miracles," for he had a method of paying the national debt worked out. With cheap atomc energy collodial metals (gold, silver, etc.) can easily be extracted from ocean water. So," he said, why not put up a good distillery on the edge of the ocean and let it produce bullion until the national debt is paid. It was like stepping out of an airplane the runway before you had landed when the rear end of the auto decided to race the onto front end to Bear River City. The two ends were nip and tuck in the race down the middle of the highway. And I was having a delightful time just like the horse races until this 30 ton monster rounded the bend, of the taking an unreasonable one-ha- lf To that Brigham Young would no doubt mention that you cant eat gold. What a splatter, was . I had just reviewed th? fourth year and was in the fifth year of my life when my precious auto made a spring for the burrow-pi- t and made ... This column was right on the beam a precouple of weeks ago when it half-wa- y dicted that a couple of inmates of the county jail would try to escape, and flop in the try. . The semi thundered by like ; s. ; a pair of The pair mysteriously accumulated the tools to scalp Sheriff Warren Hyde when he brought their dinner into them. Hyde got wind of the deal and settled it in short order. Thanks to a mighty considerate bunch of fellows, Ed Sylvester, Vera, Oyler, Doctor Poulsen and Mr. Johnson, I suppose Id still be ip that burrow pit, ' They must have a bunch of screwy students in Egypt, Iran and other Near East countries. Seems that they are always leading the riots, incoking a riot or causing some kind of trouble. For they dont show much stability. They should be turned over somebodys knee and spanked. . Everybody concerned was happy with the March of Dimes dance last Saturday, except the 2,000 plus ticket holders who didnt win the steer. You know, of course, big hearted GIRL SCOUTSf i UNDER i 5 G. S. Leader . 24 east, Organize The organization of the Girl Scout Leaders association of Brigham CHy was affected last Wednesday afternoon, January 23, at the home of Mrs. Richard , Alston. Executive directors of the Weber Girl Scout Council, Mrs. Juanita Oviatt and Miss Battoara Maya, were present, .The spring program was planned and discussed. Mrs. Man-leBidlack was named as temporary chairman of the group. Girl Scout leaders at the Indian School will be Invited to become members of the association. Flans were then made for fhe annual cookie sale in March. The sale .will be held near March 12, Girl Scout birthday. Ladies attending the meeting were: Mrs. Steve Wednesday Andersen, Mrs, Wade Ebeling, Mrs. Manley Bidlack, Mrs. M. J, Markham and Mrs. iL. R. Hess. An Editorial within a mere 25 years. 'It must not happen! It will not happen if' every citizen, as a matter of sheer necdoes essity for his or her part promptly, consistently and courageously. Let s us demand that our give us laws with teeth that will stop the speeding, drunken, reckless drivers. Let us demand that our police departments enforce the law sternly and impartially and give them enough men to do the job. Let us tell our judges that we will no longer tolerate wrist sentences when prison or at least permanent revocation of all motoring privileges, including ownership of a car, should be the penalty. Finally, let us look squarely at our own selves and grimly say: law-maker- "slap-on-the- -, the wheel. Of this you may be BOYS AND IITil In Brigham City; Sessions Planned The annual Agricultural Trains cialists from the agricultural sponsored cooperatively by the Union Pacific railroad and the college in attendance at these Extension service is due In Box meetings to help any problems Elder county February 7, at that you might have, Russell R. " Keetch, extension sheep specialBrigham City. ist, and Morris Taylor, extenThe first three sessions start- sion livestock marketing speing at 9:00 a. m. will toe for jun- cialist. iors of the vocational agriculThe subjects, which will be ture department. ' discussed are: Preventing Loss in Market Livestock; (2) SupThere will be two sessions in the afternoon for the general plemental 'Feeds for Wintering Cattle and Sheep, and (3) Feed public. The first one begins at Lot and Farm Feeding of 1 oclock going until 2:30 and the second one beginning at 2:30 and going until 4 oclock. Fans Get Service BOSTON (UP) 'Believed The theme of the meetings the will be "livestock Production first of its kind in the east, a and Loss Prevention. In addi- drive-iticket office has been tion to showing new films, Cat- set up by Boston University for tle Country and "Western the convenience of- - football there will be two spe fans. Sheep, sure unless we PAGE TWO. BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, January 30. .'OaybaueCnSSiLhZr Robt. M. Crompton Managing Editor Gladys Johnson, Advertising Manager Published every Wadnesday at Brigham City, Utah, and entered aa Ssoond Class Mail Mattar at the poet office in Brig, ham City Utah, under the act of March I 1879. $S 00. LEAGUE GIRLS Don Campbell and son Steve NOVELTY JUGGLERS BALLET and TAP DANCING THURSDAY FOLK DANCES TRAMPOLINE ACT from U. S. A. C. DOX ELDER CONCESSIONS CLOWNS HOT DOGS HAMBURGERS ICE CREAM POP .N ADMISSION: Adults 60c f ft Bluebell Troop Members of the Bluebell Girl Scout Troop No 2 enjoyed a sleigh riding party recently followed by the color ceremony at th home of Mrs. Bert Reeve. They also planned scrapbooks for children confined to hospitals. Light refreshments were served. , Leaders of fhe Bluebell Troop 5 are Mrs. Richard Alston and Mrs. Bert Reeve. mimAa ANNE FREDRICKSON as SUSAN DRIVE IN AND SAVE! HUSKY SERVICE "Hi usky Gets 403 No. Main Tou There" Fh. 125-- J High School Auditorium EVE Betsy Erwin Martha Willard Henry Quinn .... Officer Simmons DIRECTED BY JOYCE J. it Tonight Diane Burk Keith Merrill Maurine Rigby Mrs. Clover Mr, Clover Lucybelle Lee Jerry Wilde Preston Hughes THORUM And Tomorrow Night 99 "v 'V o it 8 P.M. it 7-- 8 Students 30c (Tax included) PRESENTS OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CAST FRIDAY 6:30 P.M. GYM 9 THREE ACT COMEDY -- FEBRUARY BANDS BOX ELDER HIGH SCHOOL Colleen Farmer Dixie Gorden Ross Dredge Glade Hunsaker . ANNUAL OF v 1952 established in A weekly newspaper 1696 published at Bngharo City Utah. ' y grt the pddt Bwhe-- d m." Some folks are like that . . . but others take good advice and check on their battery BEFORE it happens. Check that battery right away . . tough, EVERYONE! n M(J write talk tough, get tough and stay tough, an awful lot of us are due for a mighty brief and not at all sweet life. We will atop horror on the highway now it will stop us any minute. Member United Prese, Audit Bureau of Circulation, Utah State Prase Association. National Editorial Association. Representative t National Advertising Advertising Srvjr. too! Yes, you Subscription tats in Box Eldar counSure, this is tough language! ty $2.25 per year payable in advance; In combination with the Box Elder But it is mild compared to getJournal Fridays) $4.00 to death or per year; (published $2.00 for 6 months! single ting splattered 9 cents. Outside Box Elder counmaimed for life by some fool at copy$3.00 per year; combination mtt ty Union Pacific Agricultural Train Due 'V TREFOIL ..- I- . . d - THE SPEECH DEPARTMENT THE i. Vehicle Smashed Everton Mattress Co. First south, Monday at 10:45 a. m. Driver of the vericle Mrs. A, Wiss reported it was the only slick spot she had hit this side of Grace, Idaho, point of departure. She was traveling West on the highway entering town from Mantua when she lost control. No serious Doc Luther Gable had his Knife and Fork dinner talk well labeled when he called it solid. 'The Ink Is hardly dry on the announcement that "Victim X 1a dead. Hardly dry, either, are the tears of his or her saddened family, for "Victim X was the unknown man, woman or child who recently became a shocking national symbol of hideous recklessness on our countrys streets and highways. Bad enough Is the realization that In the 176 years of our nations life a million sons had to die gallantly in battle to preserve the freedom and privileges we so rightly cherish. Far worse and strictly dishonorable Is the appalling announcement that In only a third of that time we have permitted another million citizens to be battered and crushed to death in traffic accidents, needlessly and many times criminally. But frightful to 'the point of reeling unbelief is, the cold knowledge that at the present rate we are speeding to a second million such victims widely-publishe- Farrell Jensen, chairman of the dance, was melancholy the day after the affair. After feeding the steer a couple of weeks he became as fond of it as a pet dog, and hated to think of it ending up on a platter. white-coate- d it. r 4 The mayor, as you also probably know, has turned the steer back to the March of Dimes committee, which will auction it off Thursday for the campaign. head on in my k sedan last Friday and Ive been breathing heavy ever since. Me and my car almost looked like one of those National Safety council ads you know, an ambulance parked next to a pile of crumpled tin and ambulance loose bolts with two of busdrivers carrying off a stretcher-loa- d ' ted bones. I almost met a rnr THE SECOND MILLION I win a lot of drawings, the mayor said, but usually its something like drawing the job of cooking the meals on a camping trip. Crompton egg-she- ll Found Roads Treacherous FREE ADMISSION pr |