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Show Reading Circle Meets At Louie Call Home; Plan Next Meeting L.D.S. Temple Ceremony In Logan Unites Arlene Hailing And Marloe Archibald Jan . 25 The L. D. S. temple in Logan The Reading Circle met Jan- on January 25 was the scene of the wedding ceremony of Miss uary 10, at the home of Louie Ailene Hailing, daughter of Mr. Call, Lela Griffiths reviewed and Mrs. Wilford Hailing of the story, The Pattern," by Ra- Mantua chael McKenzie. The next meet- son of and Marloe Archibald, William S. Archibald of ing will be beld Wednesday, Jan. 30, at the home of Margaret Welisville. President El Ray Christiansen Johnson. Louie Call will give performed the ceremony in the the book review. presence of close friends and - relatives. Friday evening in the Mantua ward a wedding reception was held in honor of the young couple. The wedding party stood (SajpafioH fore a double tied "ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI" THOR.-FRI.-SA- T. FEATURES ON 2 GREAT ONE PROGRAM! Feature No. king OFOutfautf! . 1 with a white satin bride who called during the evening in a heavy satin wedding gown featuring sweetheart neckline; with wide lace trim, fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves with buttons at wrists and full gathered skirt with two rows of lace trim. He veil was brides illusion with lace crowd accented with tiny flowers. Her bouquet was of pink roses and yellow chrysanan orthemums surrounding chid Her only jewelry was pearl earrings and two strand pearl choker. Bridesmaids were Miss Maxine Jensen and Mrs Glen Archibald. Miss Jensen was In .pink in satin, and Mrs. Archibald lavender taffeta. Miss Joan Hailing as maid of honor wore blue green satin and net. All carried matching yellow and blue noseribbons and . bells. The greeted the many guests rv Tut PtrrtjnES" LAST TIME TONIGHT PTCtr be- seven-tiere- PRINCE OF hwisl literary evening is being sponsored by the Utah Epsilon field. Hansen is director of the Cumorah pageant In Palmyra, New York, since It was started. An annual Beta Sigma Phi affair, the evening is open to the public at no charge. Sacrament Meeting Held In Second Ward Sunday First Ward Primary Hold Teacher Training Meet were refreshments served during the evening by Mrs. Harold Austin, Mrs. Reid Miss Lillis Jeppsen, Clawson, Miss Joyce Jeppsen, Mrs. Bernice Rasmussen, Mrs. Clair Hailing and Mrs. Merrill Hailing. The wedding cake was a beau- - arm Sacrament iA chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, Wednesday, iFen. 6, at 8 p. m., in the First ward chapel. Guest speaker Is Hansen, peech TODAY &THURS. Brigham 'City! Utah Wednesday, January 30, Mrs. Nathan Wheeler Sewing Club Hostess Mrs. Nathan Wheeler was IDr. Rate Agricultural college. sistant will read modem American sistant is ILael J. graduate student or present play. The I 1353 Mrs. Gus Musulas Guest At Pinochle Club Party sew- ing club hostess last Thursday Mrs. Robert Pella was pinochle club hostess Thursday evening, January 24 with Mrs. Cue by Musulas as special guest. Miss Wight A dessert luncheon was servSholen ed and pinochle was the diversion of the evening. Sewing was then enjoyed by Prizes went to Mia. Sid Peterthe group. sen, Mrs. Grant Simper and Mrs, Dainty refreshments were serv Claras Cazler. ed to the following invited Regular members attending guests: Mrs. Sam Gordon, Mrs, were: Mrs. Clarence Burrup, Mna. Dean Richards and Miss Laprlel Gordon Reeves, Mrs. Dale 6e Wight, and regular members: crlst, Mrs. Ben Andersen, Mrs. Mrs. Dean Cheney, Mrs. Wendell Sid Petersen, Mrs. Grant SimKotter, Mrs. Royle Reeves, Mrs per and Mrs. Claras Cazler. Mack Stoddard, Mrs. Otto Jensen, Mrs. J. W. Oldroyd and Mrs The phone number of the Hew , Marcus Smith. and Journal Society editor la 77L Miss Laprlel Wight. Hansen Is director and reviewed Moses by business manager of the Utah Asch. state theater. He with an asa as- a in drama at Woodbury, the U SjA.C. Dr. 'Hill meeting was held in the Second ward last Sunday evening with Bishop C. LeGrande Horsley in charge. Austin Larson, South stake clerk and Raymond Olsen of the high council were forces. PAGE THREE EOX LuJLR NEWS Harold her home. associate professor of evening atfeature of evenings Special and drama at the Utah activities was a book Teview Dr. $ Teacher Training meeting for and teachers of the First ward Primary was held Monday evening, January 28, at the home of Mrs. Leone Cazler. Hostesses for the evening, along with Mrs. Cazler, were Mrs. Rose Hust and Mrs. Rula Jeppsen. The meeting was presided over toy Mrs. Phyllis Owen and conducted by Mrs. Jean Packer. Opening prayer was offered by Mrs. June Gordon. "Prayer and "The Worth of an Individual were the lessons given toy Miss Nonma Jensen. A special welcome was extended to Mrs. Orphia Campbell who has assumed a teaching responsibility in the First ward Primary organization. Closing prayer was offered by Mrs Elva Payne. Delicious refreshments were then served to 16 members presof! leers visitors. The 'organ prelude 1was by Renie H. Littlewood. After opening song by the con gregation invocation was by Horace Littlewood. While sadrament was being prepared the congregation sang. Alven Hendrickson and ElWynn Olsen were in charge of sacra" gays. ment assisted by the deacons. Mrs. Hailing wore a wine afBishop Horsley read a letter ternoon gown Her flowers were from Russell Rasmussen who is gardenias and carnations. in the army and com Richard Hansen was best man serving mented on letters from boys who All men in yie wedding party are serving with the armed wore boutonnieres Dainty wimxi Annual Beta Sigma Phi Literary Evening , i.i fcatuie Lr. Harold I. Hansen .. tiful two tiered affair decorated in pink and silver topped with miniature bride and groom. Chester Rasmussen as master of ceremonies announced., the following program during the evening: Miss Lillis Jeppsen played a violin selection; Gerald Jensen sang a solo; Mrs. Glen Stoker, vocal. solo; Hal and Janet Rasmussen, saxophone and piano duet; Joan and Brackman, accordion vocal duet by Marva and Charlene Johnson. k Following a 6hprt honeymoon the young couple are .making their home in Clearfield.' The bride has been employed at the Mountain States Telephone company In Brigham City for the past 15 months. The bridegroom is employed at Hill Miss Jean Austin and Miss Shirley Rasmussen, in matching pink form a Is, wer! flower girls Miss Janet Rasmus&en and Ruby Archibald were gift bearers. Those in charge of gifts were Miss Marva Johnson, Miss Renee Larsen and Miss Wilma Larsen. CO-HI- T Now At Home In Clearjield Mr. and Mrs. Marloe Archibald ... are now making their home , in Clearfield following Esther Anderson was released temple ceremonies performed January 25. Mrs. Archibald is the former Arlene Hailing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. as worker in Primafy and Pru dence W. Sheridan was sustainWilford Hailing of Mantua. The groom is a son of Wilent. ed. Oliver Dunn was released as liam S. Archibald of Welisville. I Y.M.M A, in Explorer leader Card of Thanks Little Helper and Earl Valentine and Gas Ka Beehive Camp Meet At Mama's DU QUOIN, 111. (UP) ponitz were sustained as leaders. To those who by their acts of Patricia Jackson was Austin Larsen gave a talk. Home Of Ivy Fuller expressed their sympaCleo Ann Larsen rendered a piano picked by chance from among kindness thy and friendship at the time selection and Raymond Olsen Regular monthly meeting of 24 children to draw the second of the death of our beloved the Beehive camp Daughters of award from a hopper containing talked on marriage. was Karen, we wish to exPioneers held Utah daughter, 'some Booster Friday con67,500 After closing song by the Day thanks. We wish heartfelt press at the 25, a kets. drew had ticket She that gregation, benediction was offer- home of January Mrs, Ivy Fuller. Captain been turned In by her mother, especially to thank the ward ed by Ersol Berchtold. Violet Tingey presided with Sec- Mrs. Henry Jackson. bishopric, the Relief society, our friends, and all others who asond Lieutenant Lucy Johnson Fort Brigham Camp Hear conducting. Everyone is Invited to phone sisted in any way. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth theif society items for the News AOount Your Many (Blessings Early Mining Lesson Jeppesen, Corlnne. was the opening song followed andlJournal to 771. iFort Brigham camp Daughters by invocation by Matilda Lilly-whitof Utah Pioneers met Friday eveOur Mountain Home So ning, January 26, at the home of Deai was the next song followMrs. Cleopha Larsen with Cap- ed by Captain Tingey urging all LOOKS tain Nora Farrell presiding and members to register and conSecond. vice, captain, Sarah Mar tact eligible members of to join the camp. She ble, conducting. j the members that dues In the Sweet Bye and Bye1 was the opening song followed were due. She explained that are available by the invocation by Mrs. Kar- lesson leaflets -ma Korth. Tha group then sang along with - new constitution books. Last Night. , Lesson for the evening, .Old Mrs. Flora Walker was speNEW was given toy Mel-vcial guest fox the evening. Eight Prospectors, Whitaker. officers and 17 members were Ivy Fuller then 'read newspresent, seven were excused and AGAIN! 58 good cheer visits reported paper clippings Concerning seta entitled if poem Utah, Following the reading and tling We can make over any piece of old furniture to look approving of December meeting Old Year, and also cited the minutes, a bulletin was read by coincidence of the City of San new again at a saving to you. Well be glad to cafl Captain Nora Farrell from Cen Francisco streamliner which was I stalled on the Donne Pass and tral camp. at 36 in were of your home 4ind show you samples to match your the leswho the was the group Early Mining son given by Mrs. Lila Wright, who lost their lives at Donner interior decorations. A sketoh of the life of Elizabeth PaSs many years ago. Snowball Burt was given by The group present, including 16 members, was notified that t Sarah Marble. MATTRESS CO. Meeting adjourned with the the splendid talk given by Nich24 conEast 1st South G. the at olas The Morgan past group singing Qulting vention Is now available , in t PHONE 27 Party. Refreshments were served by pamphlet form. His talk was enMrs. Cleopha Larsen, Mrs. Atobie titled Our Heritage." A sketch of the life of Nancy Samsel and Mrs. Helen Petersen, Ann Turpin was given by Mrs. Virgie Harding. were (Delicious refreshments then served by Neola Armstrong, Mrs. Ivy Fuller aqd Mrs. Virgie Harding Mary Rose offered the closing Four-year-ol- d i that 6 twice the price 9 look -- Chad-ward JUST w THE "NOT SINCE -- THIRD MAN HAS THE SCREEN r OFFERED US a SUCH AN BMW ! auTtMiH EXCITING j CHASE! ' N T. Nw Daily v t DMA cDGGP" CO-HI- LIKE T Plus SHORTS, CARTOONS and NEWS $ 17.95 buys this fashion print , -- figure-followin- g wrinkle-resistan- long-weari- LAY AWAY NOW FOR SPRING f -- L i - Ladies Aid of the Community Presbyterian church will meet on Wednesday evening (tonight) at 7:30 p. m.s with Mrs Leo J. InHess at the Tntermountain dian school bqlldmg 332, apart Commander ment 4. Mrs. M. 'A. Pohl ft ill lead the I prodevotion 'and a splendid gram has been arranged by Mrs. J. E. Ryan, program chairman I for the evening. 8 Own the newest of the new for 52 1952 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V8 f s grace ...ana in the lowest price field Styled with the swept-bac- k of a new-typ- e jet plane! 952 Studebaker Brilliant 120 h.p. performance without premium fuel! Champion! Advanced V-- 8 engine saves gallon after gallon of gas! A6& cm c&p&y T Top gas s over ycuto&Gcc&fc&ts c&a&t Studebaker Automatic Drive or Overdrive available in all models at extra cost 750 South Main - of the top 4 JOE CARR, Inc. Guest speaker will be Walter (Jaggi who will give a talk concerning the adoption and foster I care of children. Mrs. J. F. Stoller will be co-- j hostess and all ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. I Card Of Thanks We wish to express our heart- felt tharlks to those who by their acts of kindness expressed their sjmpathy and friendship at the time of the Illness and death of lour beloved mother, Elizabeth Larsen Yates. We especially want to thank I the ward bishopric, the Relief society, our friends and all J others who assisted in any way. The Yates Children. I jNod Good Enough ATHOL, Mass. CUP) No one said tI do when Mr. and Mrs. Lem Lewis of Syracuse, N. Y Iwere married here. The bride and groom, both deaf nodded their responses. mutes, r etiateti & Wednesday Meeting UlMntsd. Stale 1 - Ladies ' Aid Slate I giriched - V ' - 5 For perfect fashion that keeps the' tiny price a secret yogi cherish this accessory-lavin- g suit all through tha changing seasons I Prettied with detail an acket and new softer skirt . . . precision-tailore- d by lampl craftsmen of luxurious sheen rayon gabardine or crisp Weatherttx fabric with t, .,.aach a stay fresh personality I Just on from our exciting collection of famous Lampl suiters in glorious haw colors; sizes 10 to IS. - EVERTON prayer. I - aad Iron . J |