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Show ' " t u rf fnivers1 1 Hcrof liming 277 Sixth, Ate. srit-iAcity. 3, i f .uiJanj' 1 'A t - . Jaycees, 20-30ia- ns j . i Were Domestic Type Saturday VOLUME 57, NUMBER 5 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1952 They Don't Mind Winter South B.E. Farm ;r. Bureau Plan Perc Petersen Jn various stages of after the Chuckwagon dinner last Saturday evening. With the help of salesmen of the companies who donated the ingredients, they served over ,1500 people pancakes, eggs, milk, butter, syrup, coffee and pineapple juice. Squads from both clubs helped. Bill Thompson preparing for, or cleaning up Say!!! This Looks Alright The South Box Elder County Farm Bureau annual convention will be held on Feb. 7, at Bear River City, announced A. V. Smoot, president. A powerful of and persuasive champion farm problems, H. A. Praeger, president of the Kansas State Farm Bureau, of Manhattan, Kansas, will talk on agricultural problems as main speaker. During the afternoon farm people are urged to visit the Union Pacific agricultural car which will be in Brigham City, and tallowing this a banquet will be held at the Bear River City amusement hall with the Bear River ward taking charge as a means of adding to their ward building fund. The banquet will be held from 6 p. m. until 8 p. m. Tickets will be available for $1.50 with the organization paying 50 cents on each members ticket. Included on the program to follow are several musical numbers and Miss Marilyn (Bunny) Reese, Miss Utah of 1952, Will give one of her dramatic readings. John Schenk of Logan, Utah State Farm Bureau Federation president and Frank Shelley, Farm Bureau executive secretary of Salt Lake City are expected to attend. "All interested residents of Box Elder county are invited to attend this most interesting and instructive event," said Mr. Smoot. The interests of agriis culture and farm families most vital to the security of our nation, and Mr. Praeger is well qualified to discuss the many problems which confront us in this field. New Nominees For Snow Queen Told PRESS UNITES IN Mr ATTACK-O- N USELESS HIGHWAY SLAUGHTER era Convention Feb. 7 12 PAGES Save 10,000 Lives And Prevent 250,000;-' Injuries 1$ Goal OF 8,000 U. S. Newspapers The saving of 10,000 lives! and prevention of at least 250,000 injuries this year is the goal of - more than 8,000 newspapers throughout the United States that have joined in a campaign to halt the - mounting horror of motor vehicle accidents on Americas streets and highways. Confronted by a staggering to- Will Serve Church ta) of more than 1,000,000 traf coast-to-coa- st . fic dead, with 35,000,000 other men, women and children injured. many of them crippled for life, in a mere 52 years of reckless motoring, the press of the nation has adopted a common pogram to attack this annual national calamity r on three t fronts: , t a.. Intensive education of driv, ers, , , . 2. Intensive education of , - pe- destrians. 3. Intensive Insistence upon strlck enforcement of traffic k laws. ' . . Assisting this and the other newspapers In presenting the facts about traffic accidents, and how they can be prevented will be the famed accident pr6 vention department of the As sociation of Casualty and Sure ty companies, which first intro duced safe driver education to the high schools, wrote and published the first textbook on that subject, and maintains staffs of safety specialists in New York, Chicago apd San Francisco to ; study constantly the trends 2nd . needs of traffic conditions on a countrywide basis. IReduclng tafflc fatalities by . 10.000 and personal injuries by 250.000 this year is a real possi-- : bility,, said Thomas N. Boate,. acting manager of that nation-ally recognized safety organiza- -, tion. It will take the full and united cooperation of the press, . of state and municipal officials, of safety organizations,, and toj the people, ,We can COUut on the first .three. i The public, which has most at gtake, is the unknown quantity. If they read and, heed,' this, campaign will be a success;; vlL.thexJkmt .It .will 1 6 Candidates For Snow Queen , V .J. . left to right: Colleen Hansen, Donna Compton ' and Renee Melntire who will vie for the right, to reign over the Snow Carnival planned Saturday at the Box Elder high ' school gym. Floyd G. Carter . testimonial planned ' Floyd G. Carter; t CHUCKWAGON DINNER, DANCE, Rated t, - ToFiliMission highly successful t . - , - Floyd G. Carter, Corinne, has accepted a call to labor as a missionary for the LD.S. church in the Central Atlantic states mission field, comprising the states of North Carolina, .Virginia and part of West Virginia. ago Mr. Carter was released after serving more than eight years as ward clerk of the Corinne ward, j A testimonial honoring Mr. Carter will be held February 3, at 7:30 p. m. In the Corinne ward chapel. All of his friends are cordially Invited to attend. , Mayor Bott Wins The Steer And Immediately Names of the following young ,5 girls 'have been received as nomPledges It For Sale Thursday For Polio inees for Snow Queen: IMlss BarM Mayor Lorenzo J. Botts good fortune turned out, actual-th- e bara Larsen, . daughter of Mr. good fortune of the; Box Elder-- 1 children who and Mrs. Elnar J. (Lars erf of will and have contract Infantile Paralysis. Brigham City; Miss Marilyn The mayor was holding the lucky ticket for the 500 Hewlett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hewlett of Co- pound steer at the highly successful Polio Chuckwagon dinrinne; Miss Donna Compton, ned and dance la&t Saturday evening at Box Elder high -- Two-weeks fail.-- . That should be a terrifying , prospect to. every man, woman and child in the country when Mr. and Mrs. Keht Jensen f. . . move in on their generous helpings of pancakes and the works.' .The dinner was you remember that, if the toll of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- school. When informed of his good fortune Bott said: I keeps increasing at its present Both events were declared daughter followed by the Chuckwagon dance in the BE IIS gymnasium. hew Compton of Brigham City; rate, it will not be long before do steer off and feel if could the auctioned the greatest good Miss Mary Lou Burrows, daughjvery successful by everyone concerned. every person in the country ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bur- the money turned over to the Box Elder Polio chapter. must steel himself or herself to I rows of (Brigham City; Miss Jo- Steer To Be Sold Down The Serving Line the fact that sooneror later they anna Forsgren, daughter of Mr. The To Bid will be hit by an automobile-- hit well-feOf Proceeds Half steer, husky, and Mrs. Ralph Forsgren of Co- which was oroginally donated hard enough to be either inWill Go To rinne; (Miss Berdine Peters, for the March of Dimes by Dejured or killed. St has been 20 HT daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron lbert and Parley Holmgren of years since we had less than March Of Dimes T. Peters of Brigham City; Miss Bear River 1,000,000 persons Injured In trafCity, will go on the Leota Hunsaker, daughter of Mr. block at the corner of Forest and fic accidents In any one year. It To wind up the 1952 March If Box Elder Eagle aerie 2919 and Mrs. Ursel M. Hunsaker of Main, Brigham City, Thursday of Dimes, Mark Nielsen, took us 52 years to pile up only it 1952 has their way about the the horrible toll of 1,000,000 trafHoneyville; Miss Marilyn Wood, (tomorrow), at 4 p. m. Everytheatof the Roxy The the annual of meeting state convention of the Frater- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. F. one Is Invited to bid and all proer, is donating over 50 percent Box Elder Wildlife federation fic dead, but the second million nal Order of Eagles will be held Wood of Brigham City, and Miss in half that 1952 March for the shows will be held (Wednesday, to the ceeds will of the u go proceeds Jan may well be reached in Brigham City. Roberta Young, daughter of Mr of Dimes and eventually to heal time, at the rate we are going. and Wednesday (tonight) 8 to at 30, m., p. uary according Thayne Moyes of youngsters stricken with the dipoint toward At their regular meeting on and Mrs. Thursday, according to Perc (June Anderson, It the'(As a starting president. City. of far fewer accidents, sease. goal Petersen. will be ihome Monday evening the members Brigham in at the Eagles Mrs. Lee Andersen, queens what Is needed most is immevoted for the board of directors A squad of and JayThe pictures axe "Four In A the bank building. diate state and local ' action to prepare a bid for the conven- committee chairman, announced cees, with the help of represenof and "The Tales Robin Jeep" are Principal business at the meet against moron drivers and untoday that nominations tion to be submitted to the state closed. of companies Hood." tatives donating A complete list of all ing will be election of new offiofficers. the food, served approximately "If you can attend either of cers and a report from the pres- safe driving habits of normal candidates will be published on 1500 Americans who now kill more people, according to Perc these nights we will be grateident and directors of the federa- than 100 people every day, or In their current membership Friday. and to commenful Petersen chairman, Petersen, you." city tion. die themselves in the accidents Tiny flower girls selected to campaign the even numbered Jensen, dance chairman ted. are in the lead and the odd team assist in the ceremonies Satur- Farral It is planned to have a repre- they cause while violating traf1000 About of the dimes drive. V is slipping behind. Winners of day evening, February 2, at 9 p. sentative of the game depart- fic laws. Last year more than ment present to speak to the 1,200,000 persons were injured by the campaign will be treated to m. at Box Elder high school people attended the dance. steak dinners by the losers and gymnasium are Amy Rasmus- Beat Rivet City Led The vast majorgroup. j automobiles. . Will the losers will eat a spaghetti sen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. (Appropriately Bear River City, A dutch luncheon will be ity of these accidents were causHoward Rasmussen, and Nancy the town struck hardest with dinner without silverware. ed by carelessness, a great many served. Moyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. polio in 1931, had the highest by calloused indifference to Arnel Moyes. Little Charley per capta donation through purO. Dee Lund And Dr. Dean Bunderson traffic laws, , Obviously, fullest Call Of Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. chase of tickets. City chairman Meeting law observance and enforcement . . . wait for their pancakes at the dinner. Three griddles Holstein-Friesia- n Bull in $446 Mack Young, will perform crown Roy Braegger turned on the highways should become Elk roast and all the trim but it were kept hot for three hours. There was a line-u- p, Inspection R. B. C. bearer duties. raised in through the mirfgs will be on the menu at the Immediate objective of all moved swiftly. Changes Hands In B fE. The lucky Miss who will reign sale of tickets and about an- the Eighth ward Station states and cities. dinner, to be Operators as queen of the 14th annual other $30 in small coins. held Friday evening at the ward The newspapers 1962 traffic 'Leon D. Gardner, Deweyville, Snow A meeting of operators of Carnival will be crowned one recreation hall, sponsored by the that -campaign, which has fhe reported Braegger safety a sold Visitor Utah, recently registered Miss (Bunny Reese, Miss Utah man, Brigham Jensen, who had building committee. all qualified official Inspec- full endorsement of all of the Holstein-Friesiabull to Grover by of 1952. tion stations in this area has State press and publishers orexperienced polio in his own Harper, Corinne, Utah. The public is Invited to attend been called February 4, MonVern Hafner and orchestra family last summer had donaganizations, will seek to eduNew Change of ownership for this will furnish music for the eve- ted $150 to the March of Dimes and tickets now are on sale at day, at 7:30 p. m. in the councate both drivers and pedesFrost animal, Leongard Grover, ning. $2.00 per plate, it was announcty courthouse, court rooms by trians in the causes of accidents. Dr. Keith Barnes, Kaysville, by purchasing that many tickets ed. Serving will be from 6 to 8 Supt. Dudler of the Utah high- The No, 1 target will be speedby Many delicious home baked for the dinner-dance- . Gordon Keller, son of Mrs. Em- has been officially recorded' Was the speaker at the noonday the Holstei n iFriesla n Associa- foods are planned to round out and those attending are way patrol, it was learned to- ing drivers, whose violations of Bear River Citys donation oclock session of the Rotary club Tues- ma Keller of Brigham City, was tion of America. asked to bring their own dishes day. carnival activities. Mr. and Mrs. a teach to traffic laws cause half of. the about appointed recently members about the of $3 per family average day. telling The association Issued 1,793 Stanley May and Mr. and Mrs. will Subject of the meeting will automobile .deaths in a .number one of the and silverware. be the founding and meaning of course in Tace relations in the undoubtedly to official inspection. adult education program at the registry and transfer certificates D. D. Billings are in charge of highest in the nation. of, states. x All safety organizaRotary. Following the dinner, a pro- pertain to Utah breeders during 1951. acrefreshments. Sgt. Dan Beckstead will be tions are urging stringent I Heber Sessions of the Rotary University of Wichita. Corinne City and immediate gram will be presented in the to answer any ques- tion against speeders. Another present Gordon Keller, a graduate of WILL BEAT DeMILLE Information committee, acted as ward interest area, too, proved their Eighth chapel. tions regarding the inspection. primary target will be drlflking Featured at the ward dinner in youngsters stricken by polio program chairman, and gave a Box. Elder high school, studied at Sgt. E. Earl Hunsaker will be drivers, who also kill thousands home-madbrief account of his recent trip the University of Utah, where he will be the sale of by donating a in charge of the meeting. of Americans every year and, ofmet bachelor's his with received California he where to degree. Boys $237 through purchase of tickets candy, offering a wide selection ten escape punishment with anin Keller has specialized several clubs while there. and about another $60 through In any quantity desired. fines that ! Earlier on the program, Phil- thropology and archaeology and the school. Marbra Forsgren similar violaE. material Dunn items and Dale Inencourage Promoted on now is his doctors merely necessary the at instructor working Gover, are and Wells lip Joyce to Mr. Boat. for the dance were donated, altermountain Indian School where thesis through the University of Cecil B. DeMilles the Great- Another will be a trampaulin act of the, drive there. In 47th Viking Infantry tions, according most entire the made $2300 was by luncheon Chicago. held, the est Show on Earth will have by Utah State colmeeting Perry Helped The course he will teach deals little over the Box Elder high lege students. Agricultural entertained with three Pawnee town the dance will go Into the Box A small but Camp Rucker, Ala. Dale E, Lee Seely Receive . of nature of race the with Indian songs. history The concessions committee is that donated heavily to the po-i- Elder county Infantile Paraly- Dunn, Brigham City, serving school and Girls Boys league Inter-racisis fund. contacts in the Uni- circus, February 7 and 8, begin- working hard to make that part Guests-a- t the meeting included Chamber of Commerce and with the 47th Viking Infantry New Naval Assignment Omer Call, David Burt, Grant ted States, social and economic ning at 6:30 p. m., judging from of the affair the best in its his- zens purchased $102 of polio Contributing the dinner were division, recently was promoted ! Olsen, Orvis WaTd, Willard and factors in racial conflict and the effort being put into it by tory which has always boasted tickets. DeRoss . Young is city Pillsbury Co., hotcakes; Rocky to corporal. Lee Seely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mountain Milk, butter and milk; Corporal Dunn, son of Mr. and Leland Seely, will leave Friday, chairman of the drive there. Ralph Williams, Kaysville. David varous efforts to reduce racial the committees. pophamburgers, s abtension. In Brigham City, where' the Morning Milk, coffee milk; Held annually by the leagues corn, ice cream, pop, etc. Mrs. James T. Dunn, (Route 2, Feb.. L tar San Diego, .Calif., p. Anderson presided In theBunLumber Jack, syrup; sence of President Hervin to raise money for school proCommittees include Patty and drive was spearheaded by Perc Brigham City, is assigned to where tie will be given a new . . coffee, and Libbys, pine- Headquarters company, 038 inf. assignment. derson. Roof Fire Caused By and Phil Oyler, Petersen, city chairman, and the jects and functions, it will fea- Ronald Smith ture an even dozen hilarious concessions;- - LuAnne Secrist, two young mens clubs, the Jun-io- n apple juice. remiment. His military job is He has been In the navy for NOTICE Chamber o ommerce and The March of Dimes drive operations draftsman. Chimney Sparks Tue. clowns, ballet and tap dances 'Bunny Reese, Leota Hunsaker, the past year anf has been staI Bicycle licenses will be on about 1500 tickets ends Thursday, January 31. a roof under Bette (Larsen, Donald old Lyle Framboise and club, good Chimney sparks caused Hq is continuing training with tioned at Jacksonville, Florida v Bob Crompton, , county the. Viking division which was and Memphis, i Tenn.;' where he kale Monday, February 4, at' the fire on thp home of Charles circus music by- '.the B.E.H.S. Wendeil, foods. were sold to the dance. said The Indian school, with Dale chairman, and 1 feel sure that called into active service in Jan- received his intensive' Instruct Beppsen, Uudy Wight, City hall. All bicycles must be Burt, 37 west .Third north, at band under direction of Wayne Margene licensed on or before 30 days 3:50 p. m.-- yesterday afternon. Johnson, singing acts and many Ann Fredrickson and Cordell Becker, chairman of the drive, a new, record-t-whi- ch is ' most uary), 1951. The 47th, a forme? tion at the technical , training a firecontributed needed this more. the date. this and Nal center at Memphis. volunteer Brigham-CitJoAnneJ way, , Dakota from Nelson, advertising; year will Minnesota-Nortcertainly leading ' HARRY SMITH- ,- men answering the call immeOne feature attraction will - be Anderson, . Julia Rosenbaum, generous $282 towards the March be reached in contributions up- tional Guard division, now 14 Out of 500 who took a series of on completion of all polio Dimes. Chief of Police. diately snuffed the flame. Dam- a juggling act by Bonnie Ney, Val 'Woodland and composed of men from ail sec- of tests.'only five finished. Lee Because most of the necessary Don Campbell and his son Steve. Glendon Hendricks, program tions of the country. Jan 30- - ch was one of them. age was negligible. . Eagles o d For State Meet N Meeting Tonight owner-ma- nager (? Eighth Ward Hold Dinner Friday ! Gordon Keller Explains Job Meaning Of Rotary Takes n And Girls League Plan Annual Circus; Specjal Acts Are Arranged record-breakin- g e to d over-grow- n Nal-ley- Fol-ger- s, i J1-C- 3 - y h , ? |