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Show WS More Powerful Farmers Asked To Give Defense Scrap Metal Owner For A Day Or Two f 1952 Ford Customline Fordor Sedan features a completely new Ford The Coachcraft body with curved windshield and rear window, grille arrangement and body highlights sweeping backward from the extended headlights along the hood and fender to the e taillight sections. Added styling features of ' the " Customline Fordor are the chrome capped rear fender profiles. all-ne- w triple-spinn- one-pie- ce er jet-tub- , 1952 Ford Trucks To Be Shown ; At Andersens Fri. The 1952 Ford Series F-- 6 truck cab and chassis designed for. heavy-dut- y 239 cubic hauling. The itch V--8 or the Six Big engines are avail-- " able1 as the power units for the Series F-- 6 Ford trucks. NEW LONDON, Conn. (UP) radio supply store employe wanted to find out whether rubbing alcohol was inflammable. A Five exclusive truck engines, most powerful In Ford Motor company history, drive the 275 power combinations in the new 1952 Ford truck line, according to L. D. Crusoe vice president and general manager ; of Ford division. , , The new models will be introduced Friday, February 1, at Andersen Ford, Inc. The wide choice of engines, which meet 97 percent of all modern "speed hauling needs, Includes three and two types. ' Horsepower ranges from 101 to 155, and tor que ranges from 185 pounds feet to 284. t t Three of the power units are completely new overhead valve engines, featuring high com pression and low friction. They are the 101 horsepower "Cost Clipper Six, the "Cargo King, V-and the 'Cargo King, V-- 8 8 V-- The other two are more power ful versions of Ford truck engines the and Big Six both types. Mr. Crusoe described the hew truck engines as the most modern in the Indus try. They were developed by Ford engineers over a four-yea- r per iod and have undergone the most grueling tests posible. , In more than 1,500,000 miles of road testing the new engines showed high performance and a fuel saving up to 14 percent. L. W. Smead, general sales manager, said that 'Ford is the only truck manufacturer offer lng a choice both of and V-- engines. Cur five great power units offer improvement and features exclusive with Ford, Mr. Smead said. 'These include aluminum autothermic pistons, halvlubrication, free-tur- n es and the Ford Power Pilot system which gives the most power with the least gasoline consumption." V-- - n 8 Women Marines Get Break to the jet-tub- taillight e sections. Among the 1952 models are three completely new utility passenger vehicles, one for each of the three lines of cars. The Ranch Wagon in ithe Mainline six ! unit, series is a with foody. In the Customline, there is i the Country pasSedan, a four-dooeight senger vehicle with body. In the Crestline is the r Country Squire, another two-doo- UBBBK Al HEATING RE-FL- O dealer , . SEASHORES Main 48 N. Brigham City GO and KEEP GOING j : f y at harvest time f x . - i. '4 j 4 I 'h - -' a .4 4 n 1. A - XU fI- GET OUR fc. Mayor Lorenzo Bolt - 5-ST- 13 J AR COMBINE OVERHAUL Make every minute count during NOl"J the coming harvest time. Get teady to keep your combine going steer he won at the polio Chuckwagon dance last Saturday evening. Mayor Bott immediately turned the steer back to the March of Dimes committee to be auctioned off Thursday at 4 p. m. at the corner of Forest and Main. . . . and Combine Get our Overhaul NOW. Our experienced servicemen will inspect your combine, adjust it and make repairs where needed. Theyll see to it that your combine will come non-sto- Free Lecture on .a Challenging Subject A At CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE AVAILABILITY OF UNLIMITED GOOD by THEODORE WALLACH, OS. ; , air-scoo- one-piec- CERTIFIED Get ready to d triple-spinne- 1 building guns and battleships. R. O. Wilson, committee chairman, said the nations steel mills were particularly interested in scrap metal from farm equipment because It contains iron and steel scrap. Wilson said farmers could make a real contribution to national defense by turning in old plow joints and shares, cultivator shovels and sweeps, discarded batteries,1 and old equipment which has been replaced with modern machinery. high-volum- tow-wid- BOX ELDER NEWS, ! Brigham City. Utah The FRANKFORT, Ky. (UP) 958 January Wednesday, Kentucky agricultural mobilization committee is asking state Everyone is Invited to phone farmers not to keep their scrap their society items for the News I metal down on the farm when and Journal to 771. it can be put to better use in Engines Feature Of 1952 Ford Ford Division of Ford Motor company today announced three completely new lines of Ford passengar cars for 19512. Featuring Coachcraft bodies and more powerful engines, the new models are scheduled to go on display in Ford dealership throughout the nation Friday, February 1, according to Andersen-Ford- , Inc., Brigham City. There are a total of IB models In the three new lines eight in the Mainline series, seven in the Customline series, and three in the Crestline series. Ford Mainline cars are 'for buyers chiefly interested in lowest-cost, dependable transportation," explained L. D. Crusoe, of Ford Motor company and general manager of Ford division. "The Customline models incorporate many and conspecial refinements veniences, and the Crestline series feature three luxurious body styles. These Fords for 1952 in every respect are the finest cars we ever have built, and their advanced styling, engineering and quality features establish e them as the leaders In the field, Mr. Crusoe said. The new models are the reforsult of Fords ward planning program, according to Mr. Crosoe. We are fortunate that our facilities, design and tooling programs were far advanced before the Korean crisis developed, and that we could bring these new models to completion , without Interference with the defense program. In the meantime, we have eagerly sought defense contracts and have taken on all the work the government has re quested. Fords styling identity is pre' e lines of served in the of the the hood and frorrt-ennew cars, centering around a r p grille arrangement. The new cars have e windshields curved and rear windows,- - and their body lines . sweep backward from extended headlights along the hood and higher fender line PAGE TEN j 5-ST- SERVICE 4 OF CHICAGO, ILL Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ' i in Boston, Massachusetts. ' SUNDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 3 AT 2:30 P.M. CHURCH EDIFICE, 352 E. THIRD SOUTH . First Church of Christ, Scientist, Salt Lake City, cordially Invites you to attend this lecture or hear it over radio harvest. , x ? t - ; Make a dale for your COMBINE OVERHAUL today JUST CALL 300 . TRUCK AIID IMPLEMENT CO. BRIGHAM "station t KSL,1160ke. . , through with a faster, better . r, all-ste- r, all-ste- four-doo- model, eight-passeng- with wood trim over the steel side panels. "Ford is the worlds largest builder of V-- engines and has built more than 12,000,000 more than four rimes as many as all other manufacturers combined. Ford Mainline body styles for 1952 are the business coupe, Tudor, Fordor and the new Ranch Wagon. Customline units are the Tudor, Fordor, club coupe and the Country Sedan station wagon. The Crestline cars are the Sunliner, Victoria and Country Squire. , MM W& Bffi 111 , 8 111 THE LOW-PRIC- FIELD E all-met- CHERRY POINT, IN. C. (UP) Women Marines at the Marine Corps air station here perform Old But Hardy all duties the men do except FALL RIVER, ... Mass. (UP) wash dishes. That traditionally Ivan Izmailov, 66, escaped with feminine Job is relegated to the a bruised knee when an automen, with the aid of dishwash- mobile knocked him off his motor 6coeter. ing machines. . j SEE OUR NEW ENTERTAINMENT Stop Vhsol Shimmy! WITH HOLLYWOOD CAST p The big Reduce Tire Wear! 952 b 0Jt-ferfmn- Ford's completely new g overhead valves, b the most modem Six, with V-now Six in the industry. And Ford's field. 110 hp it the most powerful engine in the Fordomatic Drive. 8ofh are available with performance-prove- d " -- s them eft Out-tide- s The 52 Ford gives you riding comfort such at you have never field. With front befort experienced in a car In the springs tailored to the weight of each model longer rear springs and diagonally mounted shock absorbers, Ford's Automatic Ride Control gives you the smoothest, easiest ride of them oH a level ride on straightaways, on even keel on curves. Oot-sh.e- f'WIIATS NSW IN COHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT , them eft? $ end other new Interesting end educational pictures 1P.M. CAPITOL THEATRE ip :i'U) B.F. Goodrich Wheel Balancing 1X3 Foft-- O' PER WHEEL FEB. 6TH. SiSSB IDEM? Phone 548 146 South Main KHD TIRE HEADQUARTERS , i rt i loth the new Ford Mileage Maker Six and the Strato-Sta- r have the exclusive Ford Automatic Power Pilot. This comsystem pletely integrated "go" on "regular" gas. gives you V--8 hfcwCoechcrefb Bodies! ... disFord's new Coachcraft Bodies are longer, stronger tinctive In their modem beauty. They offer new construction which seals out dust, weather and noise. And Ford bos more color and upholstery combinations than any other cor In Its field! tele, Vsihihiy With narrower comer pillars, picture windows oR around ond a rear window thats 48 larger you have vision that adds to your enjoyment ond your safety. " (plus weights) TI qp JIVD f , fyefusis, Power Pilot Ecohomyf Oofritefoes them eft With sudi modem design and engineering features os new Cluteh and Flight-Styl- e Control Panel, new Power-PivBroke Pedals, new Center-PiFueling, and new counterbof-once- d hood and deck Kd, Ford adds up tomore doAort ond cents value than any car in IN price dossl FnntomoHe Otmtrim, whit mdfwntI hrw (V nseni-obt- c) mion on end CnMtmltn Sedan optional at extra eoti. Equipment, acton oonoo and trim wubjost to thanqo without notice. O tO" ns i eft The 52 Ford has tonger wheelbase, wider front tread and greater length. Il't big outside end big inside, with spacious tooting for six and the largest luggage locker of them aft. Have your wheels Scientifically balanced now enjoy smoother, easier save unnecessary wear driving and tear on your car. Stop in today, our wheel balancing service la fast, accurate, low in cost. MEMEILILS, them s v You can pay mora but you canj buy oowor ar bettor 1 nnmnssn's-mm- , 323 South Main Coma in and too it Friday fjca l me. Phone 56 |