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Show ftfttl ii 111 i i ' 'ta 'siPOEfnsraw- If - FOR RtSUlTOff BIViniY O For Sale NEWS ELDER BOX Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 30, USED CARS TOP QUALITY FOR SALE 1948 Kaiser, good condition, S395.00. Must sell immediately. Lee Seely, Ph. FOR SALE Milk cow or cows. Family cows. Good producers. Art WagstatL Perry. J30F-l-pFOR SALE Upright piano. Very good condition. Terms. Phone heater. Good tires. Light blue finish. Quality high, priced low d Phone $695 1941 PONTIAC 8 CYLINDER 0298-J- Streamliner J30-F-l-- p For Profit and Fun CHINCHILLA 10 land, acre dry farm miles south of 640 Snow-vill- e. Write Lloyd E. Poulsen, Route No. 1, Nyssa. Oregon. tionally good car for this low future. .. price For information and guaranteed producers, see or write Ben B. Hains, 2643 Brinker, Ogden. , ; r MOTOR FISHER 17 $395 - A East 2nd South - Ph. 74 , O Service Offered FREE PICK UP and delivery ser vice on your shoo repairs. Ted ' Wood Shoe Rebuilders, phone 0381 HI. Perry. Utah. J2S-M-- autoone matic shot gun: one 12 gauge FOR SALE Sales books, restaudouble barrell shot gun; one rant checks, etc printed with ,8 MM deer rifle, and two Win your firm name, ta little as 4c each. cheaters automatic 22 rifles. delivery, so order early. The Bee Sport shop. 13 west For est. FOR SALE L DAIRY A handy reference guide to Brigham in my home. Ph. , Furnace Cleaning er h Nearly 2000 family Business now open in South Cache County. Must be steady, good character, have car. Many Rawleigh dealers did to $8,000 $12,000 business last year. No cash investment necessary. Write or see Heber Anderson, 88 South 4 West, Brigham City or Rawlelghs d Dept. Street, Denver 2, Colorado. Appliances 39M sedan with economy overdrive, heater, hill and directional lights. hold- D-- l, Very dean-Onl- y $ 3, t 495M BEAUTIFUL 1946 CHEVROLET sedan with radio and heater. Very dean. Only 1415-23r- JOE CARR, Wanted 750 5S9S South Main Inc. Phone 737 V 1 captain or congress chair. Phone 605 or Handicapped woman or housewife to do telephone Possible income soliciting. $200 to $400 per month. Apply l. by writing to Box A, WANTED INulAN News-Journa- - 30-c- Estate Wear ( Paint er Sales Books Checks ' f Supplies North Main. RESTAURANT checks, manifold - - books, salesbooks "of all kinds, tags and tickets.. We can save " you tnoney, Order from the News-Journa- Phone l, Furniture 10ST LINE COMPLETE lUSTOM MADE DRAPES, Furniture Moving FOR LOCAL or distance , long moving of household effects, phone 79-- J few free estimate S. A. May & Son. V Cleaners ' reevesrellableT cleaners Specialize in Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31." Paints And Glass ' Furn. Repair, Rug Clean. COAL FOR Phone WatcJvuleiuely epw, 110. - r,- PALMER JEWELRY "Your Diamond Houw" , O KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS DIAMOND DEAD OR ALIVE Highest prices paid for horses, cattle and carp. Call us tmme-- f WANTED diately after death of animal and receive more money. WHITES TROUT FIARM, Ph. Hyrum No. 1, or 2215 Logan, i BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC 84 S. Main Floor Coverings MOHAWK and GUUSTAN pets ana Rugs. . Gold Ready-To-We- ar 430-W- . MESERVY on all makes of Washers, vacuums, irons, etc. We fix anything. Just bring them in or phone us. Car- Seal, Naim and Armstrong Linoleum and Tile. Free estimate North installation Expert Main Furniture Co. Ph, 250. LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. i Phone 62. Lumber & Hardware .Merrells, Inc. home loans. WHETHER YOU RENT . . . OR WHETHER YOU BUY. YOU PAY FOR THE HOME . . . YOU OCCUPYI C. B. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE BROKER - 140 So. 6 Main Leaal Notices Furnaces, P robots and Guardianship NO' tices. Consult Clerk oi District Court Brigham City. Utah, or respective signers for informs Refrigerators, Small Appliances. Beehive Coal & Appliance. - - Phone L NOTICE Sales Books - Tickets SALES SLIPS, restaurant checks, manifold books, ledger 6heets, office forms and all printing needs. Ph. 1000. News-Journa- l, Service Stations MarE Brightenburg's " j Lumber Hardware John Deere qI , Farm Implements " Knights Spring Canyon ' Benjamin Moore Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances , TO CREDITORS Estate of MARY ANN NELSON, also A. known as MARY NELSON, MARY NELSON, and MARY ANN N1FLSEN, Deceased. vriH Creditor with prosent claim vouchers to the undersigned at 330 South Twelfth East Street, Salt Lake trty, Utah,D on or before the let day of , 1952. April, A. MELBA N JOHNSON, Admunfetratrsx of eatate of Mary Ann Nelson, Deceased. Date of ffcrat publication Jan. 30, 152. John W. Horeley Wedey Horeley 1205 Walker Bank Building Salt Lake City, Utah Attorneys for Administratrix. Jan. 30 Feb. Notice of Republican I Coal Main street. Immediate occupancy. Has full basement This property can be purchased for less than cost of construction end the building is only a few years old. . STOKERS,- RADIO REPAIR Phone 649-- J for Prompt and Expert Radio Service. T. Howard Smith, 107 E. 6th N. - Laundry & Dry Cleaners I WASHERS, , the tion. ENGRAVING DIAMONDS 37 So. M.la Ph.. 234 South Main. Phone SERVICE Repair Service and down BUSINESS BUILDING ' Located on extreme North Phone Radio Repair SETTING , Ladies STATES ELECTRIC , SMART STYLES in Coats, Suits, . Elite Shop, 56 Dresses, Hats. Electrical Service Phone 1190 WATCHES nd SILVERWARE - Dead Animal , Collectors ; Complete Line 45 RPM Records Brigham's Becord Center MOUNTAIN ORDER YOUR SUPPLY OF KING COAL Now! Wight Coal Co., s Easy Credit Terms All MtloMlIy rtcognlzcd linti of $1500 REAL ESTATE LOANS We have been authorized to make a few long lime 57. VALENTINE'S DAY APPLIANCE & Phone li Dealers in Utahs finest coal, oiled stoker., slack, nut, lump and stove. RECORD PLAYER . Jewelers BEEHIVE Approx. monthly payments on balance. GIVE HER A . , This place Is located on the hiway at Perry. Has good garage and a fine furnace and stoker of sufficient capacity to heat both units. Phonograph Records Your EXPERt"rUG CLEANING "furniMODERNl CLEANERS.' Texture repairing , and cabinet Key to Finer Cleaning work. Cad D. C. Cornia, 506 turize Cleaning. Fur Storage. south Second west. Ph. 530. Phone 86. Coal BASEMENT , HOME GLASS AND PAINTS commercial and auBlinds made to order. Residential, tomobile glass. Complete line InCarpeting and linoleum of General paints for Inside stalled Hadfield Furniture. and out. Andersens Glass and Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. Complete outfitting from tots to teens. Art needle work, yarns and , ' threads. Vene-tio- n Mach- ines and Cash Registers bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. ' of Nationally Advertised Home Furnishings in Box Elder County. North Main Furniture Co. Phone 250. . 1000. Childrens Clothing ART & GIFT SHOP f Y PEW RITERS, Adding Better Service ALL WAYS 180 So. Main Phone Party Mass Meeting For District Brigham No. 1, to be held Wednesday, Jan. 30, (to night), at 8 p. m. at the First ward chapel, Brigham City, Utah to elect the following district pf ficers and delegates for a two year term: I Chairman, 1 Vice Chairman (opposite sex), 1 Sec retary, 1 Treasurer, at least 3 Committeemen, 27 Delegates to the County convention. L. D. Wilde, Party Chairman. Boyd M. Sheffield, Party Secretary. , - J 155 , J iooo, MFGINNITY. PITCHING FOR BROOKLYN, HIT 30-ch . . A Vs 4 4 NLH ?HE WORLDS RECORD FOR THE ONE-MILINTERNATIONAL CANOEING CHAMPIONBHtP IS HELD BY ERNEST RIEDEL OF NEW YORK. IN 1938 RADDLED THE DISTANCE .. IN THE AMAZING TIME CF 7:18.21 , - By John Zima SUMMERS , 604 . 41 BATUMI 563-- o 4 On JOE . FRIGIDA1RE PRODUCTS, Stok-- t We vacuum clean all makes and SHEFFIELD I. G. A.The Store of sizes heating equipment. Imera, Furnaces, Radios, Washers, Quality Meats and Groceries. Beehive mediate service. Phone- - 420. I i Small Appliances. Frozen Foods. Fresh VegetaClyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal Coal A Appliance Co. Phone L bles. Every day low prices. 120 . Works. South Main. Phone 69. PHILCO Radio, Ranges, f Freez-,- r O Wanted To Rent Vac-f- . Hoover era, Refrigerators. t Let TOUR heating problems EARLS POOD PARE. Open 8 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnishi uum Cleaners. Nortn 'Main Furniture Co. Phone 250. be OUR problemsll ed house for family of five. a. m.'to- 9 p. m." Fresh Fruits rt h Phone 149-J9 to CusV Groceries Vegetables SEE US... Auto Repairs Meats. Cut tom For 24 hour service on all oil For Sale Real 'i or stoker fufhacesl , . BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. service 35 years & Power f Suction Cleaning By friendly Men Boys FOR SALE THROUGH ESTATE W Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto Qualified Service Mechanic The Sederholm house and lot : ? " J' ; Repairs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED) QUALITY MERCHANDISE. Good at 4th west and 2nd south In -service and fair prices. Blocks, Phone 12 Day or Night Brigham City. Contact J.Cer-lo- s And Body Auto the Friendly Store for Men. Sederholm, administrator, 4 '' HOLLAND , for further information. r AUTO PAINTING, body and fen-dFURNACE COMPANY i work. 1 BurtS, Body Shop, Office Arthur Hammer, Mechanic - TWO MISSOURI HUNTERS. STRANGERS TO ffHE LATE ED0IE CDUJNS HAD THE EACH OTHER, FIRED SIMULTANEOUSLY AT UST RECORD OF ANY SCOUT N THE THE CAME DEER. ON EXAMINATION THEY BUSMISt. HE LOOKED OVER ANO GAVE POUND THEY HAD BOTH HIT HIM IN THE MIS JUDGEMENT ON ONLY 2 PLAYERS TOR THE SAME SPOT. THEY DIVIDED THE DEER RED SCK...TE0 WILLIAMS ANO 80BBV DOCRR! BETWEEN THEM. ' 1 , Raw-leig- WANTED Markets t , ) 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION O Help Wanted 458-M- Citys Sales and Service institutions. 1 A-- See it today. Only 5 3, Phone 540 RIDE WANTED to Second Street. Day shift. Cleon Ord, phone BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLAIMS HER CAME DIDN'T IMPROVS UNTIL SHE POUNO OUT ONE THINB ...YOU CAN'T CHEW GUM AND US THE SAME TIME SWING A GOLF CUB 53,99550 hauling passengers to school or work. News-Jour-na- L This Is Your Brigham City - - WILLY'S STATION WAGON car Is in l condition. Has economy overdrive . and heater. Will make excellent transportation (or This One-mont- h . CLASSIFIEDS GET QUICK RESULTS ! - - FOR RENT x 1950 DELIVERED TRY IT DONE modem, TYPING 0187-J3- . Strictly furnished apartment Adults only. . 112 East Forest Only A Pasteurized SUPERIOR . AN UNKNOWN UNTt SHE GN THE US. WOMEN'S AMATEUR SEPTEMBER, SHE IS NOW RATED AS ONE OF THE BEST TO APPEAR ON THE FEMININE OOLF , SCENE IN MANY A YEAR . BEY " 1950 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET "88" sedan with hydramatic transmission Heater and white wall tires radio plastic seat covers. This car is like new. Low mileage. MILK & CREAM floor RENT FOR 1941 CHEVROLET TUDOR SEDAN. Good tires, radio and heater. Runs goods. An excep- The investment with a NEWS-JOURNA- Deluxe Sedan. In excellent condition. A good car for a person who wants comfort and economy. $395 Only Grade pansner lot rent Beehivs Coal & Appliance, 68 North Main. F18tl-c- h ELECTRIC Prewar GOOD WILL Cars FOR SALE Dining room table, bullet, 4 chair set; also 2 pair floral drapes. Don Barker. Furnished, three roms, with storage room, garage, laundry facilities, soft water; very best location in the city. Suitable for adults only. Call 3S7 or visit apartment 70 north Second east. apartment. 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE V8 sedan. Radio and d DeLux FOR RENT sidewall tires, low. mileage, loaded with deluxe accessories throughout. Really a nice car lor only $1050 - LAST mui 73. FLEET- LINE Aero Sedan. Radio and heater, new paint Job, white 876. J3Q.F-I.p- LOW PRICES 1947 CHEVROLET u VIRTUALLY Four and five room FURNACE CLEANING deluxe, unfurnished opts. , in Ws Vacuum, Clean and Repair 2 nest. steam colors; pastel All Makes of Furnace bedrooms, tile bath with shower; available now. S60 BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE Phon 'ONE" and $70 per month. Beautiful Bushnell MoteL 115 east Seventh south, Brigham City. Fh. GOODWILL FOR SALE Willi station wa- gon. 1948 model. Call at 121 north Third west, Brigham ' City. , 2. O Service Offered FOR RENT 19S2 O For Sale 018I-R- O For Kent or Lease .A HANSOM y5A PAGE ELEVEN sr jpr U |