Show one from kenneth kerr 1 I was over on tile the uintah reservation for a couple of weeks before coming over here heie said kenneth kerr tra velling passenger agent of the salt lake route to a denver times reporter the other day 1 I noticed that beef mutton and pork Is very scarce on the reservation but rabbits are plentiful everybody therefore there foie depends on rabbits for or fresh meat this fact hasa has led to the general slaughter of dogs on the reservation this assertion may sound odd but it is a fact as the dogs are causing a wave of nervous prostration and it is to save the people from becoming nervous vv wrecks that the dogs are killed 1 I dont catch the i relation elation between eating rabbits and a massacre of dogs remarked frank semple of the rio grande western system well replied kerr the people J bave eaten so BO many rabbits that every time A dog barks they start stall to inn un deseret news |