Show marriage on small means every sensible person knows that it is foolish to marry in haste or without due regard to the future you cannot marry on nothing because the chances are strongly against 1 our happiness but just how much you can marry on an is another matter fear of poverty and hardship never stands in the way of an engaged couple who are honestly satisfied with each each other the passion far each others society strengthens mind and 11 will and bifid such obstacles as lack of 0 means and misty prospects instantly vanish the man has but to think ot of the girl he loves la in order to be confident of accomplishing accomplishing any purpose he may inay set his mind to what are a top back room a supper ot of bread and cheese a shabby suit and a light purse if one Is supremely lappy happy they can be borne with laughter relished and accepted day after day it is only perhaps with a girl who means to be the spur to 0 her husbands ambition that a man can accept a top back room and bread and cheese if I 1 lie he fears that ab she cannot be happy without a 1 villa and rose trees it is not wise to take her into the back room even if she is willing jio to go E ex |