Show OLD HICKORY next thursday today w will ill be jackson day A great soul was his bis not much learned altogether elined naturally selfish harsh aud and impatient a good deal of 0 a bully a man who had he remained in lowly life would have had a fight with some neighbor every day a fight about a pig or a dog or a fence line anything he would tot not have cared what still a great soul brave enough to face death without a tremor with clear judgment to know what to do and with the court courage ge to do it no matter what the odds and above all a patriot so intense that fortune all that men hold dear were as nothing in the balance when his country called him no wonder er he stamped his name upon his age no wonder that on oil every anniversary of the day aay on which 1 t awl J f of recognition his party draws around its alters to repeat his bis ne recall lis his life and draw now new inspiration from his bis memory goodwins bechly |