Show IS IT WORTH WHILE ile he worshiped golden idols and the i i shining dollar mirk mark lured him on through days of sun Is shine and through evening shod j aws dark piling millions his ambition he Y readied reached out for golden store and each dollar that he garnered I 1 i made him reach and grab tor for more thousands tolled to make him profit sweat to make him hin frich rich and great till he owned a fort fortune itne e equal 4 to the richest of a state then worn out in chasing money he lain down and quickly died and he take it with him bim I 1 when he crossed the great divide friends F of early das dais forgotten lie for golden eagles chased and the friendships men should covet were by greed for gain displaced to broad acres rich and fertile ho he could read his title clear at his nod great rulers cowered and their subjects quaked with fear fean when he spoke the millions listened tor for lie he ruled with golden sway and he added to his millions evry moment of the day but ut at last heath death sent its summons W yia and cut down his golden eolden pride ayt f r r I 1 v 3 i ita i ta 56 1 ft blis behind li ilia 44 when le crossed th ahe e galt Great alv Divide what is life if it be given to pursuit of yellow gold can a life ruled by money any of its joys behold friendship that Is worth the having is not bought III like e merc merchandise hanUse and the richest joys of living are not lound by golden ties what shall profit prof it him who garneth fortunes fortun cs greatest richest goal if in gaining he doth forfeit through eternity clr soul dont waste life in piling dollars till the light of love they hide for you cannot take them with you when aou ou cross the great divide commener Cora Com |