Show one of the most annoying amno ying of ailments is whooping cough while small progress has so ao tar far been made in the treatment ot of this disease it is believed by some that a practical although very simple remedy has been discovered the fremont neb dally daily herald tells the story in this way iray william lawlor ot of this city hasa ha a cute for whooping cough which lias has not been displayed in in medical books boks to any great extent or been taken into consideration hy by physicians I 1 in treating the troublesome ni malady alady but he says it is a reliable cure just the same and will bank on it it it 1 is nothing thing more than inhaling the fumes around a gas generating machine pot not the gas fumes exactly but the atmosphere around a gas factory the remedy rian iedy has been tried effectually at lincoln where here w there is a room provided tor for that purpose and children go there by the score and are treated one ome particular child in the capital city was given up by the doctors As a last resort her parents who had no faith in the gas cure took the little gir at last to try its efficiency she was cured and ancl is as well today as ever at the gas factory la in lincoln there are two days in the week called whooping cough days on which the special rooms prepared have all the children that can be accommodated who come to be cured one fremont family who have recently found whooping cough a sore trial in the home circle are going to have mr lawler fix up a room at his gas plant and are going to try the peculiar remedy and learn what there is in it it if their little children are healed there will be many others who will apply for mr air lawlers free creato ent now this Is no gas but g genuine and it if you dont believe it ask mr air lawler hell tell you just what you have heard head here ll 11 re ex |