Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CITY OFFICERS BRIGHAM CITY mayor C holst hoist CN C N E F Morten Mor tenser seT N J nelse afthim art hi 0 netley neeley I 1 lew lewa J lund luna L andrew funk recorder thos mc maste mast treasurer jenny dl 1311 vt marshal I 1 chas chaa cheal attorney NOS nels jens jensn n justice of ae oe l peace wm noralei I 1 supt bupt waterworks 11 haeher her C boden chief fire dept william Wil liani street supera sor 0 U C jenser night va vatch i jailor 0 F eveln sexton C J ji kelser koars or pr K anict achonu Ch onu f drw l 1 t tw I 1 1 DA b L berg the city council meets the deaun asfaw and fourth tuc tuesdays of each neith PREC PRECINCT INOr OFFICERS justice of ane r n peace y i andrew fernl 00 COUNTY TY offic OFFICERS af as BOX CO dimice judicial district VV W ghan dist atty ally F jl talton Zi chairman co com cn A W V vaentina Vai Va entin Q CoCoi commis omis suing M 8 3 hari of of ka kiricon hop li 13 adoni jone conaty clerk N J prosecuting attorney chase chas E 13 foxley treasurer a an N cote cole sheriff jos recorder christina maaser assessor era beuse co cc supt bupt of schools A 16 K F jenen surveyor J N as acid Hc id A vish vh game warden jl P R largen county dr ab X A ri rick water commissioner N 7 anderso j I 1 COUNTY BOARD OV A W Valenti xe aamna hamna dr E A rich See 14 B hut HIT and ande 11 14 jones on members of af board olt of lya distort v j JT Ve Verr Druary uary ofal il mw kirsa Tut lv in r nd Toe coeday day jn n r county commissioners meet the ersland first and third tue tuesdays of rach month OFFICERS ouvrier a puck funk claries abeal not ia I 1 N dorler T IE junction it li valter J K E montgomery B N J alah pro m a to ry gi get house charles card tarr ea e 0 liv parmina IS J BaAb allt claw creek 6 E baker parit farl valley david H 19 E V til lalier ct cibell eek phil t J W gook cook riverside J A calder jas willard 5 X vak J wells maxee mile bille C young almon wight mantua N C Jop posen bans kellar calls calla fort W W easloy E C J dewey dewer D B Collin stor 0 E L Twit twitchell choll J a standing malad IC R hadloc james jamji coil river al holmesen Holm eien el P yielding fielding frank haluor dewey wood portage V D J NV W li hallord allord abos law john H watt snori ille file C W A L peterson Pe ierson irolla a I 1 I 1 I 1 eirls charles Cli arles broksch yaa a arzi RISS I 1 aid U to G boug 0 U HR U ayrc U a 91 1 aarl 0 o uj colds coiela and arout 3 rout |