Show the dohar razor is an established fact at our store we want io 10 call your attention to the SHU j MATE RAZORS which wo we sell for oil one e dollar and absolutely guarantee that is X to say if you buy one of these dollar razors and do not find it satisfactory next week y next month or next year all you have to do is return it to our store and we will give you vou the dollar back and ask no questions y A we have li ve other razors that cost us more y money we think we paid too much for f them therefore you can buy your choice of our re regular 0 ular stock of and razors for k only each while they last you know what these razors are our oui I 1 y guarantee is behind every one of them call and get one while the stock is comy coiny t at theaddy the eddy dru drug store WYNN WY L EDDY prescription brug druggist gist J ais i iS S theres ALWAYS something doing at al HANSON SONS BRIGHAM MOST progressive department ST STOKE ORE clearance sales are still on MENS SHOES LADIES SKIRTS and a variety of other artl arti cles being sold at SEAL REAL sacrifices T r which la in every instance is positively MONEY EARNED for the purchaser new and up to date dry goods and notions arriving each week beautiful silk waists silk waist patterns allover laces fancy collars side and bac back k combs some of our latest arrivals highest price paid for veal ho hos hogs s and poultry y IS hafi t WE DO BUSINESS A ip M hanson hamon sons 5 B Brigha rig 11 am city nta PHONE 52 4 5 i CLEANUP CLEAN AN UP U SA OF REMNANTS REMNANT SAND AND ODDS AND ENDS j after stock taking taki ngwe we find quite an accumulation of remnants and odds and ends that must be sold and in order to clear them out 0 ut quick qui c k we have put a price on them that is sure to have the desired result call early as first comers get best choosing remnants of dress childrens union A few ladies furs s goods suits left lengths suitable for waists and childrens A lot of union suits mostly small and all selling at the following dresses medium sizes regular and 1 ing ng reduction si at ABOUT HALF PRICE kind just the thing for spring all furs selling at wear while they last all furs selling at LOO DONT MISS THIS all furs selling at at only 2 QC OC all furs selling at I 1 all furs selling at hosiery I 1 at these prices will special you save money meney odds ends in mens by buying them and saving them A lot of childrens and misses worsted for next winter ribbed hose sizes size 6 to 10 good wool underwear values at their regular price but lett left from ofir our heavy winte winter r selling A few ladies coats 14 now nov will while lethey arthey last you take your houi choice all sizes regular and per suit lett left and to close them out we give you get them now while they last you at only per pair p air jac at JUST HALF THESE PRICES ONE THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICE you can do always best at w 1 stores and at brigham tremont ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST I 1 ireat great tion sale 44 is now on 0 one lie lot men s shoes only I 1 1 cadies ladies ened ned shoes and house slippers I 1 carpet slippers mens ladies and childrens mits mittens and gloves hats caps and underwear sweaters Sv eaters and dress goods ladies coats at lace or embroidery at half price I 1 A new lot of codfish salt herring swiss cheese ost new j ed sausage and edward L hanam esth south and main st I 1 sil 11 1 1 this T h is week I 1 a V 1 we will give a acme flour sifter for 10 e e in S J I 1 V wa W B JENSEN ENSEN f ampi notice IN I 1 oto ice to fruit n vit growers 0 R we have just received a fine new line 0 of f SPRAY PUMPS PRUNING SHEARS NG SAWS SAMS ETC we have the most up to date equipment in these lines that tile the market arket affords tf and would be delighted to to have you inspect same we have secured the fhe agency for the celebrated bean spray bamps SPRAY PUMPS and can supply anything from a hand spray to a power pomp we guarantee these pimps to be as represented and will wid be pleased to submit prices PRUNING SHE SHEARS ARS our pruning shears range from the very best to the cheapest we have the genuine riser the mission and other high grade as well as the moderate priced ones used by the man with but a few trees get our prices PRUNING SAWS our pruning saws are the latest design and made of the highest grade of steel these are the saws used by the large fruit growers of california WE HAVE THE LONG HANDLED PRUNING SHEARS FOR FOIL TRING TRIMMING THE TOPS OF THE TALL TAIL TREES THEY THE Y ARE EIGHT FEET AND TEN FEET LONG YOURS TO SATISFY xa h KNUDSON EMMETT |