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Show I PAGE EIGHT THE DRAGERTUN TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH ; 4&M1 M, b w ? i -- mi - 5 Tuesday, Febuary 24, 1918 CHECKED AND BRIGHT SPRING PLAIDS NEW SHIPMENT OF BRIGHT GINGHAMS For Your House Dresses, all fast colors per . FLANNEL White, Pink and Blue , WOMENS AND YOUNG LADIES ANKLETS All colors and sizes x. 1.29 .....per yard ; AA yardOvCand JA wG per yard 39& and 49c POTTERY WARE Sectional Living Room Set (Four-Piece- ) $124.50 OIIE TADLE ODDS and LAST ITET.1S OF STOCK Values to j$3.95 non 25c Oen Stock in Bright Colors Large Plate Medium Plate Pie Plate Tea Cup Saucer Coffee Dessert Bowls Sugar Bowl Cream Pitcher Platter Gravy Bowl Vegetable Bowl Coffee Pot WOMEN'S DRESSES and DLOUSES 60c 50c 30c - 40c 20c 45c 20c 1,10 Pin Striped Rayon Blouse $4.95 6.50 4.95 Jersey Prints White Rayon with Black Tie WOMEN'S SPORT BLOUSES For Slacks or Skirts Red Plaids $3.95 2.95 Pioneer Western -- 65c WOMENS SLACKS 1.00 1.00 65c 1.90 Slacks in Grey, Blue, Tan and Green $4.95 WOMENS BLUE JEANS Western Style v Modernistic Maple Tier Table Rational Sterling Silver Service for Six , with Beautiful Chest S34.G0 $24.50 .Modernistic Maple Coffee Table $39.50 FRFE PICTURE OFFER By popular request, the FREE PICTURE OFFER will again be given on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, February 27 and 28 at your Union Supply Company Store in Dragerton. Call in and make your appointment at the store for these dates. We give one FREE 5x7 portrait to each family of any or all children up to eight years of age. To accommodate the many requests for portraits of adults and older children, we have arJ ranged for our photographer to take their pictures and give one 5x7 for $1.00, this $1.00 will apply toward the purchase of more pictures and if a $5.00 or better order is made, the 5x7 will be FREE. The $1.00 will be paid when the pictures are taken. Family and other groups can be taken by paying 50c for each extra head. We appreciate the patronage of our many friends and this is our chance to let you know we do. Grapefruit n Sliced Pork Liver Cooked Tripe Beef Drains . Picnic llam . Rib Steak Pot Roast Boiling Beef . Pork Chops 35c .15c 22c . .lb. 49c lb. 55c lb. 49c . lb. 39c lb. 55c |