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Show THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday. February 24, 1948 PAGE TTIRE3 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT IN WHAT line of professional sport can the athlete or competitor make the most money? Baseball, football, boxing, racing, wrestling, NOBODY BUYS MORE basketball or what have you? ...OR PAYS MORE! The range In salanes from Jo DiMaggio to Bob Feller, according to recent report, was something like $65,000 to $85,000. At the same time, Johnny Lujack waa signed up for an amount approximating $20,000 a BUSINESS ft INVEST. OPPOR. CAFE FOR BALE year. Charley Trip-p- i Dak. spots in Rapid City, So. drew down just Ou of best SUS Halo sr Pk.as 1254. bqilt, same the about chunk of cash for HELP WANTED MEN 4- USED CARS i , Jrf -- ' ?, v If I.. 'f W 1 u ,' , v I , ptff'.' r- ?" - 1947. OFF THE RUBBISH PILE . . . Boys club members check a working drawing of a speedboat model, limited in cost to $1, for the Skippers Cup contest. Explaining construction details are Guy Lombardo, left, and David W. Armstrong, executive director of Boys Clubs of America. Football with Its 20 games a season, including exhibitions, cant match baseball with its 190 games, also including exhibitions. There are not many ballplayers paid the same as Bob Feller, Ted Williams and Joe Di Magglo. But also there are not so many football players paid on a level with Lujack, Trippi and a few more. Even aa It la, pro football can make very little money with Its brief season thrown against modern expenses even the winning teams. The others can drop enough to founder a Spanish galleon. On a general average, baseball and, football pay close to the same amounts, with baseball In front. The kickback is that any number of ballplayers get $7,500 or lest a season i START FROM SCRAPS Boys Comb Rubbish Heaps For Boat Contest Materials Its a treasure hunt in the rubbish heap for boys all over the United States. They are seeking old tin cans, mothers castoff garters, scraps of wood, paper clips, rubber bands and even leftover paint, all of which will be used for building entries in the first nationwide Skippers Cup model speedboat contest. don-bloo- To build a swift and sturdy craft for less than $1 is the immediate objective of many of the quarter million youngsters who are members of or affiliated with Boys Clubs of America. This organiza- tion and Eveready Battery comof the nationpany are wide contest. If the "skipper qualifies locally, his next aim Is to survive regional eliminations so he can race his speedboat in the Reflecting Fool at Washington April 10 and 11 for final honors. The national contest is dated to coincide with annual observance of Boys Club Week. The contest is limited to boys under 16, all of whom are supplied with working drawings of model types. The model boat was designed by Douglas Jtolfe, who also will serve as one of th judges of the national finals. Instructions covering length, weight and detail govern all series. Hulls must be completed and water speed tests certified to natronal headquarters on or before March 13. Builders of the best boats locally will receive awards of tiny, electric motors and a supply of flashlight batteries. Winners in the seven Boys Club regions of the V S. will receive regional Skippers cups. In the national finals In Washington the seven boys who score top time trials, regardless of re- gion, will compete before U. 8. and foreign celebrities under the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial. Stars Lure Crowds FATTEN BOOS FASTER by stimulating their appetites with Dr. LeGear's Hog PreAlsa an ideal tonic for brood scription. sows and pigs. Has helped increase profit tor million of hog raiaars. Satis. guar. MISCELLANEOUS om Marshall gas fired almost new, can be converted to Propane or Butane gas. three compartment Federal Dough Retarder, 80 Quart Hobart Mixer like new. New Star Popcorn machine, 13 foot back bar for bakery, 9 six foot show M PAN Mlddleby cases. National Bread slicing machine, barrel capacity, slow speed mixer, dough moulder. CaU or write Bash fiaper Market M 86th St., Ogden tlah. Phono ftV7. POULTRY, CHICKS ft EQUIP. HELF YOVR HENi be profitable I a vara. Stimulate poor appetites with Dr. LeGear Poultry Prescription in all their feed. Used by successful poultrymen everywhere. The beet poultry tonic money can buy. SEEDS, PLANTS, ETC. NUT TREES Wsstera FRUIT Peaches, Apples. Pears, Prunes, 00, 0 grown Cherries, Walnut trees What about the pro golfers? A Plums, Apricots, grow best In your climate. V Inins and Cans Berries, Strawberries. 700 Varieties, Hogan, Nelson, Pemaret or Lock for 40 pegs catalog. Agents Wanted. can make from $25,000 to $30,000 a send Tsalatls Valla, Nsrserias, Skerwee, Ore. of not are many there but year, these. Only a few stars. Most of th WANTED TO BUY others are underpaid, but It happens-tWE BUT AND SELL be the star - who draw th Office Furniture. Piles, Typewriters, Add-InSafes. Cash Registers. Machines. crowds. SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE Golf compares favorably with SIS Sent State It, Salt Lake Cltr, Utah football for the few who must work over 200 days a year to top $20, 000. The average pro golfer on tour 7JjOWL3ldUAiL Buij. doesnt make $5,000. Club golfera do can who are also instructors 1A. SaulnqA. much better. than last also longer Ballplayers football players, although such vet- JhsL BsaL Qrw&AlmwL erans as Sammy Baugh, Sid Luck-maBulldog Turner and Mel Hein can hang around for better than 10 or 12 years. They are the unbreak- Widowed Mother In Cap and Gown n, air force 36th fighter group, one of the defense nnits for the Panama Canal tone, has completed 7 Its conversion from the wartime aircraft to are shown en route to their home station, Shooting Stars. These CANAL ZONE GETS JETS . . U. S. . P-8- 0 P-4- P-8- able. air force base in the canal aone, where they will become an Integral part of the canals defense system. Howard mid-yea- Joe Louis can pick up more money In on fight than any baseball or football player can earn In a tt big part of his career. The outdoor Jamboree should play to at least a mllllon-dollt- r gate. It will be an interesting fight along physical and psychological lines. Louis gets 40 per cent of the take. This means around $400,000. from which his manager takes his cut,' whatever It la. In any event, at least $250,000 comes ,to Louis. The only kink here Is that your Uncle Sam, losing no time at all, lops off around 75 or 80 per cent The morbid facta are that the aame collector doesnt leave Feller, d playWilliams and other ers enough to start a bragging de- X AGE OF INNOCENCE . . . Even if Carol Ann Coulon of Miami bad never seen a Florida orange she still would be plenty cute. Her own state thought so, too, beoause she won the four-year-o- ld "Little Miss Florida 'x. i 1 t t 1 ' contest. 4. --r , - . s 7, , . 4. 5 ' L s '. V 1 bate. in wj Get Well 31 QUICKER free, gasr Cssfk Om la a Cold IvLL I O CoNgh Cmpofid f?V: V '. - O I' P 1 NEW BILLS FOR OLD . , Rep. Frank L. Snndstrom (Rep., N. J.) b-- v submitted a bill calling for Issuance of a new series of U. S. paper currency and cancellation and destruction of all existing paper bills. BIG JIM MEETS niS MATCH . . . James E. "Big Jim Folsom, governor of Alabama with aspirations toward the presidency, found a man bis size when he entered the conference room for the closed session of the southern governors conference. He was surpassed in physique by Capt. Reid Clifton of the Florida highway patrol, whose 305 pounds and 6 feet 6 Inches overshadowed the Alabama governors 250 pounds and 6 feet 8 inches. ' 7 r. - long-delaye- d REAL Rupture Relief Soft, waahabW n atari li provide giro true comfort, trong support. No springs or leather. Has braugl comfortable relief to thou sands. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sand far Ires foidar Writ todays Wrestling Is Steady $ Vv i , o L. J--i V i What about the wrestleraT Some active fact-findsaya that Camera will collect around $250,000 for a year's activity. This may be too high. But wrestler! do better than many people know about. It might be remembered that a wrestler can operate five night a week in a rush period. Boxing champions must settle for twq or three performances a year. Jimmy Lendos told me once that he made as much as $20,000 a week. Londos was then an Incredible operator, also a very highly Intelligent human being. The only true answer to this salary matter In sport must take in the highest number who average the best pay over the years. My answer here would be baseball, where o many thousands are Involved in so mdny lea rues. There may not be so many Ruths, Fellers, or WiDIMagglos Greenbergs, lliams, but there are more than 400 big leaguers who can knock off front 7,500 to $15,000 a higher average for a greater number. Pro football can almost match, this payroll with the two leagues reaching for a rival windpipe. The football players get all th money, and It will be this way until two strong leagues can play at peace. Which remind us, we almost forgot the jockeys. How about Eddie Arcaro, Johnny Longden and a few more? All they have la around a million dollars each. You know $100,090 a year la no big overlay. WEI TRUSS CO. . RESMGLS jusr a DASH IN WNU publisher of the Ypsilantl, Mich., Press, was reported to be object of the affections of Margaret Tro-ma- n, daughter of the President. Said Handy: "If there Is any announcement It will have to cemo from Margiret. TXAYXL PAT Including all bowl and post-seasgames played, th seven leading k backs of the year were Johnny of Notre Dame, Bob Chappuls of Michigan, Bobby Layne of Texas, Ray Evans of Kansas, Charley Con-erof Mississippi, Doak Walker of S.M.U. and Harry Gilmer of The NAVY has Real Business Proposition for on Lo-Jac- HURDLES HIS OWN HANDICAP . . . Maimed war veterans at Vaughan hospital in Chicago watch with new hope no Walter who tost n leg when he was n child, gives amazing demon- strmtion of high jumping. "If I can do It, so can yon, Baskovich told the disabled vets. Show was presented by University of Chicago to illustrate how determination can overcome handicaps. ' Baa-kovic- h, scro-theat- er 08 W taxers 1947. UP TO MARGARET . . . Frank G. Handy, ton of G. C. Handy, HATHIRS..'' OIUSPREADaONROPSYS will be Interesting to see which teams and which leagues sign up football's leading college stars of comhnu-nit- y Md. To clean tender parts, ease red, smarting skin, and hasten return of comfort, uao dependable It of Dept M Hipntawsj '() Diaper Rash 5-- Lining Up the Stars lie Gets Stang Daily Hut ltfs Ills Living mosquitoes, be covers hit arm with insecticide and thrusts it in again, giving the insects another opportunity for a vicious bite on his arm. Once again he must laboriously count the number of bites. Franklin is a laboratory technician for a local chemical company. The process is a test of the power of mosquito repellents. tricot Aaup exupf -- Sli , , When be finds a hungry tsar high-price- . living. The pension and insurance money , TURKEY POINT, mI). Because tier feet are tired and she wants to ust rest, Mrs. Fannie Salter, the list woman lighthouse keeper on Chesapeake bay, has given up her jou. Believed to be the only qualified nalightkeeper of her sex.m the tion, Mrs. Salter retired from a Job she has held for 23 years. She Sale of Loafing Space took charge of the Turkey Point tower on February 11, 1925, under To Restore Old Plaza appointment by Calvin Coolidge. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. AppealShe succeeded her husband, who ing to the weaker side of man, Alhad been the keeper for three years buquerque Historical society offered before his death. loafing privileges in the plza in On sick leave since last Septemreturn for donations in a drive for ber, the woman light tender ex- funds to restore the old town plaza. plains that climbing the tower has Results were good, officials of the society report. giv6n me fallen arches. , The scale ran: For $8.55, one Although she has no definite plans is square foot of loafing space; for $10, for the future, Mrs. Salter,-whin her 60s, insists that sbe will re- plain and fancy loafing anywhere; main near the water. Her immedi- for $17.10, loafing privileges with ate plans are to just rest and catch frills; for $25, your childs footprint visits with rela- in concrete, and for $50, your own up on footprint tives. lOUy Louls-Walco- well-know- made it possible for them to rent a small Ithaca apartment and live in modest comfort And Jonny went to Cornell, too. Jonny attended the college's nursery school. He also will be graduated this year from nursery school to kmdergar ten. Bonds. & Proud Son Sees two-oun- Harold J. FrankBALTIMORE. lin gets stung several times a day but he makes his living by doing it Franklins job entail , thrusting his arm into a cage filled with 3,000 After a minute he mosquitoes. withdraws his arm and counts the bites. If they total about 60, well and good. If not, he repeats thi process in another cage until he can get the required number of bites. ffff LIVESTOCK JtfL ITHACA, N. Y. When the library tower chimes at Cornell university peeled forth their congratulations r to graduates, Jonathan Hartwell Harwood III, aged 4, near burst with pride. Among the young women in academic robes was his mother, Virginia Oake Harwood. Few fellows have the privilege of seeing their mothers graduate from college. Jonny doesn't know It, but he was the chief reason why his mother finished her course in the college of home economics. Jonnys father fought in the invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944; and he never came back. Jonny's dad graduated from Cornell, too in 1942. And his mother, whose parents live in Lockport, Judges will Include Guy Lombar- N. Y., left school In her sophomore do, band leader and speedboat year to marry him. They didnt n champion; Bill Stem and other have much time together just a sports figures. Former Pres- couple of summers while dad was ident Hoover is serving as honorary training at Fort Bragg. Then he chairman of the national commit- was sent to England to train as a tee. Ranger and was made a captain. . . . Local craftsmanship contests will Then came Judging, People thought 1 was crazy when precede speed trials. which will be on a basis of point I decided to take my son to Ithaca with me competition, will cover basic definthe fall of 1945 and continue colin workmanship, originality, sign, lege, Mrs. Harwood admits. Mayish and over-al- l appearance. be I was a little crazy. But I had to have something to do something to occupy my time and my mind. Woman I could be a better mother to Jonny, I felt, if I graduated from colKeeper Quits lege and was prepared to earn my Lighthouse Post As Feet Are Tired WANTED Electrical Engineers with college degree for field work in laboratory truck. Single men preferred. Apply P.O. BOX CMpir, lag ly . Young Men Who Want to Go Place. Ask laiy for Information. - Recruiting Station 48 - |