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Show PAGE SEVEN THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON. UTAH Tuesday, February 24, 1948 NEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS Colorful, Gay Bluebird Bedspread aarr embroider this bluebird to So Pattern 734; transfer of one spread niotil IT by 19 in.; two jy4 by 5 in. Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time is required in filling oroers fur a few of toe most popular patterns. I Saw"1 Heavy Crops Drain Soil of Plant Food CROSS TOWN Sewing Circle Neediseraft Dept Box U1T Saa Francises (, Calif. Enclose 30 cents for Pattern. Mineral Supply Needed To Restore Fertility By Roland Coe Name. Address. Heavy wartime croppings drained twice as much nitrogen fromjtlhnois soils as was put back by fertilizer applications or legume crops, declares O. L. Whalin, University of Illinois. What was true in Illinois was true of farm soils in numerous Other Midwestern, states. Approximately 3,300,000 tons of ni- trogen were removed from the soil in harvested crops in the 1942-4period, Whalin points out. But only about 1,500,000 tons of nitrogen were returned to the land. This replacement included nitrogen in fertilizer applications, plus 60 per cent of the nitrogen in legumes harvested and In sweet clover turned under. The supply of other mineral elements was seriously depleted. Whalin estimates that only about half of the phosphorus taken from the soil was replaced Less than as much potash was added through commercial fertilizers as was removed by harvested crops. "This heavy drain on the soils mineral supply, says Whalin, "has reached the point where crop yields on many soils definitely depend on the amount of minerals applied. Manure. inoculated legumes, phosphate and potash are required, will maintain and even increase yields on most soils. Carrying out such a program, he adds, calls for use of lime on much 6 He wants to be a fireman when be grows up dont you Spotty? Well 1 cant list em offhand but being a movie star must have some drawbacks! NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller ffi i th flower-borde- r! r . rkjgtwnn fmhoiat IMFRUIT tow. Rich West Virginia mountain lime plant. Lime ia sold to the farmers to increase production on crop and pasture land. Fix a towel rack on the back of babys high ehair, on which you can keep such handy items as a damp wash cloth, a bib and a towel. of the land In order to grow legumes. .Lime should be applied on the basis of soil tests. It should be used from six months to a year before legumes are seeded, In order to sweeten the soiL Keep acid foods, such as tomatoes, lemons and vinegar off the a range or porcelain enamel refrigerator. They cause stains that wont come ROIEYMEAT, SEEDIEST GRAPEFRUIT off. ftam ikt CM ha to aaa Craato VWlay hand: Percolator tops, electric fuses, an assortment of corks, waxed paper, paper napkins, a box of tacks, an extra extra light bulbs, a ball of twine, bicycle tape. Keep on Legumes legumes work In two major ways to Improve tilth, rebuild soil structure and increase the supply of mineralized organle matter; Well-fesuch as sweet 1 a clover orlegumes alfalfa push their taproots deep into the soiL These roots d d TIGHT 50ILS CUT YIELDS NO YSPQOOTiO LtSUMC H4 QOTSTION i DP JUNimY i I- mcwms i OOTaTlON By Gene Byrne REGLAR FELLERS i TftPQOOTEO in teeuMG see. you A BIT Of 4EWINT ON MV BAacer&au. .SUIT ' RIPS MOTMIN- THtv we ARM-MOIE- ah S LEG-HOU- '- th 5' I 4 open up tightly packed earth low the plow furrows. Neither wabe- ter nor air can penetrate such compacted soil Crop roots cannot do their job of carrying nutrients to the plant growth factory" above d But when ground. legumes are grown frequently in the rotation, tilth and soil structure are improved. The land becomes loose and easy to work. Channels for air and water and passageways for the roots of following crops are made. are eflfi- Deep-roote2 cient feeders legumes on the soil's avail-abl- a phosphorus and potash. They can forage for these plant foods when other crops will fall. The legumes gather these nutrients into their taproots. When plowed under, minthese roots put eralized organic matter down where it should be, readily available for the roots of other crops following in the rotation. deep-roote- VIRGIL By Len Kleit d SILENT SAM By Jeff Hayes wya Ika raw aaja y oed Mo mot foot VaaMk whae yea aal Hum anal araaafiufi amai aa4 awto Baary Aitoaoal frapafiaH fa aa hi a lima ally yaaioawadt to aach Omiaaia Iway Nidr each ia chora aaafcy. hmry had. Thara'a a aa tml dalkfeaa. awaal (aka aa to aaofc aaldaa heory) mot aHanto AnhociW frayahafi. Orda a aupylf today to, am aad raw C ...MyaaHtototohawata. ' 4 unxEii honiymcats to. ( Awn. 0 toa.) . . ha. 3 I to. (Am. 51 to.) in Philadelphia, a clever of crooks, Arthur Taylor and Baldwin Bredell, were convicted of counterfeiting U. S. $100 bills and then sent to Moyamepsing prison to await sentence, says Colliers. Within several months, the men had counterfeited and gotten in circulation 32 excellent $20 notes, having made them at night in their cell .with a few materials and tool3 6muggled-i- n which did not include a camera but did include a printing press no larger than a cigar box. Upon confessing later, the con1899 ..... to Jl toa.).. JalMCiaiAatU Bxpraawd prepaid SEtDUSt ha. 4 U to. Na. 5 Na.5 45 35.51 to poa UISHT MO MDMKATS " M toa.) ....55 (Am 55 45 tot.) .... --0 their feat before victs a group of experts who had sworn it was impossible without a camera and an eight-topress in a M -- Z to. (Ayy. Crala (Appa.55toa.). . $9.11 Unrwil prepaid to poo 1 SW. 0 n sizable workroom. PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relief DON'T DELAY ANY LONGER! Now. a doctor' formula you can use at homo to relievo distressing discomfort of pain Itch Irritation duo to piles. Tends to soften and shrink swelling. Use tblo proven doctor's formula. You'll be amased at Us opeedy action relief Ask your druggist today for Thornton A Minor Rectal Ointment or Suppoeitorle. Follow label For alo at all drug stores. CHEST COW? that's a job for Zbmfy'and he TWINS MEMTKOLATUJ.l .and Soil Fumigant Stops Work of Nematodes In its war on soil pests, scientific research has forged a fatal new weapon against nematodes, the eellike worms whose burrowing activities cause nearly two million acres of farmland in the South to lay idle every year. This weapon is a D-whose soil fumigant known chief component is dlchloropro-pan- e and its use allows repeated plantings year after year of many crops which now are rotated. pick. Tam Ua Yaal Clever Crooks Carry On Counterfeiting in Prison In pair VtUmf to to by toa w4 t day Itoy era can-open- Deep-roote- TEXAS JREUtlPEKED, using. to rc d PRODUCT Protect your rubbers from oil and soil. Oil causes blistering, and soil will cause rubber articles to chip and crack and lose their resilient strength. Clean well after is Deep-Roote- BOBBIN OUSEHOLD When laundering lace collars,- sew the collars on white muslin. This will help keep them in shape. Til 401 i A MCKESSON When washing windows during the winter put a small quantity of ammonia or vinegar into the water. This helps to keep the water from freezing on the glass. ir ' DLUEBIRDS singing a song! All beautifully framed in a Just wait till you see the lovely spread this design will make! . riv-- we'ns . . A gentcJ ' ' " ft Qack HENTH0LATUM Mother, when coughing spasms wrack your childs body ana leavs his chest muscles so sore it hurts him to breathe quiekl call Comfy" and Minty to the rescue. Comforting Camphor and minty Menthol, tl) two famous Manthoiatum ingredients, are gentle to a childs delicate normal akin but they work fast to help loosen congestion, ease soreness, and lessen coughing. ALSO t EUtYES STUFTTNESS HUD-COI- MASAI IBSITAT10N Alt CBAFPIMS |