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Show ' K V THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON. UTAH Tuesday, February 24, 1948 Spanish Ladies Hold More Cooking Schools CARBON LEAGUE HITS FAST PACE Take Lead In Carbon Coal League , s PAGE FIVE building which will be used for the young peopl-activities.- A library for the young people is also a feature in the plans and we hope that it wont be be too long till this project will be in 1! i The East Carbon Basketball Two interested groups of Span- League continued to move along ish ladies met at the home of Mrs. with plenty of zip. Two series of Dan Pacheco, 111 3rd West on games were played last week: February 17 and 19, to attend a one on Monday and one on Wedcooking school. Here food was nesday. cooked to show proper use of On Monday the East Carbon switches and how complete meals Alumni defeated the Sunnyside could be prepared in the thrift M Men by a score of 37 to 26. cooker, oven and surface. The The Dragerton M Men took the entire range was discussed and Smokers 58 to 39. The Polecats gone over iit order that everyone and the Columbia Bums played would be completely acquainted the closest game of the evening with its operation. with the Bums on the losing end The demonstration was given of a 38 to 32 score. by Mary Black, Utah Power and On Wednesday the Polecats Light Co. home service advise-- . lost a tough one to the East CarThose attending were the Mrs. T. bon Alumni 36 to 27. The DragRamoes, Antonio Marquez, Emilia erton M Men and the Sunnyside Suacedo, Elifore Sehhamo, Joe M Men went at it hammer and Marquez, Joe E.. Maestez, Candida tong with the Dragerton boys Cisneras, Tony Lopez, Della coming out on the long end of Margaret E. . Hurtado. the 47 to 41 score. Mane Carillo, C. Casillas, Oscar Won Lost Russell Davido, G. Coopride, Griego, Franklin Lopez, Miss Julia Lopez, Miss Gonzalas and Mrs. Dan Pacheco, who interpreted the demonstration for those who couldnt speak or understand English. POPULAR RECIPE The following recipe is one all seemed to want to know how to make: 2 cups bread crumbs 1 teaspoon soda ) The Utah Fuel (Sunnyside) 2 eggs bowling team of the Carbon Coal 1 cup raisins league won three out of four 1 cup flour points from the Home Lumber 1 teaspoon cinnamon team of Price to move into the 1 cup sugar lead for the second half, league 1 sour milk cup The Geneva Steel team (Horse Vi cup shortening V teaspoon salt canyon) won three out of four 1 points from Aberdeen of Kend-- i cup nuts worth to tie with them in second teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla. place. The high three game series of Add soda to milk, then add the night was bowled by Bill bread crumbs and allow to stand while creaming shortening and Harenberg (Utah Fuel) with a Cream shortening, add 548. He also bowled the high sinsugar. a 206. sugar gradually. Beat until light, gle game with team standingsSecond half then add the eggs one at a time, Won Lost addition. well each after beating TTtob ITiinl Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk mixture. Add the chopped nuts and raisins. Pour in a greased casserole and cover with lid. Bake with oven dinner as directed. Serve hot with fruit sauce. This Steamed Sour Milk PudVeterans who have graduated ding is grand steamed in your from high school can pick one of thrift cooker and can be cooked 60 army technical school courses at same time you are cooking a before enlisting in the army, and be guaranteed of attending it. thrift cooker dinner. Sunnyside Team Takes Lead In Bowling League L Psict ! Ursa Fun. use. All the young people of Drag- i47. furlough then expects to be stationed at Denver, Colorado for a few more months of service. We would like for the Junior High Young People to keep in mind their meeting on Sunday evening at seven oclock at the church, also meeting at th6 same time as the senior group. We extend an invitation to all Junior Highs which includes the seventh and eighth grades. erton are invited to attend the Sunday evening meetings which are held at the church at seven oclock. We are glad to welcome home and as one of us at the church. Dale Stockburger, who Veterans with high school eduhas been over in Europe for cation can pickan air force school Uncle Sam for the past eighteen before enlisting and be sure of months. He is home on a 30 day attending it it A N ;rxi 3k THEATER DBflGERTOtJ TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FEB. One of the six teams presented in the Carbon Coal League which bowls every Wednesday evening is the Utah Fuel company team of Sunnyside shown above. Participants include, left to right, Burke Hyatt, Maurice Manchester, Bill Lindsay, Walter Odendahl, Joe Brown, Jimmy Howa and William Harenberg. E. C. JR. HIGH 2ND IN COUNTY Junior com-muni- mmmckeis l1' Saturday the young Records school in attendance. people of the Dragerton Commushow that as of January 16, Church were entertained at there were 342 students en- nity the home of Johnson and Paul rolled in East Carbon at Drager- Tratos of Columbia. Being in the with 579 in form of a Valentine ton, as compared a beauparty, Price, and 254 in Helper. "A total' tiful table was set for the ocof 932 students was the enroll- casion. The center piece for the ment of all grades in the Drag- -, table was made of red and white erton school on the same date, flowers with streamers arranged January 16. of red hearts. Two beautiful and Junior high school students of delicious heart shaped cakes also the Dragerton school come from added to the table decoration. Sunnyside, Sunnydale, Columbia Games in keeping with the day and Dragerton. Sunnyside andj were played throughout the eveColumbia have a grade school to ning. It is needless to say that care for the pupils of that Buses carry the students the evening was much enjoyed attending Dragerton from these by all the young people. other towns. e this-year- ROBKTHUnra 1 Price. By FAYE RUSSELL high1 .1 An-sel- Youth. Activity East Carbon Junior High school as being sec- is now recognized ond to the FTice 24-2- 5 & This teatn recently moved to the front in league standings in second half bowling. Other teams in the league include Kaiser company, Sunnyside; Geneva Steel company, Dragerton; F. and company, Columbia; Aberdeen Coal company, Kenilworth, and Home Lumber company, i 1- -8 - A week ago , This last Saturday evening the Young Poeples Society enjoyed a time of fellowship and fun at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Voss of Sunnyside. A bit of news that will be of interest to the young people is that Dr. and Mrs. Voss were recently appointed by the church' committee as counsellors for the Young Peoples Society. They are highly regarded among the young people and well qualified for the task, so we are looking forward to some good and hopeful times together. Plans are being made at the church for an addition to the ty. - MISPAIGE and WARNER nCTUSE r THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 The West's SiliGIH FIGHTING A SAND LAND -- LOOTING FOR SALE Band instruments, accordions, guitars and musical gifts. Sheet music. House of Music Price Theatre Building. QioUSSr vthe-- SADDLE-KING- ! ' 'Y- OF - CROOKS! t- ' i - ri .mure o- I mai TO PUBLISH ANNUAL Activity in the East Carbon high is now centered around the edit- - ing and publishing of the school annual for 1947-4- 8. At a recent meeting of the student body, various assignments were made on will be this work. Marjorie King and Morris Nelson. Business manager is Grant Stoker, with Vivian Naylor as his associate manager. Sports editors are Kendall Nelson and Tom Lee while Irene Sixkiller and George Bradley act as artists. Copyists are Mary Ann Rodosh and Pauline Stella, and make up artists are Del6res Fratto, LaNelda Brown, Mary Katherine Neu- -, meier and Julia Lucero. Writers are Martha Fahl, Shir- -j ley Overson, Kenneth Harris, Alice Hanson and Shawna Me- -! P BOTTLING CO,, Price, Utah V L"JACXGPy Co-edit- 7-U- 'jzr.if.w PHILLIP TERRY r JACQUELINE WHITE EDUARDO C1ANNEIU MARGARET ARTHUR fntmtl , InM LINDSAY SHIELDS hr IFIMM BUM hr UR UUtttt , FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEB. V 27-2- 8 Farlane. Proof readers will be LaRae Ellet and Zella Crosby,! while Ruben Jiminez and Lois Malaby will look after the adver-- j tising. Class representatives are Sunny Worthington, for the sev- -j enth grade, Vera June Odendahl, for the eighth grade and Fay Olsen the ninth grade. Church Calendar MEET YOUR FniEflDS CATHOLIC CHURCH AT THE N Z Inn Father Sanders Sunday Masses 9.30 a. m. In 11:00 a. m. In Dragerton. Sunnyside. mour. Weekday Masses In Dragerton, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 9:30 a. m. In Sunnyside, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. . . 8:00 a. m. SUNDAY, MONDAY, FEB. 29JV1AR. f1 DRAGERTON COMMUNITT CHURCH "she dared Rev. Constance, Pastor Sunday School. Morning Worship. 10:00 a. m. 11:00. a. m. 6:45 p. m. Meeting. 7:45 p. m. THRILL TWO KENTS COULD CEFER Young Peoples Evangelistic - Serv- ice. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Study and Prayer. Bible & LATTER DAY SAINTS Magnificent mens wear worsted in o handsome shadow stripe by American Woolen Co. . . . meticulously tailored in o Orion Kay Mortenson, Presiding Elder Sunday, 9:30 a. m. Aaronic Priesthood Meeting. 10:30 a. m. Sunday School. 6:00 p. m. Sacrament Meeting. hip-flatteri- ng Junior-De- b L. D. S. Relief Society, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. L. D. S. Primary Monday, 2:30-4:3- 0. NICK ZAKIS .Prop. Original adapted from Parisian import. In misses GLORIA SHOP t , at M. I.' A each 7:30 p. m.' sizes, $00.00 Tuesday evening MRS. BELY A EVANS PRICE, UTAH a j I i 1 |