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Show ! k I one of the men wild took Skippys little body out of the water that night My mother sat CORNER with Mrs. Farraday when they brought him home. Dora Farraday didnt come home at alL She sent a THE RUG It arrived Just as they telegram. By VIRGINIA SULLIVAN TOMLINSON were bringing Skippys body into the house. Dora had left Skippy alone by the lake to elope to New had always thought Aunt Abbey dis- York with her new beau. KNEW th Farraday family beI fore it happened. I knew them liked her; all those unkind remarks Ellen continued at school; she had first when I was nine and Ellen she used to make. But now she was always been very quiet And after for the rug and meant to awhile, Mrs. Farraday went about Farraday was eight and in my class grateful the town again, holding her head keep it. at school. Since the narrow living room at very high, smiling her fixed, gay Thera were two other Farraday children: Skippy, the baby, who the Farradays was too small for the smile. Only Mr. Farraday seemed that year. ,was five, and Dora, seventeen. Just rug, Mr. Farraday was persuaded changed. He aged visibly when the to sell the home and rent a house Nobody was surprised was Dora school. business entering Christbefore rooms. old cold he with Their stuff Just larger caught engaged to marry Danny Wright, looked pretty shabby against the mas turned into pneumonia. The In town. who ran the service-statio- n the Mr. Farraday was branch manager rug, so with the money from the doctors said that he Just hadnt of will to live. sale the home new they bought Such a of our local bank. nice, furniture. And after awhile, because Dora came home when her father Quiet man," people said. "If only the that wife of his were not such a of the friends they acquired in the died. Mrs. Farraday sent her left her new had husband the Doras money. surroundings, Farradays fooL" and Dora bad been working in New I didnt think Mrs. Farraday was bought a new car, too. I saw less of Ellen now, except at j York, clerking in a store. People ,a fooL I liked her. The sprawling school. Gradually my visits to the I thought that perhaps shed stay g old Farraday house, with its porch, was always In need of repair, the shabby living-roowould be cluttered and dishes unwashed. but Mrs. Farraday was never too busy to plan games for rainy afternoons or picnics in summer in their rickety old car. She was little and quick and dark, with rather kittenish ways; always thinking up something new and "exlike the dress she designed citing for Dora that won the prize in the Easter parade. There was nothing I loved more than going over to the Farraday house whenever I had the chance. Saturday mornings they always had pancakes; Sundays they had sausages and Boston baked beans and applesauce In a blue glass dish. And they had laughter. A great deal of laughter except when Aunt Abbey came to call. Aunt Abbey was Mr. Farraday's aunt, a very rich, very unpleasant old lady who lived in an imposing granite house at the end of town. It was no secret that she disapproved bitterly of the entire Farraday family. Why she visited them nobody knew, unless if teas because, of aU her relatives, they refused to be Impressed by her money or upset by her caustic tongue. They merely Shed taken Skippy to the picnic, accepted her, all but Mrs. Farrahadnt she? She should not have day, who . seemed ' to like having gone off with that beau of hers, Aunt - Abbey around. Curiously leaving the child alone by the lake. enough. It was of Mrs. Farraday herself that Aunt Abbey most bitterly disapproved. home now, since her mother needed My nephew's wife isnt fooling her, but nobody really expected she me," shed say. Always pretendwould. Danny Wright was married, to so she to be Whats got gay. ing now, to one of Doras former classbe happy about, Id like to know? If mates, a plain little girl with adormy nephew had married a sensible to ing eyes. They came to Mr. Farraamounted have he'd woman, ' day's funeral, sitting closely to--' something by now." gether in the church. The week I declare," my mother said, Tt after the funeral Dora went bask to thethat me the way creeps, gives had ceased, partly be- her Job In New York, "and the day old lady looks at Mrs. Farraday. 1 Farradays of cause my mother disapproved after she left Mrs. Farraday came believe she really hates her. new friends. Dora to see Dora my father about selling her She hates them all," my father had Farraday's always been a sweet, docile said, because they've got what she little thing, ambitious to get along. rug to pay her bills. My father did his best; but this never had. The . Farradays have Now she had given up business was a depression year and nobody contentment. All Aunt Abbey has is school. She had even broken off her money, and when shes gone theyll engagement to Danny Wright. Dora bad money now for Oriental rugs. have that, too." had a new beau now; one she'd met The five thousand dollars ha finally from a dealer barely paid for - Only they didn't Because when through her crowd." Nobody liked got Aunt Abbey died the year Ellen him, but he was rich and he gave Mr. Farradayi funeral and fori Farraday was nine, she left them no Dora a good time. He had a weak, Mrs. Farraday's debts. Mrs. Farramoney at alL Her entire estate went handsome face and a loud scoffing day got a Job at the hotel. Her to charity, with one exception. She laugh, rd see them together as I salary included room and board, io left Mrs. Farraday a rug. It was an walked home from school, dashing that Ellen could live with her, too. It was storming hard the day they, Oriental rug, exceptionally large around town in his rakish car or and lovely; golden in color, satiny going into Van's Place for drinks. moved down there. We left them, to the touch, starred with dusty People felt sorry for Danny Wright alone and drove home through the, d town, passing the old, He'd been so crazy about Dora, and pink flowers." It's a shame," people said, always so glad to have Skippy and Farraday house on the way. Nobody lived in it now. Tears crowded "when those children need money Ellen around. behind my lids as we drove slowly! beau like new didnt 0. But of course they can sell the FLORAS He objected to Skippy trail- by. rug. Its valuable and Orientals are They were happy in that house, in vogue." Then a dealer offered ing her about Skippy was six now, Mrs. Farraday $23,000 for her rug. very spoiled and rather a nuisance; my father said. A great pity they The town rejoiced for the Farra- but it seemed hardly fair to blame ever moved out of it If Aunt Abbey days. This meant college for the Dora entirely for what happened at knew what she was doing when she children and money to fix up the old the Elks' picnic that year. Everyone made that will, then she must be house. But, to the amazement of Elks picnic that year. Everyone laughing now in her grave." My mother spoke suddenly. said, though, that tt was Dora's everyone, Mrs. Farraday stubbornThat's It!" she exclaimed. She ly refused to sell. She had always fault. Shed taken Skippy to the picadmired that rug, she said. Shed nic, hadnt she? She should not have did know what she was doing. And been at surprised as anyone when gone off with that beau of hers, Im surprised that I never thought Aunt Abbey had left it to her. She leaving the child alone by the lake. of It before. "What do you mean? My father stared at her. Her voice had sounded strange. She knew exactly what she was doing! my mother said. "And she probably Is wherever she is laughing! Aunt Abbey knew that Mr. Farraday would never be able to resist living up to that rugl Mr father was m FICTION t ; k i Tuesday, February 24, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH . f ) f G. C SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS ji i n, 4 ' - now-covere- chil-dre- n. Cities Grant Pay Increases To Help Meet Rising Costs Score of cities are granting pay to raises to municipal employee help them meet increased living costs. In Cleveland the mayor agreed to grant pay raises to municipal employees which will cost the city $2,100,000 this year. Fire and police personnel received a $240 a year increase, plus six new holidays to be added to annual fur- lough. Whit collar employees of Cleveland will get a $180 annual raise If they make less than $3,000 a year. Their, Increase will be 6 S per cent if they make more than $3,000 annually. Pittsburgh counctlmen earmarked $1,200,000 for municipal pay false. Biggest pay boosts went to employees receiving $2,000 a year or less. Chicagos record city budget for 1943 includes pay increases of 8 5 per cent for municipal employees earning less than $3,000 a year, plus raises averaging $300 a year for higher paid employee. In Omaha, all city employees bave been given .a fiat $1S per month wage boost The increase will affect approximately 1,260 workers. New York City boosted the salaries of 42 top city officials. The action added $86,000 to this years payroll. ' ' r f ; J-ij v - S iytdynti I ' 4 f , i ' , ' Jr f sV S - . ; .' . sag-'gin- J wm 4 W t v',v , f Nr - .. d- ' VT - - J 1. : x ', 'V'' 2 v' - ' - V, 1, , JF Jo on oLJciij timer Scalloped Cjirti School or Pari, 2)1 rJ, tv m r 'r' v , , v-.- , ' S - - v'. - - i Seud an additional twenty-ivyour copy of the Spring and FASHION 52 pagea of smart, make frocks; apecial features; tern printed inside the book. Send your order to: e Have Baked Ham for a Social Supper. 8152 (See recipes below.) Feeding Fifty If your club or church la planning a community social dinner for a or for the purpose of making money, you'll appreciate these tested recipes. The recipes are bound to be tempting to most people, which Is an important consideration for dinners of this type. You'll need to do careful planning for both purchasing and preparing, or perhaps you can have a committee work out the donations so will be there more of a return on the dinner. Have your group choose an able leader to Insure a successful dinner. She should be thoroughly familiar with all the procedures of the menu, and should be able to divide and assign the work properly, as well as to iron out all sorts of details that come up. Tableware should be checked In advance so there will be enough to go around. The aame goes for kitchen equipment. Men as well as women will like the menu for this community supper as It is appetizing and well balanced. Baked Bam Battered Greee Bsmi or Peas Candied Sweet Potatoes Cole Slaw Apple Cranberry Sauce Relish Rolls Batter Jelly Pineapple Chiffon Cheese Cske In addition to the items listed on the menu, you'll want to provide eoffee, tea and milk as beverages. Here are the recipes for this dinner. They are carefully planned to serve 50 people. Baked Bam. (Serves 50) It peond smoked ham I caps brown sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon prepared mustard K cap doves Plao ham (wrapped in heavy waxed paper or inside wrapper), tat side up in an uncovered roasting pan. Bake in alow (359 degree) oven about 51k hours. About an hour before the bam is done, remove from oven, lift off remaining skin and score fat surface. Mix brown sugar and mustard, add enough vinegar to make a past. Spread paste over fat surface and stud with cloves. Return to oven and bake In a alow (525 degree) oven for about 45 minute to glaze the surface. Here are some other glazes which may be used. The amounts are sufficient to cover the surface of one ham: ORANGE GLAZE: Mix one cup brown sugar, Juice and grated rind of on orange and spread over tat surface. Garnish with orange slices when serving. LYNN 12-4- CHAMBERS MENU Roast Pork Shoulder Sage Stuffing Candied Sweet Potatoes Relish Plate: Carrot Strips, Radishes, Pickles Bread Butter Plum Cobbler Beverage Recipe given. 2 Daytime Dress FAINTY scallops make a very pretty finish for this daytime dress. Diagonal the seasons pet style how neatly the narrow cles your waist. wearable lines are and see belt cir- tain not to overcook. Candied Sweet Potatoes. (Serves 50) 2 No. 10 cans sr S N. 2tt cans sweet potatoes 1 pound brown sugar 2 quarts bread crumbs 1 cup melted butter Place sweet potatoes In a baking pan. Combine remaining ingredients and place over sweet potatoes. Bake in a moderate (350 degree) oven until heated through. Cole Slaw. (Serves 50) 1 pint mayonnaise 1 pint afeur cream - 1 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon salt V cup sugar 7 quarts (6 pounds) cabbage, shredded fine Blend the mayonnaise, sour cream and seasonings. Mix lightly with the cabbage. Apple Cranberry Sauce Relish. (Serves 50) I oranges 5 No. 2 cans apple sauce cans cranberry sauce I Grind oranges and combine with apple aauce. Chill for several hours. Cut up cranberry sauce In cube. Just Ji It. AN exciting round yoked dress thats nice for school lovely enough for parties, too. Slim prin-- I cess panels are so simple to sew, the keyhole neckline is as cute as can be. Trim with lace or ruffling. Pattern Ns. 8204, is for sizes 6, 8, 10. 12 and 14 ytars. Size 8, 2 yards of apple sauce. Pineapple Chiffon Cheese Cake. (Serve $ I 50) cops sugar pints syrup from pineapple ana water U egg yolks I ounces (H frea ccminca coids That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly because It goes right to the seat or the loosen trouble to help and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to bave your money back. for Coudis, Chest Colds, Bronchitis When a woman refuses to tell her weight, she probably weighs a hundred and plenty. Serionsly And so I told her that I loved her and wed be married in sum- mer." July?" No, I meant it." Needs Her "It my tweelhtart tier clever. She bet breint enough for two." "then tbet just the girl for you to merry." i The juice of a lemon in a glass of water, when taken first thing on arising, is all that most people need to insure prompt, normal elimination. No more harsh laxati vus that irri tate the digestive tract and impair nutrition ! Lemon ia water is goad for you I Ganaratiant of Americans have taken lemons for health and generations of doctors have recommended them. They are rich in vitamin C; supply valuable amounts of Bt and P They alkahnize; aid digestion. N too (harp or aur, lemon in water has a refreshing tang clears the mouth, wakes you up. Its not a purgative simply helps your system regulate itself. Try it 10 days, In the Hat How come you tipped your hat to that delicious doll? Do you know her? No, but this is Charlies hat and he knows her." be- cubes Beware Coughs CREOMULSION mraolles fore serving mix cranberry with the SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Wells SL Chicago 7. III. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each desired. pattern Sim Pattern No 530 South Name Yoked Princess Frock soned with one cup butter, salt and pepper. Heat thoroughly but be cer- Summer easy ta free pat- Address S132 comes in sizes 12. 14, IS. 20; 40 and 42. Size 14, yard of 35 or Pattern No. centa foi ftvIlwffO that makes folks sleep all night! Thousands sow simp onduturbed baosaas of tha naws that thair baing awakaaad aicht altar Bicht ayU ta from bladder wnUdtn, sat tin kmnme Lat'shopaao! That's a aaaditieo Folcv Pills usually allay withia 34 kaura. Biaca blad-d- ar irritation u ao prevalent aad folay Pilla ao potant. i'oler Pilla muat beuaht you mthin 34 kouru or DOUBLB YOUK MONEY BACK. tart. Gat Foley Pilla from drur- Maka aatisfaatMB or DOUBLE YOliB Eat Full BACK. use CALIFORNIA SUNKISt UMONS cup) plain gelatin $ No. 2Vt cans crushed pineapple 4 pounds (2 quarts) sieved cottage cheese cup grated lemon rind cup lemon Juice 12 egg whites 1 teaspoon salt 1 quart heavy cream for whipping I quarts graham cracker crumbs or sweibsck 1 pound butter, melted Combine two cups sugar and two cupa syrup with slightly beaten egg yolks. Cook over hot water until smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Soften gelatin In remaining syrup for five minutes. Add to hot mixture and stir until dissolved. Chill until the mixture starts to conHONEY OR MOLASSES GLAZE: geal; add pineapple, cottage cheese, Use on cup honey or molasses and lemon rind and Juice. Fold In stiffly spread over ham; stud with dovea. beaten egg white, salt and whipped Finish baking. cream. Combine crumbs with reSPICE GLAZE: Use on cup maining sugar and butter. Line a brown sugar and one cup Juice from pan with this mixture, saving about spiced peaches, crabapples, ginger a third for the top. Pour in cheese pears or pickled peaches. Garnish mixture and top with remaining with the spiced fruit crumb mixture. ChiU for several For the vegetable, green beans, hours until firm. you may use two No. 10 cans, sea- Kaluwt by WNU rsatuna. 1 14 if V. ' j Mr roi Ben-Ga- y Rub gently-warmifoe soothing relief from simple headache! Ben-Ga- y contains up to 2 Vt times more of two famous agents known to every doctor methyl salicylate and menthol than five other widely offered rub-inInsist on. the original Baume Analgesique, genuine Ben-GaIt brings quick relief! fer Pais due to RHEUMATISM, MUSCLE ACHE, aad COLDS. in pain-relievi- LYNN SAYS: Feed Tips Add A nice easy dessert consists of tapioca mixed with crushed pineUterest te Mena apple, served with soft boiled custard. When you serve whltefish or haliServe fish on a bed of watercress but you'll find that cranberry sauce r jelly adds Just ths right not of if you want It to look truly effective. tartness as well as color to the fish. The greens, of course, should be Rice or noodle ring makes a nice eaten. If the family doesnt take kindly platter when filled with leftover sam or chicken creamed with peas to liver, parboil it, chop and mix and ptmiento. with egg, bread crumbs, chili sauce When you serve vegetable loaf, and seasonings. Make Into patties pass along a sauce mad of tomato and wrap in bacon. Bake in tomato sauce. rioup and grated cheese. s. y, Ask for Miid Bee-Ca- y 4A fer CkHdraa. 1 |