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Show r FOt' DraaZl WE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH. Ilitunc Helper Readies Program of Annual Days of 49 Starting Next Week Rates: $2.00 Per Year; 5c Per Copy ..Jack Clifford Publisher All roads in Carbon county will matter ea(j 0 Helper next week-en- d Entered as second-cla- ss as November 11, 1947 at the post the annual 11 get Days of 49 ofice at Dragerton, under the act under on Thured niht of March 3, 1879. February 26, and continue the Dr. Co- - next three nights at the civic Contributing Editors Lund, Betty auditorium, Frank Dalpiaz, genlombo, Vernon of 1948 eral chairman the fiesta, Jean Poglajen, Patricia Waring, Fern Peterson, Dr. Callister, as announced. Louis Veltri, Agnes Jeff, Faye According to Mr. Dalpiaz, all committees have made reports Mark Helen Hanson, Russell, that indicate this years affairs Rowe. John Blevin will exceed other years from the Photographers ! the successful couple bringing in will be elevatJthp most ed to the position of Mr. and Mrs Days of over the 1948 years do-ra-- foreign Tuesday, Kebuary 24, ly4 Sister, Of Dragerton COOKING WITH ELECTRICITY Essay Contest On Medicine CAII BE VERY ECONOMICAL Open To Schools BAKING . Experience has shown that electrical cooking can not only be efficient, but it really can be carried on with a great saving in cost over any other heat method. A few rules have been worked out that will make this possible. Herewith are suggestions for various methods of cooking that can be easily followed and at a great saving in power. . . . Resident Died At Monticello As everyone is no doubt aware, Funeral services for Mrs. Ludiscussion cille Garcia, 34, who died at Monthere is considerable and pending legislation regarding ticello of pneumonia, were conof supplying ducted Monday afternoon,,!!) the various methods more adequate medical care to Monticello ward chapel of the L. the citizens of this country. The D. S. church. Burial was in the - of American Physicians and Surgeons maintains that the finest medical care can be furnished under a system of private practice of medicine ind so have sponsored an essay contest to bring this subject to the attention of the young people of this nation. This contest is open to Junior and Senior High School' students from all public and parochial schools in the United States except sons and daughters of physicians, and prizes of $1,000.00, $100.00,' and three of $500 00, $25 00 are offered. The Utah State Medical Asso-- 1 ciation is also offering prizes for the three best essays entered by students from Utah, 1st prize $25 00, 2nd prize $15.00, and 3rd prize $10.00, these to be selected from the essays sponsored by the county medical The Carbon - County .societies. Medical Association is sponsoring such a local contest through its ' auxiliary and is offering cash prizes for the three best essays from the county. The prize winners from the state will be entered in the National Contest The subject of the essays is to be: Why the Private Practice of Medicine Furnishes This Country With the Finest Medical Care. Essays must be limited to 1500 words and must be submitted to the auxiliary sponsoring the contest on or before April 15, 1948. Any additional information about the contest, including some reading material and a bibliography of reading material sugof gested by the Association American Physicians and may be obtained from Mrs. G. A. Monnet, 157 Denver Avenue; Box 709, Dragerton. association- Monticello cemetery. Mrs. Garcia was born in Monticlimax of spot. Perhaps the big on February 5, 1914, and had cello the evening along with the dance lived there all her life except for will be' the awarding of the three DEEP WELL COOKING 3 Vi years at Ogden. major prizes that have s retail 1. To prevent flavors from mingling when more than one food Surviving are four daughters value of approximately $1,000: A is cooked at a time, heat should remain on for the entire and a son, Alice, Juanita, Mary bedroom suite, a cooking time. Ann, Inez and Felix; her mother. Permalux living room suite, and a Meat should be browned either in the skillet or the cooker Shone Martinez; a stepfather, Hoffman combination radio- -, 2. kettle is covered. before it and Frank Fullmer. Epifanio Martinez; two sisters, the three are phonograph prizes 3. Steam puddings should be covered with tight covers or waxed that will enhance people tojthat have replaced the automo-particlpa- te Mrs. Alice Velasquez, Dragerton, In the annual get-tand Mrs. Vincente, Ogden, and a paper. was gjve3 away In 1947. bjjg 4. A cup or a cup and a half of water will be sufficient to steam gether planned and promoted by Anyone holding a donation ticket brother, Tommy Jaramillo, fra- most meals in a deep well cooker. 1941 PLYMOUTH Sedan spec, de- the various service, civic, js eligible to win either of the temal and religious organizations three gifts luxe, exceptionally clean, with in the SURFACE COOKING city for the benefit of com- Single veterans with 2 years of 1946 Dodge motor; 1936 ChevFrlday night' in addition t the Funds raised munity projects. college can learn to ,fly with the 20 door prizes a bicycle . dolli sik 1. Use flat bottomed, rolet Coupe, very clean and . ... straight sided, utensils that cover the heath air force aviation cadets. bei 7ear a and J111 chest valued hope ah7 ? quilt good, top mechanical condition ing unit. proj- - at ji50 that is filled with many youth (.t0 to tight-fittisell. l0j"Uy SEE 2. with , priced right covers should be used for Saucepans O- c ty and t0 ma, beautiful and useful articles, will THESE CARS BEFORE YOU KB steaming. at the 0ne be given away. BUY at Jesse M. Chase, Price, Prveent3 3. Fruits and vegetables should be cut to uniform size so ballJark they balf 'IVAafs According to the committee in Utah. Phone 762. cook evenly. the,nt to each 4. When foods reach the steaming point, always switch to Low charge they have tried this year FOR SALE 41 Mercury Sedan Something new in the form of to select concessions and games Heat with new 47 motor. 123 West valuable door prizes has been ad- that will appeal to the general 5. For deep-f- at frying, controlled heat is vital! Youll need a Geneva, ded to the 1948 celebration. Each public, the main idea is to entertoo! thermometer, f of the three nights 20 numbers tain and at the same time make a13' wiU be Psted in conspicuous some money to help build Helper BROILER lnqulre . places in the auditorium taken as a more desirable place in which 1. Dont uragerton. preheat your broiler pan. from the donation tickets that to live. 2. Always turn oven switch to broil. FOR SALE-O- ne Washer in good have been distributed by the fouri 3. Meats that are frozen take a little longer to broil. couples that are vieing for the Condition. 144. Denver. 4. It is recommended that the oven door be left open at the right to reign over the three first stop while the meat is broiling. FOR SALE Practically new one nights as Mr. and Mrs. Days oft wheel trailer. Electric sewing 49. It will be up to those attend-machiOVEN in excellent condition, ing the affair to check the stubs, 119 Denver Ave. of tickets they hold with the ones ROASTING " posted, and if they correspond 1. Use damp cloth to wipe meat. RAY LARCHER ACCORDION BY nELEN ROWE prize is claimed, and thats I Quaity-mi- f 2. Season, flour, and place meat, fat side up, in a shallow sir- SCHOOL Distributor for the that. This procedure will be pan Lee! Im sorry I left your name without covering, No, you dont need any water. Noble Accordion. In- - rjed out each of the three nights. off of the list of names that I QuoHfij and honest at y.0Ur 3. As you prefer, put meat in a - J0110118 preheated oven or give cold brlJ A keen attraction will be the in last week for starting work put for start. Cook at steady moderate temperature. and costume judging that Utah Construction. (I didnt know workmanship 000 I PrlCe EaSt' BAKING fn will take place on Saturday night you worked.) 728M. ihe solution , 1. Bake in light-colorunder the direction of the Moose pans. lodge. Sixteen prizes valued at more dependo-b- le by time and temperature.- FOr each time you peek, add The independent basketball 2. Cook One hundred years ago this $135 are being given the chain-mont- h, 5 minutes to the baking time. seems be to coming along a Mormon bearing the pion beard growers, and eleven league 3. Place foods to be baked in center or above in the oven. if name of H. W. Bigler and a mem-- ; prizes with a value, of $75 are very nicely. The East Carbon 4. Leave a small space around each pan for good browning. Alumni are in first place. ber of the now famous Mormon to be given in the costume 5. Food will not brown on top in plans that are too deep. Unmarried vterans who have recorded the discovery sj0n. There are eight divisions in 2 years We want to welcome CLAIR of college completed of gold at Sutters mill, northern the beards the shaggiest, reddest, in ANDERSON home. should the air force California. returning thickinvestigate longest, grayest, blackest, Veterans ,w.ho served overseas aviation cadet program. keep up the good work. fortnight" magazine, publish-- 1 est, thinnest and character, with Were glad youre back. can enlist direct for 3 years served on the coast, gives Biglers two prizes In each division. What are those things that' BUBBLE ice in any of eight combat units FOR SALE New pianos and , diary as follows: Eunice and Belle have been wearorgans. Piano tuning and reLife is a hollow bubble, dont you stationed in the U. S. Monday, January 24. This day Are they SHOES know? pairing. House of Music same kind of metal was found in women and one for men, with the ing????? Price Theatre Building. Veterans of any of the armed Just a painted, piece of trouble, . the tail race that looks Mke goaldc third being the. best pioneer cos- is talking like one Every services who a held know? can Mardont James discovered you first specialty by I Vonder Vhy. Could We come to earth to cry, we grow enlist in the CISCO. army or air force in shall, the boss of the mill.' it be because of the free show a grade up to technical sergeant older and we sigh CGCD Sunday 30 clear and has been last week????? still then we die. Older and our metal has last week all the Dont you know????? Veterans of any of the armed been bids and proves to be goald I hear youre taking up Junior, can enlist in the army diforces we Is to have It be rich thought GUITAR lessons? I didnt know1 What has happened to Johnny rectly for service in Europe, Japan pict up more than a hundred dol- be the big night. In addition to you liked to play the Guitar???? or Korea. and Merlene????? the beard end costume Judging, lars worth last week." , a queen has occupied the coveted o- CLASSIFIED j j 'f5 ng prize-winni- FOSALrdleTu ne te us h7V; SkoL ed Sur-geo- - behnc ng ihs cose Inspector ; dear I to ne baiter performance divi-Battali- on f ' VC v MENDENHALLS OF PRICE r SBtWCB Get cndGfmVSUfl CGRPORtmoa COLUMBIA CONFECTIONERY I Owned and Operated by Sam Marakia, Member of U. M. W. Local 6089 Ice Cream - Candy All Kinds of Fountain Drinks Beer - Sandwiches r.loF mfMRTSfcr David F. and Martin R. are to man sweater? I never see you have their pictures jn the Band wearing it anymore. yearbook, at Carbon for playing first chair Saxophone (David) and The lower grades of the Junior (Drums) for Martin Nice work) , high are working very hard on operetta that is scheduled for next month. ( Ithlnk). Albert P. has had his (WOLF) out just lately. Why dont (Sign Tommy Byers and Frank Rus- you take him up on it, GIRLS?!?! sell are leaving for California. (Good luck fellas) have a good Reuban, who was that cute little time and come back soon. number at the dance after the v Ted T.: What kind of a radio 'game with Helper Friday that 7u ,were dancing with????? We hear do you have V.: The railroad type. hat her name was Ranae Wilson Roland from Standardville. Well, any- It whistles at every station." NICE GOING!!!!! LODGE m PLYEOUTD SO' s ODGEfei trucks hasn't TIME Columbia LOAN PAYf.lEHTS REDUCED ! Effective Immediately NO BETTER TERMS ANYWHERE GIVE YOURSELF MORE TIME TO PAY HAPPY.lSAPTTOBE ' AVERY HAPPY MAH CONSOLIDATE THOSE SCATTERED OBLIGATIONS FAT THEM OFT XX CASH AND OBTAIN XZTXA MONET FOR TAXES, OITTS, HOME NEEDS, REFAIR BILLS, ETC. . . . BLACKBURNS. Make Only One Small Monthly Payment to Have served you with pleasure for one year. Since Jan. 27, 1947. We appreciate your patronage. We are proud to be members of this community. Our desire is to expand with our We are 100 union. High winds held the stork down last week and as a consequence delivered only two babies to the Dragerton Hospital. A girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Stevens of Dragerton on February 19. A girT was also born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lake of Dragerton on February 20. Subscribe Tribune. to The Dragerton com-munit- r.:oTon 111 Bunnell Garage Dodge and Plymouth Dis- tributors for Eastern Utah PRICE - HELPER LIHC0LH HOTEL y. When in Price, Stop at the LINCOLN HOTEL PETERSONS DALE PETERSON Christine Gordon Prop. OHIIIIHtHmilHIIIt' ARROW AUTO LINE INC. credit company BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE .If!e.fr,CC f0r Draerton- Sunn jr dale, Sunnystde, Cahuubla - pnicE Close your eyes, drop your pencil point almost anywhere on this map (or on any map of the U.S.A.) and youll find Ford service. Thats a big advantage of owning a Ford. HERE and everylow-cowhere Ford Service! See DILL WHITE OR DILL WELSH FOR A QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL. LOAN UP TO $1,000.00 We guarantee satisfaction. DRY CLEANERS , the Ask About Our Budgst Payment Plan Youll never waste your time at A road sign painter suggests the Mr. (GRANT) has been in the following sign for railroad crossHospital for two weeks, and is ings: 1. Come ahead! Youre not now up and around. We're really1 glad to see you around again, and important. 2. Try our engines. They sat- we wish you Happy Health for' a long time. isfy. 3. Dont stop nobody will miss you. 4. Take a chance. You can get hit by a train only once. (This guy has a great sense of Humor, huh? The lower grades of the Junior High gave an assembly on Friday the 20th. It was a radio program and it had all the properties of a real radio program (even to the It was very good commercials). and everyone enjoyed it very much. It was directed by Mrs. Mahalik, and she did a very good job on it. Especially the musical it. Wed like to see more parof of this kind of an assembly so TO WASTE TRYING TO B8 way, Phone 7R12 V? THE FELLOW WHO st a , UNITED F.iOTOR COMPANY 280 East Main Phone 345 Price 9:00 A.M. 2:15 P.M. 5:30 LEAVE FOR PRICE 11:00 A.M. 5:15 PAL ,7:00 10:50 A.M. 5:05 P.M. 6:50 .10:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:40 10:00 A.M. 4:15 P.M. 6:05 PAL P.M. P.M. P.M. 10:50 P.M. 10:41 P.M. 10:45 PAL Special Saturday Shopping Bus 0.1 Leave Sunnydale for Price Leave Dragerton for Price Z!""Z""ZZ9:J0 Leave Price for Sunnydale and bragerton From Price Return j.y AJWL fjg, CHARTER TRIP SERVICE Busee chartered to any point in the State of Utah aad return. Phone Price 04 |