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Show ( THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH Tuesday, February 21, 1948 AC i AN AIRPORT FOR Dragerton Taxi Seeks EAST CARBON? Broader Service School Operetta To Be Presented During March 5ftgEEgfi?E MV. The Veterans and Miners Taxi East Carbon Rotary Club had service, being owned by John D. a propdsal to get The operetta, Tom Sawyer, presented to it Adams and B. W. McMahon, have written by Paynter and Grant-Schaef- an air strip in this area. Dr. Cyril filed an. 'application for a certifiwill be presented in the Callister, enthusiast, cate of convenience and necessity Dragerton school for the public headed the Rotary Committee to operate as a common carrier into of the some time in March. possibility looking of passengers in intrastate comThe seventh grade chorus stu- such an airstrip. To date prog- merce, in a taxicab service from In dents a cast of approximately 90 ress has been considerable. to all other points in Dragerton under the direction of Mrs. fact by this spring it is highly Carbon county. The hearing on Michael Mihahk, will present this possjblfe that we will have an air this be held in will application musical show. strip and possibly a branch avia- the Carbon County court house, The plot of the operetta is based tion school in this area. Mr. Buck Davis of the Price today, Tuesday, Feb. 17. on incidents taken from Mark and others are highly inAirport Twains story of Tom Sawyer. The setting is in Missouri between terested in the progress that has 0. the years The many been made. The airport will be set up commischevious pranks Tom and his it friends play on Aunt Polly and mercially on a corpoThe Department of the Army the trouble they all get into makes ration basis. The articles of inthis operetta a lively and gxcit- - corporation are now in the pro- and the Air Force have announced that they now are acing one to see. The girls will don cess of being drawn up. In the the a variety of beautiful colors for. near future you will be approach- cepting for enlistment in Air Force partially distheir costumes which will pro-vi- ed to buy a few shares of stock Army or abled combat-woundveterans to put this airport into full a colorful stage. of any of the Armed Forces who Everyone watch for the exact passess or are trainable in cerdate of presentation and dont miss tain needed skills, according to a it. statement made today by Master Sergeant Arthur T. Beaman of the Price Army and Air Force Recruiting Station. Class Men applying under this new Miss Eva Dean Waite, who will directive may be enlisted in the The Dragerton Tribune takes be married on March grade held at the time of their 7, was honits first step forward with this ored at a bridal shower by her discharge from the Army or Air issue. After thirty-tw- o weeks in mother, Mrs. Wallace Waite, and Force, or in the equivalent pay existence this publication is now her grade held at the time of dissister, Mrs. Louise from the Navy, Coast admitted as second class matter at the home of Mrs WaiteDanford, charge in by the U. S. postoffiCe depait-- ! on February 11. Decora- Guard or Marine Corps. ment. Starting out as a free sub- tions and refreshments were in the Sgt. Beaman added that appliscription newspaper, in order that Valentine motif. Miss Waite re- cants whose last period of active the pulse of the people of East ceived service was in the status of a many lovely gifts. Carbon could be determined as commissioned officer, warrant ofGuests present were: Miss to the needs of such a publication, Marrow, Mrs. Bill Tomer-li- n, ficer, or flight officer, may be this privilege of the government? Mrs. Douglas McQuarrie, Mrs. enlisted as a master or first serwas not available. Sufficient time Ernest Heer, Mrs. Mae anutn, hi.bs geant. However, this enlistment must be accomplished on or behad to elapse to prove to the post-offi- Esther Oliver, Mrs. Eileen Oliver, fore June 30, of this year. news-that 1 the department Mrs. Vernon Brown, Mrs. June E. papers would continue before a Church,, Mrs. Edna Graham, Miss Partially disabled combat-woundveterans who desire mailing privilege was granted. Mildred Graham, Mrs. Nancy more information on this new With this issue, The Dragerton Durney, Mrs. Virginia Durney, Tribune is entered into the Drag- Miss Marion regulation should inquire at the Durney, Mrs. Helen Price erton postoffice on the same level Army and Air Force ReMarkosek, Mrs. Florence Cullen, 'as every other newspaper fn the Mrs. Station, located at Room Gertrude McCourt, Miss cruiting 4, City Hall, Price, or at any country enters the U. S. mail. Mary Lou Naugle, Mrs. Mary Nau-gl- e, Mrs. Val Arambula, Mrs.. Lil- Army and Air Force Recruiting The latest local resident to get lian Arambuja, Mrs. Mary St. Station. a new car is Fern Peterson, the Clair, Mess Joan St. Clair, .Mis. Mr. Floyd Tucker, Sunnydale, who will be driving a Margaret Ileers, Mrs. Mae Bowen, nurse, has been resting at home for a Nash. Mrs. Norma Peterson, Mrs. Isa-be- ll few shiny two-todays recovering from a cut Naylor, Mrs. Gerry Williams, Miss Diane Lund has returned Mrs. Opal Duncan; Mrs. Kate leg. He cut his leg when he was whittling and the knife slipped. from a three weeks trip to Mt. Waterman, Mrs. Virginia Booth, Pleasant where she visited friends Miss Bobbie Waite and Miss Son-j- a and relatives. Waite. i er, aviation in (his TM-WI- E Disabled Veterans Enlistments Accepted 1830-184- non-prof- de ed Bridal Shower Held For Eva Dean Waite The Tribune Gains 2nd Permit FOR FRIDAY MID at the-- Lewis Ladies Store ) RIDE ON ir YOURSELFI Wed like to show you what the Air Ride can do by giving you a ride on our demonstration set. Drop in and arrange to take the comfort ride of a lifetime I Sun-nyda- le, Vel-Dor- ah 20 LEATHER JACKETS Values to 35.00 ce ed flEDD MOTOR COMPANY 129 Wet Main PRICE, UTAH MTUUIT 200 DRESSES K" Values to $29.50 50 BARGAII1 DRESSES Keg. $5.98 to $7.98 ne 100 Childrens DRESSES Values to $3.49 Size 2 te 50 Childrens COAT SHOW SUITS Size Q. Does th e Veterans Admin 1 te 8 12 -- istration Isnd money for home purchase? Th VA only guarantee loan. portion of th veteran Arrangement muit be approved by VA, but are originated by th veteran through a private lender. A. No. a COMBINATIONS TABLE MODELS FAMOUS TRADE MARKS COMBINATIONS rr Consoler:1!: WAS Console Table Model NOW 163.95 249.95 93.95 179.00 299.50 CAwaePA 104.95 Bow much can a veteran borrow T A. A much a the lender is willing to lend. Th maximra the VA will guarantee is $4,000 but not .exceeding 60 percent ef the total Q. loan. Model G4GA Bsndix Phantom Dial WAS 08.75 - . . . WAS 19.45 Record Player 23.39 9 TABLE r,T08ELS iL A. Because th loan is backed by the Government, the lender is willing to make a loan that he would not make otherwise, often without requiring a down payment. Popular Brands WAS Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model 50A 506 511 526 5026 6D030 572 664 27.50 28.30 29.95 28.30 29.95 35.00 39.55 3935 NOW $22.95 23.95 23.95 24.45 24.95 29.95 33.95 33.95 MSTMM OTM ElCMI(C m. uffliiiuiiuiiimai DYED SEAL, regular $169 DYED SEAL, regular $159 NATURAL RED FOX, reg. $300 Vote ihe Government pay any of the loan? A. Yes. It pays the lender, tor credit to the veterans account, 4 Q. percent of the guaranteed portion. This is a gift to the veteran and not a loan. COME IN AND SEE THESE BARGAINS IN QUALITY RADIO SETS ,::::::a:::;!!!!iii!;!!:iii!iiiiiiii!!i!!ic!Eaui y What U the advantage of a guaranteed loan T Q. NOW Bell Electric Record Player 24.95 NOT ELECTRIC y Q. Bow quickly must the real estate loan be repaid ? 1 A. The maximum period for a home loan ia 26 years, or 40 years for a farm. Payments may be made at more rapid rate, without assessment of fees or premiums. FOI CORRECT INTO I NATION CONTACT TOO I REARS! vrrtxAM Ao.uonunoa afrit. Platinum CARACUL, reg. $600 79.50 50.00 85.00 150.00 Lewis $ u Ladies Store Its Smart to be Thrift y Price, Utah |