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Show Tuesday, February 24, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Aiortfin Us QPark LnCiely .Hoirse Step -- Saving Shelf Is Simple to Build Speeding Train Stops Fight Between Drivers A southABERDEEN, MD. bound express settled at least the initial phase of an argument that arose when a local motorist found his way across the Pennsylvania railroad tracks blocked by another motor car. Corp. John Lanbeck of the state police said Frank Siran-gel35. left his vehicle to argue with the other driver, heard a crash, and turned around to see that a train had carried his car a mile down the tracks. Contest Between Taft, Dewey Decisive in Republican Race By BAUKHAGE Newt Analyst and Commentator. As this is written, the crystal ball gazers say that the 5' 8" governor of the Empire State is goof the United States. Some people President be to thenext ing will question this, and three, six or more months from now, even my private crystal-gazer- s Is may revise their predictions. even in Released by WNU MOTION picturego ians way , back are going to take! especial interest in one of the most dramatic scenes in the d Joan of Arc. Way black-moustach- confident, the face of the latest But the Dewey following Stassen is the only Republican (now Harold that shows which poll, Roper that Eisenhower is out) who could win four out of the sue major geographical regions of the country from Mr. Truman! The poll says Stassen leads everywhere but in the solid South. Suppose the solid South should own family and Is kept alive with split from the Democratic party, as close personal contacts in the armed they indicated services. I simply say this to the they might In or- Voter: der to rebuke the President for his sp - called civil anti-uthe- rn ights message which recommended antilynch, anti-poll-ta- fair practices legislation, which Is labelled by Eon may have a tremendous respect tor a mans military record, but that doesnt mean youd call him In If your child bad appendicitis. Politics Is just as much ef a profession as medicine or the law. We need a trained leader in this particular kind of leading. Maybe we will get one. Maybe we wont. Martin many southern Speaker Joe supcritics? Well, Univertally Popular pro-Negr- pose that, and as of the date of this poll (February 5), Stassen has it. stick to their Still the prediction of Dewey, which they make with tears In their eyes, instead of smoke from the smoke-fille- d room where decisions are supposed to be made. I wish that you people could have lunchattended that eon at the National Press club when Gen. Dwight Elsenhower spoke and his successor, Gen. introduced Omar Bradley, as chief of staff. . . It was a good talk, sad yon probably read 'the report ef It. " Toe also probably have read the report of the qeeetiea and an- wer period which General Eisenhower permitted, and which was one ef the best news conference t thats what it turned eut te be that I ever have attended. Members who couldnt get in were standing up, cocking ears, 13 to IS deep outside the entrances to the dining room. Naturally some questions dealt with the Eisenhower withdrawal statement issued late in January. The night after the Eisenhower withdrawal, which most Republicans and Democrats considered ss final, I happened to be with two dieRepublicans, who hard, right-winwouldn't even admit they were as happy aa they were. They kept saying, why couldn't he have said that much earlier if he meant it, and anyhow he has left a loophole so he can run, if not now, in 1952. I couldnt tea that 1 knew a lot of Republlcani thought Eisenhowers letter was tn absolutely honest statement, dictated by the reasoning of an honest man, untrained in politics, it Is true, but speaking from his heart There Isn't space to repeat Eisenhowers long statement in which ha said, among other things: 1 am not available for and could not accept nomination for high political office. , . . My deciIs definite and posision BAUKHAGE s over-crowde- d -- g tive. ... The necessary and wise subordination of tha military te civil power will be best sustained , , . when lifelong professional soldiers . . . abstain from seeking high political office. 1 would regard it aa un-- alloyed tragedy for our country If ever should come the day commandera when military might be selected with an eye to their future potentialities tn the political field. General Sherman aald: "I will not run if nominated and will not aerve if elected,.. But what motivated Sherman . . . and Eisenhower? The sincere bebef expressed in Eisenhowers statement that a man tit purely military training wasn't equipped for the job? (That statement. as you know, was thrown bflek at Elsenhower as a sideswipe at Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who has emphatically NOT caid that he didn't choose to run.) I have spoken of the Eisenhower family at some length before In this column. I do not claim to be more than an acquaintance. But, as I said, when General Eisenhowers statement came over the wire, I was, firmly convinced that there wasn't any equivocation in it. And I am glad that the press and their friends heard Eisenhower answer the qbea-tion- s as he did, giving back steel for steel on every throw. There was a big sigh of relief, of course, when the Republican and Democratic leaders knew Eisenhower was out. I felt the same way, but for a different reason. My reason for being glad that Eisenhower Isnt going to be President as he would have been on any ticket If he had run is the same reason he put forth. I have tremendous respect for him, personally, professionally. I am not a professional soldier, but my experience as a wartime toldier la reinforced by an Indirect Impression of military thought which goes back for mar generations in my ... Stassen has certain qualities of leadership with which he seems to have impressed the people Interviewed by the Roper pollers. But unless Stassen could "sweep the primaries Im frankly quoting my chief crystal-gaze- r he hasnt a chance at this writing. There doesnt seem to be a chance of his sweeping the primaries, and anyhow there aren't many states which have adopted this device, which it was thought could beat the smoke-filleroom. Now, the man who Is going to be Dominated Is the man who wins in the contest (always, as of NOW). That doesn't mean it will be Taft or Dewey. But it does mean that It will be the man who, although be hasn't enough votra an this prelim, can pick up enough independent votes In later contests to see him through. At the present writing, it looks aa it there were enough of those changeable votes to nominate . Dewey. If Its neither Dewey nor Stassen, the wise guys in Washington say it will be none other than Speaker Joe Martin, who never insulted anybody and baa more friends In and out of Washington than a winner in a crap game when everyone else Is broke. Without ever pulling any rough stuff, Joe Martin has put more people under willing obligation to him than sny man I know in congress. when the For example fight was at it hottest, a d Taft-pewr- y Taft-Hartl- certain Republican congressman came to Joe and said: Im sorry, Joe, Ive got- to bolt. My constituJoe ency doesnt want this bill. didnt argue. He simply said: Dont worry. I understand your situation perfectly. Well get the votes anyhow. Forget it. That man Is Joes friend for life. Some years ago, a magazine took a secret poll of the Washington correspondents to determine the most useful man In congress. lie was to be judged integrity, Intelligence, by his Joe got Industry and influence. the highest vote of anyone la either house or senate. Not long ago there was one of those big parties here, periodically thrown by various visiting firemen. It was a regular stampede, but some way I managed to back Joe Martin into a corner with my, .two assistants. Joe is a Washington-wis- e bachelor, and these two women are not lacking in either brains or pulchritude. Theyd both met the speaker before, more or less professionally, anyhow rather formally. This wasnt formal. Neither of them is a Republican. Like me, and all other Washingtonians, they are voteless and more or less neutral between the parties. Both of them fell for Joe Martin hard. And it wasn't because it is Leap Year and Joe is a bachelor. They are both happily married (the only kind of assistants my wife and I hire). At any rate, Joe Martin is a good dark horse to watch. - born-and-br- SCIENCE STILL RKO-release- MARGARINE STRATEGY Rep. Edward A. Mitchell (Rep., Ind.) acted as host at a capitol luncheon for congressmen and members of womens leagues who fsvor repeal of the present taxes on oleomargarine. Donning a chef's bulging cap, Mitchell demonstrated the process housewives must go through to color their margarine at home. g nt g D&ySllIs INGRID BERGMAN those them the trouble faces belong to James Kirkwood, Herbert Rawlinson, Matt More, Stewart Holmes and Alan Napier. While overseas during the war Bobe Hope was fascinated by the act of a USO trouper. Billy Romano, who inflated and kneaded toy bal-- I loons into animal shapes. Meeting him recently in Hollywood. Bob asked him to a party, had him per-- , form; guests went away and talked, and a prominent game manufac-- ! turer made a deal wnth him. Who says Hollywood gossip does no good! Raymond Burr was driving to the studio to be killed in a duel with Errol Flynn, in The Adventures of Don Juan. His car was sideswiped by a truck, on a steep road; it was caught and somewhat crushed by a telephone pole, which saved it from hurtling down an embankment. Having beeq saved from sudden, real death, Burr kept his date with an imitation. Sports fans will love RKOs Sports Coverage, a short subject showing how sports news is rushed to the public. Joe Williams, the sports columnist. Is featured, covering his beat. The film includes Red Barber and Clem McCarthy (who, with Andre Baruch, are the narrators) and other sports writers and photographers, also Willie Gus Lesnevlch and Mel Ott. An Omaha dairy firm Aline three-year-ol- DISTRESS Only Vicks VapoRub gives you this action you rub it on throat, chest and back at Ibedtime: It PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with special medicinal vapors. It stimulates chest and back surfaces like a wanning poultice.. And it keeps working for a m a hours-evc- nlf while you sleep I V VSPORUS Penetrating-Stimulatin- g specialWhen ICttS r:j y tthis AWlSRVMt Mi-VECSTflE- lE ibxkiw. In NR (Natures Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no- minerals, are no phenol derivatives. different art different Purely vegetable a combination of 10 vegetable ingredient! formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, theif action is dependable, thorough, yet' gentle, as millions of NRs have proved. Get a 25 box. Use ss directed. te?V AkKICMT WICK RELIEF FOR ACID IX21CESTIC.1 Corey Make Believe Ballroom will reach the screen, via Columbia Pictures, as an entertainment cavalcade, with six top name bands and six headline vocalists. Bob Fine, is Danny Kayes brother-ln-lawriting the screenplay. w, Every Sunday night Fanny Brice gives a dinner party, and secretly records her guests conversations; she edits the recording, using her Baby Snooks voice for the narration, then invites her guests to come and hear .the recordings. d Cathy Lewis and Marie Wilson, of My Friend Irma, both include the new look in their wardrobes, but at show time they work in dresses with the old one. They say its, superstition but admit the old ones more becoming! co-sta-rs , 600 Years Ago Wendell The U. S. department of immigration is negotiating with United States Pictures and Warner Bros, for 50 16 mm. prints of My Girl for use in Americanism Tisa, classes prior to examinations for citizenship. Lilli Palmer and Sam Wanamaker star. - CALIF. Tony, a dog, landed in an prmy plane at the Monterey airport for whom he but the soldier-maste- r was pining was not among the greeting delegation. Cpl. Robert Stratmann of Santa Monica, reenlisted and went to Fort Drd, near here. The flog wouldnt eat, moped about and looked forlorn. The army decided to So something about it and gave the dog a ride to Monterey in the army plane, which, the army explained, waa coming her anyway. Tony was greeted by Maj. Arthur La Capria, post public relations officer, who took him to the army camp where he was cared for until Stratmann returned from a weekend plague to him. In one form the disease even may be communicated pass. between humans. According to the U. S. health serv- Calm Example of Two Nun; ice, plague among rodents exists In Helps Avoid Panic in Wreck many placet in the world today. InBOSTON. Two nuns seated tn the cluding a great part of this country. Outbreaks have occurred among hu- first car of a wrecked train helped, man beings on the west coast, and by their own calm, example, to avert rodent plague has been reported as wholesale panic among passengers, a Back Bay woman reports. far Inland as Kansas. However, offiPassengers started crowding to-- i cials do not fear any outbreak of the ward the rear door to get out, said Black Death in the United States. the woman. Medical scientists recently have "The two nuns sat In their seats. discovered that the sulfa drugs are and on their faces was a look of valuable in treatment and believe and calm that Ill never for-- I that the new drug, streptomycin, peace jet Just by their appearance, they may prove ao also. New and Tnore calmed the passengers and helped powerful flea and rat kfllerz. Includthem get off the train without DDT and the poison ing are panic.- proving extremely effective. McMahon, and Jarmila Novotna, leading star of the Metropolitan Opera company. Grieving Dog to Soldier Master MONTEREY, grieving collie HOME REMEDY TO REUEVE The Search Is the first feature picture to be photog'raphed in American zone of occupied Germany; most of the exteriors were filmed In and around Nuremberg. Munich, Wurzburg and Frankfort. A large cast, mainly supports Montgomery Clift, soil-savin- g Army Fiies St IkoUM Tur-nes- a, has been experimenting more than a year in the use of waste radioactive material from atomic energy production for the, sterilization of food, J. Gordon Roberts, the firms president, disclosed. Patents are being sought on devices to apply the sterilizing radiation, and not on the basic idea of applying the rays, he added. A sterilizer using the process has been developed by Robert S. Berry, former University of Omaha student who has been working for the .dairy firm since he went to Roberts with his idea in August 1946. Results of tests to determine If radiation sterilizaton will change the vitamin content or food flavor, value of milk or other foods are expected to be made known soon. Byproducts from the manufacture of atom bombs have been available for the research, he said. l, se d Waste Radioactive Units Used in Food Sterilization OMAHA. g A full size pattern Is now available that really takes the mystery out of building this shelf. Working with wood provides complete relaxation. It also offers an economical solution to your furniture and household equipment problems. By making It yourself you'll save at least half of what a similar article would cost if purchased ready made. Send 25c for Kitchen Shell Pattern Co Pattern No. 5 to Easi-BilDept. W, PleasantviUe, N. Y. lf g hunt-in- ... ed and held in jaiL The man was Leonard Martin West Jr. of Cimarron, Okla. West aid he spent four and one-hayears in the army, including overseas service in World War II, reenlisted December 15 in the army air corps and has been stationed at Lowry field in Denver. West said he went to Montrose, Colo., to visit friends. There, he said, he stole an Oldsmobile sedan from Sam Trujillo and drove it to Amarillo, Tex., where he abandoned It at a filling station and hitchhiked to Kansas City. Sam is one of my best friends, West told police. I dont know why I ever stole his car unless Its because I have a war neurosis I have headaches and things like that. After arriving here, Wests conscience began to trouble him, he told police. He said he was unable to sleep and arose, dressed and went to the federal courthouse determined to confess and surrender. A guard over there told me to come back later when some of the federal agents would be there, West said. I went back and confessed and they didnt seem to believe me. Someone gave me a dollar and told me to go out and get me a good breakfast. I did, and went to a movie, but I couldn't forget about that car and about being almost AWOL from the army. West said he returned to the federal building, intent on' making another attempt to convince agents he' had stolen a motor car. By that time agents had checked Wests story and were more interested in him, he said. They turned him over to police, who also questioned him and placed him in jaiL Following the first blush of joy $- over the spirit of deflation which AID BURDEN: seemed to have been evoked by the commodity market price slump, Tafts Plank U. S. citizens began to realize that Sen. Robert Taft, Ohio's G.O.P. complications might set In. aspirant to the White House, started Most significant hidden gimmick off another campaign jog around behind the market skid appeared to the West by offering a thoroughly be the development that the price Republican message calculated to decline might, in the words of Sen. appeal to a large portion of the Scott Lucas (Dem., 111.), eliminate western voters. all possibility of income tax reThe United State cannot allow ductions this year. Its foreign aid program to jeopardAnd that apparently was the cauize freedom at home, he said in tious but considered opinion of the Chicagp, his first stopping place. senate finance entire We should not be actuated by committee, of which Lucas is a purely altruistic desire to improve member. the condition of a Sen. Owen Brewster (Rep., Me.), lot of other people also a finance committee member, who have failed fcfr expressed a concurring view, pointcenturies to do the ing out that any appreciable genjob themselves. eral price decline "certainly would We want peace have to be taken into consideration and prosperity by Republicans in their throughout the world to eliminate plans. Another member of the group, a threat to our own Sen. Harry Byrd (Dem., Va.) said freedom, but it Is that if a decline of market prices certainly not worth develops Into a business recession, while to adopt a it probably would have a considforeign policy so erable effect on tax reduction. burdensome on our I certainly am not going to vote own people that it will destroy at for any bill that would put the treas- home the very freedom we are tryury in a deficit position," said Byrd. ing to protect,' While the, senators' statements reThere was expressed a major flected a good deal of pussyfooting In TaftS campaign platform: plank and at least a temporary surge Of Carejtul control of the foreign aid Indecision with regard to tax reduc- program in the light of tion In the light of the market how It may effect this nation's doslump. It was obvious that they mestic' economy. were thoroughly concerned with this Also, it was consistent with his turn of events. activities in congress where he has Theory which set their been making that theory felt with plans awry is that a continued regard to approval of the Marshall slump of commodity market prices plan. would bring down the national income and tax receipts, thus renderU. N.PLUM: ing any major tax reduction perTo Europe ilous. . Decision on where the United N, SOIL CONTROL: tions will hold its 1948 assembly meeting will mean that some EuroState or Federal? pean city will get a healthy, One of the springtime battles now plum tossed in its lap. shaping up In congress .will concern Because the choice of a site for the issue of whether the national the coming meeting probably will farm erosion program should be involve that much money there is a federally or state controlled. considerable ferment of anxiety in Fireworks are scheduled to begin the cities of Paris, Brussels, Geneva in March when the house agriculture or the Hague, principal contenders committee opens hearings on a bill for the honor. sponsored by Rep. Harry D. Cooley Trygve Lie, U. N. secretary-genera(Dem., N. C.) which would turn just back from a tour of Euroover the soil conservation program, pean cities, has made a factual reoperated by the agriculture departport without actually recommendment since 1935, to state land grant ing any one spot. He did, however, narrow the field down to those four colleges. cities. Along with the transfer of authoThe 57 member nations of the rity would go about 10,500 department agents who administer the general assembly decided at last program In about 2,000 districts. fall's session to hold the 1948 parley That will provide a point Df strong in Europe, possibly to get away controversy, as will the measure's from the scene of their erstwhile provision for federal grants to help rather futile efforts. bills. states foot their Pushing the switch from federal experience to handle the project to state control most strongly is the satisfactorily. national farm bureau, one of the Currently operating under an anmost powerful lobbies in Washing- nual budget of 39 million dollars, ton. ou the grounds that the soil federal soil conservation service conservation program would achas 10,500 persons working ith complish more under state author- farmers, helping prepare conservaity. tion plans which the farmers may The federal program has not been accept or reject. So far it has prepared conservaas effective as it should be so far, the farm bureau contends. But op- tion plans for 478,128 farms coverponents of the transfer counter with ing 131,855,608 of the countrys one the argument that the states lack billion acres of farm land. V If HY spend valuable time for kitchen equipment? This easy to build shelf will sui-priit you with its capacity holds almost every needed gadget. KANSAS CITY, MO. A soldier who spent two days trying to convince authorities here that he had stolen a motor car made some progress when he was arrest- Peril Seen for Tax Cut; Soil Control Row Due mentioned In the Bible can be considered true plague and traced through history to 1320 B. C. It is believed to have started in lower Egypt, and In a few centuries to the ends of the inhabitHistorians estimated that by the "spread able world." end of the century the Black Death The black rat of Asia, which car-rie- a bubonic plague had killed bubonic plague, probably was of Europe entire population. In China another 13,000.000 died in Introduced into Europe by returning an outbreak of the disease at about crusaders In the 12th century. They would have mtiltiplied sufficiently to the same time. be noticed In Europe within a cenEven to this day the seeds of butury, and history books say they apbonic plague are scattered throughpeared at that time. out the world. Since 1898 It is estimated that more than 12.000,000 perIt wasnt until around 1900 that It sons have died of it in India. was definitely established thst the Authorities dont know where or black rat harbors the disease. The when the plague first began, but rat is bitten by a flea; the flea then some say that epidemic disease bitea a man and transmits the N judges in the trial sequence will be so familiar to them that they may concentrate on trying to place the men instead of on watching Ingrid Bergmans performance. To save G.l. Spends Two Days Telling Authorities of Theft. NEWS REVIEW Plague Struck one-four- th The faces of some of the Persistent Soldier Talks Way to Jail TRYING It was 600 years ago, In 1348, that the Black Dsath swept ravenously through Europe, killing about persons, to take its place aa one of the greatest calamities of all time. Feature. By INEZ GERHARD i The Hollywood Brown Derby is taking down caricatures of some of the celebrities whose likenesses have adorned its walls and putting up newer stars Cathy and Elliott Lewis among them. -- k- ODDS AND ENDS Top winner of the "Dr. Christian auard gets $2,000 and a contract with Michael Curtiz Publications. . . . Ben Gage, announcer of the "Danny Thomas Show, is commuting between Holly-uoo- d and Chicago, uhere his wife, Esther Williams, is making personal Hoegy Carmichael's appearances front door bell plays "Stardust, on the hack door and yon chimes; ring at hear "Georgia on Mr Mind. . . . The state department has selected Bea Wain and Andre Baruch to record a series of programs on American life; "Mr. and Mrs. Music" will transcribe their impressions in seven languages. three-mont- h .... SORETONE Liniments Heating Pad Action Gives Quick Relief! When fatigue, exposure put misery in muscles, tendons and back, relieve such symptoms quickly nnh the liniment specially made for this purpose. Soretone Lrnrmeni contains effective rubefa cient ingredients that act like glowing warmtla from a heating pad. Helps attract fresh surface blood supply Soretone n in a class by itself. Fast, gentle, satisfying relief assured of price refunded. SOe. Economy sue SI. 00. Try Soretone lot Athletes Foot. Kills all J types of common fungi on contact! uor MSUESP& Women In your 40V! Doe this functional mlddls-ag- e peculiar to women cause you period to suffer hot flashes, nervous, hlghstrung, weak, tired feelings? Then do try Lydia B. Plnkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Its famous for this purpose! Taken regularly Plnkhams Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. Thousands havw reported benefit! Also a very effective stomachlo tonic. Worth trying mjt fjimjfs comVound For Yon To Feel Well t4 boon every day. T days every week, never stopping, th kidny filter waste natter from tha blood. If mora paopia were .a ware of bow tba kidneys nail eonatantly remove sur plua fluid, exceea acids and other waste matter that cannot stay In tha biood without injury to health, there would' be batter underatandinf of wAy tha whole system is upset whan kidneys fail to function properly. Burmnf, scanty or too frequent urination aome times wares that something la wrong. You nay suffer nagging backache, headaehea, draineaa, rbeumatl swelling. paint, getting up at ntghta, Why not try Doans FHIU1 You wfO be using n medicine recommended the eountre ever. Doans etimulstoAhe funw tiou of tha kidneys and help then to flush eut poisonous waats from tbn blood. They eootain nothing harmful. Got Doans today. Uaa with confident At all dreg storen. 4 |