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Show X The Dragerton 1 Serving Drager-- t o n, Sunnyside, Sunnydale and Columbia. Combined population 6,000. Volume 1 Lets all help to make our community a better place in which to live. IV Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, February 24, 1948 Copy 5c New Industry To Be Added to East Carbon Industrial Picture TRIBUI2E SUBSCMPTIOn CONTEST non f V'WMMVJr' CATHOLIC CHURCH DANCE AND lit"; WEEK, STILL ON IN SECOND Number 34 DINGO TO BE HELD SAT. FEB. 28 A ..TJL. INTERESTED PERSONS MAY FILE APPLICATIONS AT DRAGERTON THEATRE BUILDING; MANY PRIZES 1 . Two free air trips to Salt Lake when the contest first started. So City and return with full expenses get your entry in today, and then for a two day stay at the Hotel start out. The contest will end on SatUtah, are tops on the list of prizes given in the big Tribune subscrip- - urday, April 3. Entries will be tion contest. In addition the win- - received until the last moment. ner of first place will receive a ; Final count will be made at midfifty dollar spring outfit, in which night on the closing day. to make the trip. The list of contestants will be In this big contest there will published in a special box article be over $500.00 given away in in The Tribune each week. The prizes. The Dragerton Tribune is total votes given will be that countaiming at reaching every home ed on the Saturday before the in East Carbon. To do this, w'e issue. Turn all the subscriptions are sponsoring this big subscrip- in to Jack Clifford, manager, and tion contest, with all the sub- receive the okay on the votes. scription money going back into Votes once entered for a contesprizes to those who win. The tant cannot be changed to anv other prizes consist of a radio other at a later date. It is not necessary that votes be entered phonograph combination, a a dozen portraits, the finest when the subscriptions are obfrom Carryls Studio. tained, but subscriptions must be To win these, contestants must' recorded with contest manager obtain subscriptions to The Trib-- j to qualify the votes. Get into the contest early. Subune. Each entry into the contest is started off with 5,000 votes. scriptions will be easier to obta;n. For each one year subscription at Remember we mainly desire sub$2.00, 1,000 additional votes. For scriptions from East Carbon, but from any place in a two year subscription at $4.00, subscriptions receives 2,500 Carbon and Emery counties are the contestant votes, and for a three year sub- - very desirable. In fact subscripscrip tion a total of 5,000 votes tions from any place in the United States are welcomed. are given. Remember, we are all building Subscriptions to The Tribune should be easy to obtain. Just East Carbon into the greatest call on your neighbor, and ex- part of Utah. We wish 7,000 popplain, that this is East Carbons ulation within a year, and our own newspaper. To make it a aim is to use The Dragerton success, every subscriber in East Tribune toward accomplishing Carbon is needed. The contest is this end. Subscribe now for The just getting under way. Contes- Tribune. Give Your Votes to tants may enter at any time. Your Favorite Contestant, and by Your chances of winning the first so doing, you are doing your bit prize, which is equal to at least to make East Carbon the bright$150.00 is just as good now, as est spot in Utah. le, j j Police to Get Two-W- ay Radios . . i.l ? Sunnyside parishes. Earlier in the year, the amount of indebtedness was among the members, and this affair on Feb. 28 will be an opportunity for members to contribute their cash and at the same time obtain chances to win one or more of the fine prizes. Working on this committee as chairman is J. J. Neumeier and s, he is ably assisted by Emil Jim Ryan, Henry Murphy, Frank Sacco and Dan Maes. All members of the church are taking active part in the arrangements, and it is hoped that the big dance' and bingo party will be one of the outstanding events of East Carbon for the season. Every one is invited to the affair, and all are asked to join in the celebration. Bingo will be played all evening, and those who wish to dance will have plenty of in- pro-rat- ed Can-ce- - BEEHIVE COKE OVENS Recently acquired Kaiser-Fraze- r' the by Corporation from the WAA. These ovens will produce 750 tons per day when in operation. The coking coal will be furnished to the ovens by the Kaiser mine at Sunnyside and will necessitate the building of 60 or more homes in the Sunnydale area. Additional installations are moving along With great speed so that production of steel can be stepped up in the Kaiser plant. This will aallow an increase in the output of Kaiser-Frazcats to be stepped up from 1000 to 1500 cars per day .according to an estimate by com- pany officials. Cojirtesy Deseret News -- er steel CONVERSION GENEVA ENOUGH WATER PLEADS GUILTY To Play Big Part In East Carbon FOR PLANT, SAYS CONTRACT LET COMMITTEE Sunnyside Mine Gains Praise For Safety Work PENNINGTON Kaiser-Fraz- er Woodrow Harland Pennington appeared before Judge F. W. Keller of the Seventh Ju- Only three recommendations for bringing the Sunnyside No. 2 mine of the Kaiser Company, Inc, Iron and Steel Division, at Sunnyside, Utah, into full compliance with the Federal Mine Safety Code are A $3,000,000 construction contract involving conversion of the dicial District Court, on MonGeneva Steel Co.s plate mill to The Carbon East area day, Feb. 16, and entered a C. OF C. MAKES REPORT is des production of hot rolled coils has tined to an play important part' plea of guilty to the charge of FOR POSSIBLE COAL been let to Walsh Construction in the up stepped production of indecent assault upon a girl .included, in an inspection report Co. of Davenport, Iowa. LIQUIFICATION PLANT the Kaiser-Frazauto produc- -' under eighteen years of age. released today by the Bureau of The job is part of an over-a- ll tion, when the beehive ovens re- - The plea of guilty was made Mines. The replacement of underelectrical transformers Plenty of water can be made '$18,600,000 conversion program cently acquired by the company, upon advice of his attorney. ground available in this area for any which U. S. Steel Corp. agreed to are placed into The case was referred to the with a different type than were Acqui- -' operation. government coal hquifica tion carry out at the time the plant sition of these coke ovens to- -, Utah Adult Probate board, for being ordered will comply with two of the recommendations, and plant, Dr. F. V. Colombo, chair- - was purchased from the govem-ma- n gether with the Iron blast fur- -' investigation and recommendaof the Chamber of Com- -, ment. tions as to probation, which the third will be carried out if nace is expected to provide sufmerce committee, reported today. The Walsh Co. contract includes ficient steel and iron to boost the was sought by the defendant. employees doing the eye hazardThe committee to make the study foundation work for the plate rate of 1000 cars a Judgment in the case was ous work will wear safety goggles of this project was appointed at mill extension, electric and pipe production to 1,500 per day, corporation deferred until March 1, by with which all are equipped. day a recent meeting of the Chamber work and installation of machin-o- f officials The Carbon County Mine emJudge Keller, and at that time estimate Commerce, and in addition to ery and equipment. Other con-D- r. 265 men and produced the probation committee reployed This forecast is obtained in an Colombo as chairman is com- - tracts are expected to be let soon, in the current, issue of a port will be. submitted to the 1925 tons of coal a day .when A. article Dr. Walther Mathesius, posed of C. E. Beveridge, D. K. C. Moschetti Inspected it in Nocourt. F house organ, News. EngiG. B. Jackson and C- dent of Geneva Steel, announced vember. neers are speeding the work to ' Arthur Carlson. few weeks ago that the conver- - have the installations A number of r Improvements ja producing Much data has aleardy befenrsion job' would get under way in were made during the inspection, alleviate the naby May, to collected by the committee, and a 'February and that it was ex- tional iron help Bullock Moschetti reported, inHas Inspector Glenny to shortage, according meeting of the entire group will pec ted there would be some pro- - th 7torv cluding setting additional timbers ' be held this week to prepare a duction of the hot rolled coils by at three points, - additional rock The blast furnace and coke report for the regular meeting of the end of this year. dusting of an airway which apovens were recently purchased by Glenny Bullock, son of Mr. and to cold Kaiser-VzhPPed from ThuesdCat The tte JhV'llS and tin plate mills in Mrs. Glen Bullock of 148 Grassy peared to be in need, clearing the. track of spilled coal in two ensets admjnistration for $1,150,000. Trail Drive, committee is to study the prob- Pittsburg, Calif., and Los Angeles. Dragerton, celebrated tries, a repairing a locomotive headat cost built of Originally ap- his sixth birthday at a lem so that the matter may; be party with light and several locomotive were $13,000,000, proximately fourteen of his they playmates on presented intelligently to proper warning devices, providing overoperated for the government by Sunday, February 15. authorities. load protection for the trailing United the States Steel CorporaThose Cotwere present It also pointed out that the proClyde cables requiring it, and removing tion. They have a capacity of trell, Roger Smith, Jerry Heers, posed government plant differs from electric reflector 200,000 tons of pig iron a year. Galbreath, Ronnie and from either coke or coal producJerry entries. in the lights The coke oven new wilLmean a Vern Guthrie, Gary Tobey, Bobby tion centers. Under the recomThe Tribune is expanding to Among many commendable mendation of Julius A, Krug, sec- cover all the news in East Carbon industry for the East Carbon area, and Dickie Bowen, Shelley Bon, practices will reported were blasting provide jobs for ap Wally Waite, Kenneth Roberts,, retary of the Interior, congress area and also to carry items of They Z3U more both W,lth. sh!ath!d y r0ck, was asked to authorize an appro- intpr..c( r pepie Jimmy Hill, Rickie Bullock and!Laid missible explosives, r..( fired with in the oven operations, and ad- - the honored guest. of billion dollars nine priation k th of ditional force in the mines to unit permitted blasting by certia over period of years for producFaye Bullock and Nancy Olsen fied shot and booters- produce the necessary coal for the firers; adequate ventiassisted Mrs. the Bullock ing oil from shale and coal. Ex hostess, ' d y ,news 1ems coke production. areas; Already plans with the games played and the lation of caved, worked-of iQ d n y a vents perimental work is already in know the use of specially constructed, you are under way (or the construc- - serving of refreshments. nf ? progress to develop methods, and f Glenny be f lnterest to our tion of new homes in the s, and the use of lhat Sunny received many nice gifts and a covered ' the proposal was that the eov readers. electric dale section to house the addi- permissible cap lamps by was time had rowdy good by all ernment work out production on Also The Tribune is seeking a tional workers. employees. The inspector said all. wider field of advertisers. Every basis a no smoking was observed. subscriber in East Carbon can be of assistance in this matter. Society Labor Statistics ,Read the advertisements in The Meet liquified, and the oil and gas thus , Tribune as carefully as you do Are Released. A meeting of the5 Altar Society obtained. would be the news. When yon call on your will be held Tuesday, February Figures released by the Utah produced from the liquid mass, favorite store, be sure and tell 24th at 8:00 P. M. in the Good im or of Employment Seher that you read their Department Secretary Krugs proposal would Shepherd Hall. All members are curity for in Tribune. reveal some The rtment January, By mean an ultimate production of urged to attend this meeting as interesting figures for the Carbon- so doing you will make the ad- two million barrels of oil a day The action taken at the last final plans for the dance and Emery coal district. Emery countyvertiser aware that his announce- to be held Saturday, Feb- from this source. Already several ment is being read. is considered with Carbon, as the meeting on February 10 of the bingo 28th at the school gym-- ! ruary in both Wyoming communities of the Horse Canyon This is especially desired for Carbon county commissioners Tt,leniPll)),s mine are all classified as Emery and Colorado are eyeing this pro- advertisers outside the East Car- when it was decided to call a bond election to provide funds county workers. A total labor posed expenditure of the govern- bon area. We all realize that much to build a new court house and force listed as 7,164 for Carbon business comes from our section. ment. is and 2,442 Emery and 9606 for We want the interests that obtain hosPltal wa not unanimous, was nostooned week the a statement made to- both counties, with a total of 400 oJL fine business to . seek it cordmg until February in Carbon and 250 Miss Eileen Lavely flew to her in the Drag- - day by Commissioner Irvin The meetings are open to all unemployed wbo ber in says that he voted unemployed home in Denver last Friday and Emery county. Tribune. It will help all of Catholic women. Five hundred employees were returned ilia the airlines on us, and it will help East Carbon against the 1)011(1 election and tends that the commissioners are listed in Carbon county as being railrtiad employees. Only 400 were morally bound by recommendations made by duly authorized Once Too listed as being employed in agriand accepted committees at meetculture, while 675 in Carbon are COAL ings held in the court room in Says government Emery employees. December and January. shows 40 railroad, 180 governDEATHS 1940 When Pete Roybal narrowly ment and 800 fanners. "These meetings were called for the purpose of settling the missed death in the accident at Utahs coal miners and mine operators made two major Checking figures on coal mincontroversial court house issue Columbia feist week that took ing, the report shows the average achievements during 1947. They produced more coal than ever the life of Foreman Jay De- -, hour earnings for November, and the commissioners had prebefore in the states history, and they did it with the lowest viously agreed to abide by the Angeles, he recalled that this 1947, was $2.04 compared with loss in life through accidents since 1940. was the third time he had had $1.83 in October this year, and committees decision. The annual coal production and accident report, issued "The vote at this open meeting, a very close call in mine acci$1.64 in November, 1946. Averthis week by R. H. Dalrymple, state industrial commission was unanimous in urging the! dents. So feeling that this was age weekly hours during the same his warning, he resigned from chairman, revealed that in 1947 Utahs coal mines produced commissioners to drop the buildperiods were 40.8 hours in Nohis 7,619,378 tons of coal with an approximate value of $35,500,000 a of job as a miner at the mine vember, 1947, 39.1 hours in Octo- court house labor until ing at the mine. This was 1,500,000 more tons than were mined in and materials are cheaper and as soon as he was released from ber, 1947, and 41.1 hours in Nothe hospital, and declared he vember, 1946. 1946 and 406,271 tons greater than the previous record promore plentifuL The County alduction in 1944. ready has sufficient money in its would no longer work in a coal EAST CARBON BEATS HELPER building fund to more than take mine. During the year, he said, the state had 12 fatal accidents, Those who investigated the care of cost a In the game Thursday night of its share the of, nine of them underground. This is the lowest figure since 1940, recent accident said it was alnew hospital, said Mr. Gerber. East Carbon beat in both lost when four miners their lives, and well below the 23.8 fatal most a miracle that Roybal games. This madeHelper I dont believe we should borthe Algebra accidents per year average for coal mining in Utah. row money just because interest missed having a fatal accident. classes very glad because they rates are now cheap, and in my As it was, he was not injured, only had half as many questions According to Coal Age, national industry publication, the but did receive a severe shock for their Algebra test. This game 1947 national underground fatal accident record was 1.467 opinion, a bond election at this deaths for every million tons mined. Utahs rate was 1.18, he time will be a needless waste of at coming so close to having a put our boys in second place in said. the Junior High League. Price public money," concluded Mr. fatal accident. Gerber. Junior High is in first place. , j er j presi-Downe- Final Rites Held . 9 services - .1 ! , , Plans are rapidly rounding to shape for the Catholic Church dance and bingo party, which will take place in the school auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 28. Committees are working on every part of the affair, with separate workers for decorations, ticket sales, dance and bingo. Plans call for plenty of entertainment. Many prizes will be giVen away, among these being a vacuum cleaner, complete set of dishes, pressure cooker, an aluminum set, rubber hip boots, stainless steel knife and fork set, an electric clock, table lamp, case of beer and a case of Seven-U- p. All of these prizes are now on display in the window of the Dragerton Rental office. Tickets can be purchased from almost any member of the church committee. The purpose of rals-- 1 ing funds is to pay off the mortgages, and the money will be applied to both the Dragerton and y, K-- - Birthday Party were held Wednesday morning, from Notre Dame Church for Jay DeAngeles. One of the largest funerals in many months, with not all of the people attending being able to get inside of the church honored the deceased. The Tribune joins with the hordes of friends of Jay, in extending its sympathies to this bereaved family. Jay leaves a place, not only on the job, but in the life of East Carbon, that will not be filled for many years to come. J : Cerofeth; SUNNYDALE ASK FOR NEW SCHOOL A committee from Sunnydale met with the Carbon county school board at their regular meeting on Feb. 14, and presented arguments for the construction of a school building in that community. They pointed out the expansion of the residential district under the proposed plan of the ,?r.ad La-f,a?- ?5 PU" - ut j?. company, and that this would mean the addition of many new families in the community. Even though it was recognized that a new building would assist, the board notified the committee that no school building program is as yet in prospect, but they would keep the matter for future consideration. The coal hauling contract for the school district was also renewed, with Jase Powell obtaining the job. This contract revealed that coal used at Sunnyside is hauled from Castle Gate. Kaiser-Fraz- er " er large-sca- van-car- le Altar To Commissioner Opposes Bond ection Now Tuesday - . fr ac-th- ur Funeral ,r:. . - j The' law enforcement agencies of the East Carbon area are going to be greatly aided within the next few weeks, when radios' will be installed in each deputy sheriffs area. This announcement was made this week, by Shemf Joe Dudler, who said that the necessary equipment is expected to arrive within that time. The equipment will be installed in the cars of the officers and will allow these to be within touch of the main sheriffs office in Price at all times. Deputies in the East Carbon area are Rip Collins, Dragerton, Frank Ellis, Sunnyside and Wm. Lines, Sr., Columbia. Under the new system, the sheriffs office as well as each officer will be in constant touch with each other. Up to the present time, enforcement officers in the area were dependent upon telephone service for their contacts. Under the radio system, officers can reach the main office or each other directly from their own cars. Sheriff Dudler also announced that all officers under his office will soon appear in new uniforms. These will be not only attractive, but will be distinctive, lending he mark a distinguishing officer while on duty. The Carbon County radio control from the sheriffs office has been proclaimed one of the most efficient in the state. An officer js on duty at the central station in the county jail headquarters the t w e n t hours during the day. With the installation in East Carbon, a blockade can be thrown over the entire area within a few minutes time, with all officers alerted. Radios are also installed in the police cars of both Price and Helper, allowing interchange of messages from these to any other police radios in the county. For Jay DeAngeles -r Sunnyside School Receives Okay On Physical Condition A report of the inspection of the Sunnyside School made by John Fetzer, Salt Lake City architect was released this week by George Ockey, secretary of the Carbon school district. According to this report, the school building was found to be in good condition, and only a few minor repairs were recommended at this time. Mr. Fetzer stated, however, that a definite okay on this building would have to await the study of the mining company maps of underground workings to determine if any tunnels or other workings exist under the school building, Our deepest sympathy is ex- -, tended to La Vae and Shanna and Mrs. DeAngeles. They, have lost someone very dear to them, and so have we. Mr. DeAngeles was a good friend and neiglibor to all df us. through--advertisin- Ger-ert- on con-gro- w J g j Often Pete Roybal MINE OUTPUT HIGHEST; LOWEST SINCE ' " . |