Show EG EE EGE E EEC Cf E EEf tC E 1 1 i j jI r rr rM M EE T I Ir r I r The Mottled Record of Mother Jones Labor Agitator IS ISA A A II III I h 1 hd t d H h 1 1 m Iii t OTHER JONES labor agitator and lender of or men known M from Maine to California who 1 during the lime past two weeks hai hM haic king history in ht Carbon county c err le ec summoned by President John Johr peen been hs s of ct the tho Work Yorkers Workers rs of at r merl a n to como r snit a to ie tho tha 1 ho union head it t Indianapolis ns ae soon na as pos pox Quarters L This news n which come com comps 8 from I Dice IT b 0 would indicate that sho Is la still touch torch with the tho Clore to I Ia In lays IlYs 1 her ncr 15 5 a n daY clu Il pile published to the tho It II was loas promised the striking Italians county that nn an accredited i Carbon In of ot tho United Mine accompanied by tether Mother Jones would como come to Utah To date data organizer has hos not appeared this t I sho lic he stepped off oft tho the train a at Mother Jones Jonell was going It Opinions differ as to tho the real ilone one of ot her visit to Utah Tho Those io believe In the woman and Md who with tho the alien nilen t clement element has hies coat the states so much throughout the tho country t aver that l It nis IUS slop love lovo for lor mankind heart heartbroken broken mothers moth rs and hungry children tAt Hut brought her to succor tho tha down and arll comfort tho the oppressed Others smile cynically and norm affirm that It wM as tho the love lovo of ot notoriety and an Inborn desire to stir up trouble which radu rodn her turn when driven Ot cut of ot Colorado B Be that as It may tho the old adage penk r louder than that words can canh be h to Mother Jones possibly Dually e 01 as n well ns nil to any MY notorious wo woman run pin In history Tho The following liri are arc vouched for fOI by reliable gentle tats EMI and otherwise ALWAYS IW YS DRAMATIC Like Nation Mother Jones dearly a 1 dramatic entry Aho Is rot not w ro particular I as to tho the l ti ram ss of ot her wits but bUl above nil tho the thet i t le tra must play and red rem fire must be b burned when she sho appears upon uI on the theTO I stage TO compare Carrie Nation to toMother toMother toMother Mother Junes Jones Is rough on the little stub nosed Indy from Kansas Carrie Lurie has hall led ft II clean cleat life This can cnn cannot cannot Junes Jones an nn not lx bt said of or Mother lother t hl ii hills fast friend of or tho the notorious Kae 11 ate Flint rUnt ono mina of tha th pioneer scarlet of or Salt SaIL Lake SYMPATHETIC AK TJ The manner In which she made inada her at nt Helper ol wn wits characteristic of oC i the woman Sho walked t h tho the best and announced who she was later she sho entered the tho lining dining room and Ml wt 1 1 down to dinner At the tho close of ot Ur ter meal m al tho the waitress placed a n linger i toRI before her Take it away awa my to 3 i M she the sold said In u II voice that could coull be becard kard card nil all over ovel the dining room ns MW us Ira donI a v slY aly Intended I I Rueh things tie art not for me they the only give Ivo nome name lOr Ivor overworked erkel girl extra work worl at atThe The file nt was ns as 11 he log kg t u as s noble n II ono one as all ever over uttered by bythe h hIbe bythe the Ibe hll halt halted ul old nit woman In ht Hick black The I words were ivero passed from fromm mouth to mouth und aid the th railroad hands who ho board at nt tho the hotel worn tilled with for her hor sterling qualities That Thai Mother Iother Jones should have hao such inch regard for young girls Is Is III some pome somewhat what nhat hat of or a paradox To io tear the mask war sway ay and ami resort to plain language la J May In ltd I S she sho leased 2114 Market meet Denver which hu furnished and uti operated as nR tho the most exclusive 0 Im ho moral house In the city cI t For Ivor l or years she In ho the tho souls souis and bodies of ot HER HEU CAREEN Since Ince tho time day Mother Jones Jone camo Caine Ito Into prominence In Jn the tho of or ms when she was vas hailed as a com r cuni m K reIncarnation of ot Juan Joan dAro dAre Charlotte Charlotto Corday et ct nl tho the lead Irr rj cg coal Jill companies of ot tho tiro country hive bane ut taken a n great Interest In her so lie 80 much so o In fact that Ihu thu Pinkerton Detective detailed men to tt ferret cut out her past history Tho rho result was wall folly 1011 Pry time tilt enterprise In Denser D nPr newspaper or woman was the tho only owner of oC a I Journal who lead luid the tho temerity to print the tho details of ot tho time Investigation In cold type It Is la a n i nl cant fact that t a I few tew nights after the Ihs I e publication of ot tho the Polly 1011 i Irys frys lr s life ICe was waR ua attempted nt It her Hen Heni i nr ver residence by hy a nun man who tined fired fi ll point Nude blank at nt her herI herIt j H It ti Is I further significant that tho the re ro roll 11 has never been b n denied neither No U h 1 j i I I t 1 n Ili y J Y v vr r J r rY t v 1 k kI I df t h t 1 k kI t I h ht t f tJ 1 t C Tim Till NOTORIOUS MOTHER JONES From a Photograph In of the tho 1 ho have any entered against the tho publication for libel UNION unit Imn nut But tho the most conclusive evidence of ot tho the truth of ot tho the story tor Is that following fallowing the time exploitation of the woman lies President dent John Mitchell of at tho time Mine lIno MineWorkers Workers Work rs Union Is III to have blue relieved her from service In Col Co Colorado orado The Tho union could not afford to retain her services although h It ad HI admitted milted that as us an nil on Mother Iother Jones JOlle was Willi equal to half u IL dozen of ot tho the best work workers cps among g tho the men n et 1 Mother Mothel Jones I 1 arid r rin In fact till nil nl the time original tro uble have been he n deposed epo and amid others placed In their stead Tho rho accompanying picture of Moth Mother er cr Junes Jones was ivas secured from Crom tho the ton Detective Agency A ene at lit Denver I 1 e 0 News The Tho original Is Iii mounted in Inthe inthe the thu fashion In iii vogue VO throughout the country countr In its police circles circle s On t tho the buck back Is a 11 printed form which has been tilled III In In Ink Hero lIero It Is reproduced Name Namo Mother Jones Jonos or Mary Harris Occupation Labor Agitator Age A BO Height 5 tool feet 4 t Inches Weight Color of ot Snow hlo white while l I I irgo grey cc i Peculiarities of oC Medium ledlum stat atilt stature stature ure u I scars Marks boldness Baldness etc Dresses In black blackA A STORY STOny Her flee life lite story tory ns as unearthed after aCter In Investigation fItI and which wits Willi printed by b Polly folly Pry Iry PI consists consist of at tho the following nr or IIII May Mary MOL Harris horn born In iii Cork Ireland CO GO years ngo ago of ot parentage timid and nm good ool antecedents Drought ht to Now England l nt at nn an early enl age ngo People settled In ht I ed Ill In common school Taught n country coun country try tt school 11 for tor several years Married a n prosperous farmer rand and when widowed latel allied her herself herself self Hel with a labor movement then at attracting attracting attention In the tho east claiming lint she wanted to elevate tin time laboring classes clasHeR educational nod socially lIr Mother Jonet was known ns nil Mother Mothel Harris In May Ally 1990 1889 whon when she sho leased tho lions house then standing on what Is la now 2114 Market street be between tween t and amid streets Denver She Rho refurnished It U tram from top lop to hot bot bottom ot ottom tom lain anti soon Boon opened It ns IR n a 1 house that afterwards became b ono one of ot tho the most notorious In ht the tho city liar seven Rovon Inmates who known l ns as the girls on an the tho row Ivor or several months tool took great grent pride In tho time character of her house and 1111 the class hint hat patronized It U At t that time lino JN N I I I N MN I It was the thc most mOEt exclusive house on all Market street t Made a n specialty of or midnight lunch lunches es mid and social card gnomes games at nt which un limited gambling was WOl Indulged In Catered entirely to tho the gang then In iii control of or the city elt county political machines amid a u few Cow wealthy mining In n nour Tour four our months after opening the tho house houIe had hod over oer on en deposit In city bunks bank Had kind a 1 friend at of that time theme celled called ler lI lie e deserted loss rte her In September e ime r anti went event to Now New Mexico with nn an Inmate of or orthe the house After that Mother went further to the tho bud bad Took rook to drink mind 1111 1 was vas arrested soy sev oral orol times on time Iho charge of ot drunken drunkenness ness and disorderly conduct Loft Lett her house to manage Itself and In him n short I time It became ono one of at tho time typical dives of ot Market street By B Nov IB Hi 11 Him sh had spent tho time she sh had mf had on nn deposit llin In tho the hit only ani a 1 few rew mouths months nod borrowed 21 00 front from S 3 H II Engel n 11 loan broker giving a chattel mortgage on the tho furni Lure ture In tho this house houw On Dec Dee 20 0 1889 1899 tho limn mortgage was OR foreclosed the time sold soM and tho time house closed ol Mother Manner Jones than lIum nn no In Inmate mate of tho clue Minnie Hull house houw llert lieI f to 10 with labor loaders lerr std r nt ot the tho Ilme of ot tho the A It H U V strike of or SOl 1891 Since then linn has tin kept pretty prell busy stirring things up Has lIns u record fur for never hover advocating peace or arbitration but always bolus fur for strife strite and war sear Was Vas particularly prominent In him tho the Pittsburg of ut mr ra strike of or 57 97 Pennsylvania strike of ot U m and 1000 1090 the coal strike of ot lust year In thu the anthracite district In ht lenn and thu tho textile strike In lit Phil Philadelphia Philadelphia adelphia During the tho letter latter strike o she placed herself nt at the tho head heal of ot women ronen and children aid started with them on onu onu onu u march to 10 Oyster Hay to Interview President lr and damn d 11 his In Intervention ten In behalf of ot the time strikers She hold plat ilal meetings along limn tha route solicited for tor the tho maintenance once ance of ot her party and finally filch landed at ut Oyster flay Un with a handful of ot her 1 t 1 n followers but she did Uld not see re the time president president dent end the expedition C ended there That Is tho the record reCon BO no tar for n all as time the labor laboi movement la 11 I concerned of or tho the woman known front from Maine to California nc ns Mother Iother Jones JOlles labor agitator and leader Mother Jones who Is always It I 1111 to the front when there Is U strife strite with her battle cry of oC Wed rather tight lIht than Mother Jones Junes who gets 15 j per day da and expenses 1111 s long ns us there hero Is le trouble brewing who since Inco 1900 1300 has reel ed III a 11 salary from Irom runt the tho mino workers organization allon and who vho Is II said to lu be worth tiny any five men as II an nn agitator tor I I TIER HER PINKERTON RECORD nut flut In him the Pinkerton there Is another record ono that reaches back to when Mother Jones Jonts was wasa a 1 well character not alono nono In inthe tho the Red fled Light Lh ht district of ot Denver but butIn butla In la Omaha City Chicago and oK San Francisco I I That record covers many pages but n l few tow of at the facts arc all that art are nee necessary i character of i essary esry to show you time tle this reformer They say jay of or tier her tierA A vulgar heedless heartless h vicious creature with n fiery fier temper amid a I brutality rare even eon In III U tho the slums lumB An All of Jennie Rogers home on Market street Denver n ner tome some U 19 I years Sure got into trouble with tho the Rogers woman for bribing mil ail of or her tur h r girls to leave leavo her and lint go 10 to a 1 house In him Omaha for which oct net she ahe he was teas It raid paid a n procuress procures Ice fee of ot 5 to J apiece tor for forthe I I the girls She SImo was wan n I confidential servant In II Rose Hoso private hou house on of Mar Muir Market ket Itel street Denver and with willa her see ney so oral cral years yearn WOK well known to Anni Wilson another Denver IJen r woman who ran run n place on 01 Market et street had a n place Illace In Cripple Creek and now lives In Kansas Kansan City Known Inon to Lola Lota Livingston with whom she went to 10 San Francisco eo Lived In him fiva En house hous on Mar Market Market ket street nt at the time time the limo Coxey Coxe axe army passed IMse through here hero and took a 11 promInent prom prominent pert part In iii the thc Denver peel for their care rare Is III known to o Harry Horn lASS Lous n piano player at nt 1926 Market street who wh says ln 1 he knew her first In hr n Omaha In mI 1691 when she Rhe lived In n house hous nt Tenth nod Douglas 1 She wits then selling to the thu girls A sewing woman for the tilt sporting I class elas living on an Lawrence street name namo withheld knew her 12 1 or 10 Iii years eArll ago ngo when she lived with Hall hail and afterward with Jennie Ropers says IIA II It 11 was commonly reported that she WAS vas n II procuress by h trade Etc It etc etl ctr etl FOR FOIt ONE ONi O a H ooh g Why Wh 11 3 nauseate st Tho The above horrible arraignment should be he sulU sufficient lent Honest men and women wommen whose arose sympathies have huse hell been with th labor movement recoil I coll In horror nl at the in indictment Men ten who ahu have swung their hats anti and fallen full limbo Into line behind time the ex procuress hang their heads nt fit tin the thought of how hol they have havu hn been hood hOOlI hoodwinked winked The he facts tire one coming to 10 light lIht In n Colorado president Simp Simpson p son Oll s secretary e ht ry and amid treasurer John JohnL JohnJ L J 1 Gehl national organizer for tor district 13 iS have havu been deposed with their co laborer tho the pretending Mother Mather Jones Jonts Thero There wan a n little matter of oC 2 that could cola not n l bo bl accounted tor for thousand dollars sub lub subscribed subscribed scribed In III the tho way wa of ol union unto fees In him tho Iho name nano of 01 freedom and brotherly lovo that It Is iii alleged I II had been dl di diverted I tram train legitimate I channels rush Cush was waH sent down to sti lighten out nut I mutters matters amid was as horribly beaten by IJ un unknown known parties s Then the Iho United tn Mine Mimic Workers sent Font down a men mar named nil III Fair Fairley ley 11 to lake taku his place and carry on tho the campaign against tho the coal cOlli companies I In turn brutally slugged by bythe the time strikers striker themselves eo BO It Is claimed who enraged by b the promises made mm by bythe bythe the that had hAIl not hot icon been ful tul tilled II II ClI turned on the lenders for tor dubious I satisfaction sat I Without entering Into pule the rights and wrongs of ot the existing controversy to date the tho conI diggers who ho have hlO boon been h en Induced to Join the movement against capital apparently have 1110 been hc n woefully hoodwinked by those tho c who would pose pos po oJ nn as a modern Mosey Moses to lend leAd them out omit omita o a of the tho ho wilderness a I o u the tho green fields of oC peace and prosperity h ro corpora have havo been heen crushed cashed and burled buried and nAg Hag waves In triumph I I I i 1 1 v l a r r r r t tr tr 1 r rr 11 r e r p lio el t tI t tr i r f r s r Ii L v s e k kG kl I G l rt I I I 11 1 l Nt r 1 t tI r v J I W Ol 1 CAlmON liUN An Official Who Has Mad haul A Prominent Part rt In him the le Strike ikc I I sheriff whenever he should attempt to ninke nn arrest 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