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Show COL. BECKWITH SAYS: I Take Pleasuro to Commending Coughs and Colds. Pe-ru-- na flBCE nfiilT raSHDWSTOBM For DAD 1 t.'HOUCT WOMENS SUFFEnifJGTHESUREPEHALTY WEATHER DOES NOT STOP FIGHTING IN FAR EAST. Health Thun Lot II Ilnkham Japanese, Attacked During a Blinding Snowstorm, Are Forced to Surrender Two Villages. Is Vt-.:..L- L red by Lydia U n pound. How many women do you know who are perfectly wll and strong? Wa boar every day the story over and over again. do not Lei well; 1 am to tired all the time1. 1 Advices from Sef.uiRta!, sixty versts southwest of Mukden, tinted January 2S, mto that a battle began t daylight January 2.1. The right flank of the Russian nrmy, reinforced by troops from the ea-- t, began a movement against the Japanese left. One corps, having S.cfingtal at midnight, January 21, marched about seven miles Southwest and at daylight attacked. The Infantry, backed up by artillery, drove the Japanese from two villages pt midday, after a sharp light, and continued to make progress, the rest of the right flank becoming engaged. The Russian artillery lire was heavy, but the Japanese remained almost silent. The captured villages presented a warlike appearance, with Japaneo and Russian dead lying side by side In the streets. The Russian infantry kept tinder the rover of t lie walls and houses to protect themselves from the Japanese lire from adjoining villages. The. country is flat and thickly populated and t ho villages are large and i Colonel Paul K. Beckwith, Lt. Col., retired. 1st Reg. Minute Men, in a letter from 1503 Vermont avenue, N. W., Washington, I. 0., writes: rich in foodstuffs. It is snowing and bitterly cold, and More than likely eu sjvnk the same words yourself, and no doubt u fuel is far from w ell. fl may easily tracid to some d.-- t an vment of the female organs hih manifests it.sdf ji relm tanee to go depression of anywhere or do anything, baekaehe, n pains, Patnlmey, nervbearing-doousness. .sleep!--sj'.fsleUis r rho-a- . Tin s,- symptoms are but warning that there is dang, r ahead, and unless heeded a life of Mifiering ora serious opera ta is the inevitable result The nev , : remedy for all those symptoms is Ldia 11. Puikhams Vegetable Compound. Mi Kate McDonald, of Woodbridgc, s N J., writes: the troops eagerly seek the protecMi-Dear Pinkleim : From the unqualified endorsement of many of my friends, tion of the villages, which, in this disI think that it unu m naturally d Mikes bj take pleasure in commending your remedies for coughs and make her troubles known to the 'public, but trict, have escaped destruction. rest on si health lauioiUit nmh to mo thaf Paul B, Beckwith. colds, On January 20 there was a heavy I cannot help from telling minn for the sjikq fire along the right flank front and an of other sullenng women longtime mtVnsI un'old agony IN FIELD OR BARRACKS Peruna has always been a great advance was made. The wind at thj w!thPorn a uterine trouble and irregularities, favorite with the military men, both in back of the Russians drove the snow which made sieal wish k. and no onq IS EFFICACIOUS. the aplij into the faces of the Japanese, and army and navy. thought. would iveover, but Lvdia E. Pink, The strongest kind of testimonials was difficult to see any distance. ham's Vegetable ('umjxiuiui has entirely The constant exposure to the elecunsl me, anil made me well and sf rt:ng, and are received from oflieers of high rank One Siberian regiment suffered heav r ments experienced in an life is I feel it mv dut v to nt her KtiUVring women not so apt to cause coughs and colds as concerning the virtues of Peruna for all losses. What a splendid inslieitio it is. con27 On ailments. catarrhal the fighting January sedentary habits. If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a Only a small per cent, of these can be tinued on the right flank, but it doe Those who are brought face to face used bottle of Lydia U. Pinkbain's Vegetaof want the for to for seem be not developed along publication space. with the weather every day in active ble Compound at once, and write to Mr. L. Harrison Purnside Posl eastern or center flanks. I)eam, llife are much less liable to catarrhal No. Mrs 8, Department of the Potomac. Lynn. Mass., for special Probably the cold weather prevents advicePinUham, diseases than those who are housed up Colonel - it is free aud always belpfuL No. Union G9, battle. of the a continuance encampment further in illy ventilated Veterans Legion, Colonel Green Clay There is more artillery on both rooms. And both Smith Regiment No. 17, U. V. U., De- sides than in any former battle of hisof these classes are Valuable Oyster. more or less subject partment of the Potomac, Military tory. An oyster containing pearls of tho to catarrh and Order Loyal Legion, Department of Major 34th Indiana Veteran THE JAPANESE REPORT. value of .C250 was found by a fishercatarrhal diseases. Columbia, Volunteer writes: Infantry, The soldier as well as the civilian finds man at Neumunstcr. Germany. There Is no longer any question as Says Russian Assault Has Proven a .it frequently necessary to use Peruna to the curative qualities of Peruna in on account of coughs and colds. Complete Failure. Ko one is exempt. The strong and all catarrhal troubles. Its successful A dispatch from General Kurokis healthy are less liable than the weak use by many of my f lends entitles i. to confidence and endorsement and ill, but none entirely escape. headquarters says the Russian at Poor tea is the older has left tho to turn Japanese tempt leaves, not the young ones a in resulted complete failure. Surely. A Pittsburg rabbi says Adam was a The Russians chose the worst Theres too much of it. myth. But there must have been a weather of the season, depending, perBAILEY & SONS grocer returns your money If you dont first man some time and somewhere. their familiarity with a likeYour upon haps, bent. LAKE Schilling's UTAH SALT 2ND SO. ST.. B. CITT, Buffalo Express. to aid them in their snowy country Are headquarters for the best quality Alfalfa No Executions in Switzerland. operations. ,Seed, also Grass and Garden Seeds, Grain, on the JapAmong those who have received the highest attacks Their artillery iGrain Bags, Twine, etc. In seed business 40 yrs. award Capital punishment still exists In the Grand lrize at St. Louis Worlds Fair, anese permanent line were, it is Switzerland, jMail orders given special attention. was the A. J. T. wer C the makers of the F1SII hut all death sentences BRAND SLICKERS. Many of our readers who went thought, a demonstration to prevent within the last half century to the Fair, will recall their fine exhibit In which Imposed the withdrawal of forces for the pur- have been commuted. waterproof garments were shown adapted to so many uses that almost every department of the worlds pose of reinforcing the Japanese left. work was suggested. The Grand Prize was a deAll yesterday afternoon and. into the seeds can are SEEDS that yon served tribute to one of the oldest manufacturing rnend on. Get Crtalogue. concerns In the country. A OKKUOKY SON, Hsrbfshtad, But. night an artillery duel was waged J. H. across the Shakhe river. There was Sell as your customer likes-tmuch heavy rifle firing from positions Bonapartes House Now a Barn. Longwood, Bonapartes house in St. "where the entrenchments are closest. s 1 PE-RU-N- A 1 1 out-doo- 1 11 j-- TEA ALFALFA SEED 63 , GREGORYS TEA o G. C. SALT LAKE CITY HUNTINC, Superintendent HOWARO E. BURTON, A8i7sf.ND Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $1; Gold, Sil75c Gold, 50c; Zinc or Copper, 01. Cyanide tests. . Mailing envelopes and full price list sent on appllca-,ttoaControl and Umpire work solicited. Lead-!vil- ie Colo. Reference, Carbonate National Bank. ver, 5 GREAT RIOUfT AND LfVtN CUN 0JHU1ES WAV&BJ3E .'FREE REMEDY5 dtL inrann soita ao.hdout, z. m. aoutei W. N. U., Salt Lake No. 5, 1905 mm: Mu Au ful Fails. Best Cough Syrup. Tsmm Good. UN 1b WHlki time. Sold fey drefglrs. Twrfgirrasn Helena, is now a barn. The room in which he died Is a stable. On the site of his former grave Is a machine for grinding corn. TEA Do you know Schillings Best, besides tea? Its all in the knowledge book. buy. RIOTS IN ITALY. Thats how to do business, Many Meetings Held to Denounce Rusr in tea or anything else. sian Horrors. Tonr grocer returns your money If yn Amt Many meetings were held in tho like Schillings Sect. to on towns of Sunday Italy principal Knew Nothing of Alcohol. protest against the alleged Russian The North American Indian is m cruelties. At Brindisi an attempt was of the few savages who have never made to pull down the Russian arms an alcoholic stimulant Invented from the door of the consulate. In Rome, notwithstanding a prohibition of troops, 5,000 of which had been brought from the provinces to force the ordinary garrison, about 3,000 people assembled and tried to Advances Due to Machinery. of troops An engineer declares that 50,000 break through the cordon were There the reach capital. people now do the work with the aid jand cries of "Long live the Russian of machinery which needed 16,000,000 and Down with the persons to do a few years ago. and the cossacks! Tonr grocer re tarns yoar money If yon dont like It. TEA rein- revo-utio- Where did you get this tea? Significant question. n! auto-fcrac- y Kk Tour grocer returns year money M yam tehming's Best. W) |