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Show THE .lOICKIiS" OliKfIN New Religious Propaganda That Is Making Much Headway in America Residents mar Broadway and Fifty have for fonu time past eighth Mri-eItetn attracted each Sabbath morning bis pilgrimage to Acre entertainingly describes the Master as follows: "Imagine that we are In the ancient house of the still more ancient city of Akka. which was for a month my home. The mom In which we are faces the opposite wall of a narrow paed street, which an acthe man HOYLE NOT INVENTOR OF FOUR TEENTH CARD. "Introduced to Hi Attention by a Plainiman Shrewd Invention of a Mean to Deat Four Acei When Himxelf He Held but Three lions til I be people to come toward In him. They crowd up a little f.ti.-- l lit. I ling, ft o hi.w aItml h He them l u genii) dstentl). pushes i up..u,. . I pli)-,- l tin- J.'k, I 111 llu ll .l "lt back and lets them pass him by ore by a kaleidoscopic procehhion of many I) l,'tlil . U w ,t ; complexions and persuasions wending by one. As they come they hold their N"l utilim i in I i toward a demure brown stone building n ulii IU.UI hands extended. In each opt n palm in l,.U., Pul li I, k, llui III It tt.u Fifty-eightpi 225 tllgg.t, Mild West at be places some small min. H Street, which hl I .ilt Is down on the city map as Genealogi knows them nil. lb caresses Hum'll n union iii,iv in llu- ftn I W a4 in I, I l , Mli Ii- Uii- - i lll ical hall. This weekly procession has ith his ham! iihui the face, on tie t wlm .1. oil.. I with (Ik III,, , ulders. on llu bead. An aged lie nothing to do with the Scribes and JIT- I Hint! W lu ll n Mill ' i!ii )nl a Is Nor it Pharisees. Sunday morn right a glimpse of the old Sta wall gro who hobbles up be greets with ett ii.k .in. I i ini i :i( r uiik i i a i i and tin blue Mediterranean. As we ; some kind!) Inquiry; tin broad face Ing gathering of Shakespearean philli.ug , I j; t:i U;.- iittl. Making In j In sermons we for a a sit hear sound into his white bitaks searching osophers singular sunny smile, arising li,w, iijMiti .lu I'm liimli.ii S.oiity stones and books in babbling brook. irom the pavement thirty feet below l j itttli M.ltl llill-lllOtllll ,. nii.l Ull bon) glistening against Ids ii M tun im nl.illl)' in, iri. None of thte was represented in the faint at first and increasing. It m skin ns he replits. He stops a I i, IT Will) to tin demure brownstone a murmur of human voices. an with a babe and foudl) strokes the I i. mii f i nnt pilgrimage b Ml lil in house a Sababth ago. Wi open the window and look down. child. As they pass, some Kiss ids Mil, I .ll 111, I , "It is a noteworthy gathering. Many hand. To all he says, 'Marhabhah. They were devout pioneers of a new ill 1';., ill Ii li. . i wl.il, U lift wiit lilu-h- i; and no less remarkable than nnnier- - of these men ate blind, many more marbabhah-Wel- l done.' done, will . t itji k j I ng i,iu I, So the) pa- iiThe child) en have I.M.ittl in. ii lu- w.it l'is.n tn .i i ktmw li l.ll..r,lwi. li vn crowding aiuiind him with ox ii .iii-,ik 11 . ll,,' S ikt i i ill!" I, i toidod hands hut to them ho lias nut wiin wit ii ry Mom,- j,ki-iigui n ho tho (I., at Ilowoxor. onn, p.kl .111.1 W.l. .llW.llS ill) .14 given. . l turns to co. ho throws a handful 1. it , ,, wat uing li III, gl. h n which !, II oor his slmuldor. roppi-rI hi I n i ll"ll ,'U i, itu!li-int; lit-- t II In-- . II .VV,-thoy scramble. (n 1. 1,11. wb. l of tho S k In Mllfl.l H "Daring this timo this lit .It!. l.unlv III It lu on nnalti tided. Se poor has not i",k gain- - In .III I) Willi .1 Wlkit lll.in Ilk,- S I) wilt II lln- tit t k 4 oral nun wearing rod fo.cs. and with - Ini , t . o..rnost ami Kindly faros, followed him win li .S.iiilv, having .1, s fldt nit Jnk,-- 1. t ilnwii , n i.ni t llu it- w.14 tho hou-stood noar hint, and w tl.tlt i tn- llu f.i, nf lln w alt tifl !, ttli-- i aidod in regulating tho crowd. (Ah-ha,1 t. tn l,'t, In n tit- l!n.iu,Mlfu Willi. mi. staving. Kffondi is a prisonor of the I. it, I ,!nvi ii .i, h fmii. .uni sav mg; VU in i .it it" Wint lnwiiKlilngwli.lt lb,- pul would piulll him. "This scone you may see almost any day in tho streets of Akka. Tltoro are I .lllti s f.li W. tin tit fit, Up. f 4 gMlOi,! other scenes which conn only at the with ,tillf mu m. my .uis, since tln-ibeginning of tho Winter season. In .in im ntting pl.ifus fur tlx- number. III, liOltitl t!n cold weather which is approach- Ilf .111,1 ill Ills pnkiT helllg placed lllil.til ing the poor of Akka will suffer, for, mi I till hf Suakir, Sandy hcw--nn- d lin n his "joker,' s, i king thus to till as in all cities, thoy are thinly clad. his ii.i ). Some day at this season, if you are Pti-- unit lii'h! ll, inuz.ti aiming straight at William. a ml. proclaiming what Im advised of the place and time, you In i. I. ihfl.nvil tin gaming at an may soo tho Akka jtoor gathered at tn 1. inking in. one of the shops where clothes are Sai! Uiiit am s ami a Jukr wiiv a winning haml at pukir. wluriat William sold, receiving cloaks front the Mastlio (ial!,, thf S,,.ikir) acipih-.siTiti.uiil would win. ter. Upon many, especially tho most infirm and crippled, he himself places It was in tin rough and gory days t Im t saw tin Fi mil glory, and twain the garments, adjusting them with his thus, so i uns tin story, that tin, jnki-own hands ami stroking them approviam in Im I attention by a ingly as If to encourage the wearer. Iiitroihufd to Imln's invention nf si shrewd plainsman's There are five or six hundred poor in means to heat four lines when himself Akka, to all of whom he gives a warm And lietheheld Up lltlen. master etafter said in einy pack thereafter must he urn, garment each year. eaid. natiud for Laughter, and he "His room is small and hare, with e el'lliol i. then kept floor. I Ion of shrewd only a matting on the stone Kepi I here ill rnlllinil ll Sandy's deelaialJon that a ipilek draw Yet. while he is a prisoner, his jailers and three aees made a better hand have become his friends. The Govthan four. J. W. Foley, in New Volk Times. ernor of the city, the commander of ami honor the army corps, respect him as though lie were their own Useless Information. brother. And how could it he otherThe following incident occurred in a wise? For to this man it is the law, Kansas City court room. A German as it was to Jesus of Nazareth, to do saloonkeeper was on trial and had good to those who injure hint. Have been sworn. One of the attorneys bewe yet heard of any one in lands gan to question him: which boast the name ot Christ who Mr. S. , where is your place of lived that life? Such is Abbas Effen- business? di, the Master at Akka. What for you ask me such foolish Babism or Bahaism may be roughly dings? You drinks at my place so ically successful religion which, since are paie, emaciated, or aged. Some 1898, has thrown its occult enlighten- are on crutches. Some are so feeble condensed as making for perfect commany dimes. ment into many corners of Dark that they can barely walk. Ho at "That lias nothing to do with the Lives Acre Who has radeship. rea York These are State to the jury America and Darker New people ranged against personally informed Mesdames Phoe- ease. Mr. S has of business is. the walls or seated on the ground, ap- be Hearst of California and E. L. where your place ligion which within forty years De shury! de shury! cried the old illumined for 9,000,000 human beings parently in an attitude of expectation. of New York, as well as Miss the path which leads to Acre and to For what do they want? Let us waft Brittingham, Attorney Phelps, Chair- German. "O. shiminy! Every shentle-ma- n on dis shury has a shring of Him Who Lives There. Acre is a Syr- with them. man Hoar, and Prof. Edward Granville Beirut. from shusL like a miles to not "We have wait long. A door Brown of Cambridge University in marks on my cellar-doo- r ian seaport sixty and is that his teachings are rail fence! pronounced opens and a man comes out. He is of England By the Babists it medium stature, strongly built. He evolved from many other and older The court hen interceded on behalf written Akka. Those who have seen and absorbed wears flowing, robes. On religions, from which, be it ventured, of the counsel, and in a calm, dignithe teachings of Abbas Effendi believe his head is a light buff fez with a they differ little except in laying fied manner requested the witness to that Just as Mohammed lived and died white cloth wound about it. He is stress upon certain passages of both state the place of his business. to save and sanctify all Mussulmans, perhaps sixty years of age. His long the Bible and Koran with regard to "Oh, excuse me, your honor, said the suffered and just as the Christ the witness; you drinks at my lilace gray hair rests on his shoulders. His brotherly love. Bahaism so many dimes. I dinks you knows crucifixion in order to accomplish the forehead is broad, full and high, his teaches the that Briefly, same Christian purpose, the Master nose slightly aquiline, his moustaches universe exists for the purpose of in- fery well vere I keeps mine blacv. at Acre will unite true believers of and beard, the latter full though not dividualizing the Eternal Essence; every race and religion under both the heavy, nearly white. His eyes are that is, for the purpose of creating in Ambiguous English. cross and crescent. In other words, gray and blue (an unusual color in that essence centers of consciousness ever tried to explain the Have evolution Syria), large, and both soft and pene- and intelligence which shall know various you they believe Babism is the meanings of some of our Engof all religions of the past and as such trating. His bearing is simple, but themselves and It. Behai is It. lish verbs to a foreigner? asked a is designed to carry on the torch of there is grace, dignity, and even majHis book of laws recommends, in who employs many servants. lady' He conclusion, that mankind shall select moral, physical and spiritual civiliza- esty about his movements. Gernran maid went to the drug tion. passes through the crowd, and as he one language and one character for "My the" other store day for some headThis is the story of the extraordi- goes utters words of salutation. We those that exist, and adopt them as a ache medicine and returned very ' ' nary One at Acre as gleaned from sev- do not understand them, but we see means of communication,, to the end 'much puzzled. eral followers in the congregation. the benignity and kindliness of his that the whole world" may become one The man say "Vill you take it, or Myron H. Phelps, of the New York countenance. He stations himself at land and one home. New York shall I send it? Eef she reported. bar, in a recent written account of a narrow angle of the street and mo- - Times. he do not send it how can I take it?' t h to - 1 I t- - 1 - r k-- - - I .i, j - In--- Im- - m-tl- i . i . - i - v I 1 I.j-- i s worn-Feinble- -- ! ! ! 1 1 1 - J I - I 11,-- . fr s 1 1 t 1 -,! fri-m- I I I - - 1 1 1 -- .1 I'-u- fr-u- - - I e. t - s i - VV gov-ormnont- I - 1 11 - s -- 1 I : l r well-know- n i,-- . Get-sing- light-colore- - d er |