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Show that Chumrk7 saw tbo tall cbeval ler, her first partner, coming toward them. "When shall 1 see you again! Chumpsky panted In his eagerness to finish before the roan arrived. "To morrow." So well did the mask ! dnn tnak hr out of an old ap sud hide even the voice he could just Uh. my fidJU dat tins wn!l. Kf I gom huiisry. an my real' loVd, catch the word. i titc to m on de hJ whtUt Ta "How shall 1 know you? load, S$ fch lr to m drhln da cow down da She caught up a fold of her skirt road. and swayed it gently. Again the rich, An d rhunaa putts a In fret. my 1 1 heavy perfume of roses billowed up to his nostrils. do d an erab rotton laid by, Whrn Craaa mowed "But where? When? At what (Oh. fiddle dat alnc ao awert!). Dr n de r:l(ah git paid what he hren place? Chumpsky gasped. owed. Before she could answer the man f An you'll ate me up high on ar was at her side. With a low bow be boa'd. like tr ol Wld de riftaha all offered his arm. And when Cbumphop toad. sky, dazed, stumbled to his feet, it was hop 'Cayae my fiddle putta a hop-hoIn fret. to feel Blackwells hand upon his dry pin In National an Cook Orace Mat-Gshoulder and to hear that gentleman saying in his suavest accents; "Been looking for you everywhere old boy." Then as he caught Chump-sky- s eye on the couple disappearing from the hall. Quite swell, old fel low. Saw you with her all evening. murmured something Chumpsky that sounded like an invitation for Blackwell to descend to the regions of darkness. Then he followed sulkily into the cloak room. All the way to Blackwells room Chumpskys mind ran on the woman in the black domino, and the "night gf.fYVsSflEPPAW cap he took there only made it whirl and dance the faster. (Copyright. 1904. by Dally Story lub. Co.) When he reached his own house all When Chumpsky left home and Mrs. and watched the revelers swing and was dark except for a light burning in Chumpsky that evening. It was with sway across the polished floor. In the hall. This Chumpsky turned out the avowed Intention of attending a their gay abandon there was some- and, lighting a match, climbed softly thing fascinating. For a whole year, up the stairs. He opened the bedroom "lodge meeting." "Don't sit up for me, Agnes," he had ever since his marriage, home and door and stepped in. To his credit ald. It may be rather late when 1 Mrs. Chumpsky had taken up his let It be said that Chumpsky staggered return. We are to elect our officers every thought. But as far as the pendulum swings to the right so far will for the coming year, you know." As a matter of fact, Mrs. Chumpsky it return to the left Chumpsky felt An uncondid not know, but, like a good wife, himself swinging back. she promised obedience to her lord trollable desire to dance, to be one and master. So, with a feeling of se- of the mad throng, seized on him. curity pulsing in his breast, (Agnes Just as he turned to ca6t his eyes was usually a sound sleeper) Chump-sk- y about for a partner, a couple swayed made his way, not to the lodge, by. He could not help but notice but to the rooms of a certain Mr. Black-wel- l, them, ao gracefully they glided over from whence, a full hour later, the floor. Every turn wrapped the two of them Issued, clad in green long domino around the womans form, the dominoes and masks. A carriage bore fascinating Chumpskys eyes. Three them rapidly to the hall w here the times while he 6tood there gazing, great masquerade ball was soon to spellbound, she circled by. The fourth break forth In all its gaiety and splen- time they stopped almost In front of him, scarcely two feet away. He dor. takman heard her murmur something about like a else helps "Nothing y an a ice, and the man bowed and glided ing night off occasionally, Chump-skexplained, addressing his own off. That was Chumpskys opportunconscience as well as Mr. Blackwell. ity. He took advantage of It What "Of course, with women It is different he said he never knew; but, divine They are satisfied to stay at home. sensation, there he was gliding across They never feel any of that restless- the floor, one of his arms about her ness, that desire for a little innocent waist, one of his hands clasping hers, warm and soft It was true that Chumpsky was born susceptible to feminine charms, but even If his blood had been colder than the coldest, It would have thawed Into warm living wine when he felt rather overtaxed myself at the the glow from her shoulder, pressing "I lodge lodge election. against his breast, steal slowly, yet back only two paces. The air in the irresistibly, over his whole being. room was heavy with the rich perfume was the wine he had May be it roses. of drunk before leaving Blackwells "Is that you, dear? came Mrs. room, may be It was the spirit of the occasion, may be it was the rich, Chumpskys voice sweetly from the heavy odor of roses that wafted up to pillow. Chumpsky weakly acknowledged his nostrils every time the long black domino swing and clasped itself that it was. Then he sat down in a around the superb creature he held in chair, as if exhausted. This perfume, Agnes, he stammerhis arms be that as it may, Chumpit smells like roses where sky was intoxicated with a divine in- ed toxication. And from the fullness of where did it come from? Its so ophis heart his lips spoke. Heavenly sen- pressive and I I rather overtaxed He felt her shoulder press myself at the lodge lodge election. sation! closer to his, and her fingers tighten Perfume, dear? Why, yes; isnt it Cousin George brought it delicious? their clasp. all the way from France to me. If Even when the music stopped, and they promenaded the long hall or sat you hadnt been so impatient to get off in the shelter of fern and palm, ;o that old lodge, you would have y met him. You had scarcely left the Chumpsky dwrelt in a state of With each breath louse when he came. And oh, he rapture. in the rich, heavy perfume las grown into such a handsome man, drank he In a state of rapture. of roses and his eyes feasted on every so tall. He wanted me to go round excitement without which man can graceful movement and posture. He with him to look on at the big masnot exist. felt that he would have given his querade ball. Said it would be a gorTo this Mr. Blackwell murmured a right hand just for one glimpse at the geous sight. But of course I couldnt ready assent, and Chumpskys con- face so well concealed by a mask go unless you went, you know. science chimed in. which not only hid her features but Chumpsky thought that he heard a The ball was indeed a gorgeous af- even her hair, and prevented her voice itter somewhere in the room. But, ike a wise man, he kept his thoughts fair. Conscious of the security of their from reaching him except in the lowmurmur sweetest had to the himself, and went to bed without gay est, Chumpsky disguises and carried away by was ever heard. asking any more Impertinent quesspirit of the occasion, formality coutions. And it was the "love of a bonThe evening passed. Couple by thrown to the winds. Men and women danced with whom they pleased. ple the dancers deserted the floor. It net" that Mr. Chump! Ay generously For a while Chumpaky stood baek was with a feeling of barbarie rage paid for the next day. The Gourd Fiddle ln Maln. axr 1 He Liked the Collection. On coming home from church on Sunday Archies mother asked him how he liked it. and Archie said it was fine. "What do you like most in the church? asked his mother. Well, the best part is where they pass around the money, and, turning to his father, said: "How much did you gtt? I got a dime. He got a good scolding, and was told never to do it again. Knew One of Them. "Of course, Mr. Soph more, you aro familiar with all the great plays, remarked Miss Kulcher. Now, do you consider Goldsmiths as clever as Sher Idan's? Goldsmith ? replied Soph more. "He must belong to some minor col lege. Why, there Isnt another halt back in the country that can touch Sheridan of our Varsity. Some Good Shooting. Any good shooting on your farm? asked a sjort8man of a farmer. "Splendid, theres ist; replied the agricultur- a canvasser man down In the clover meadow, a pedlar at tne house, a county board candidate out in the barn, and two tramps down in tho stackyard. Climb right up over the fence, young man, load both barrels nnd sail in. Nothing Sensational. You got Mrs. Gassa-waeditor City to the Womans Rights speech club, didnt you? What did she say? Reporter Oh, nothing worth print- ys ing. City editor Why, she spoke for more than an hour. Reporter I know, but what she said was quite sensible. Philadelphia Press. Comes in Handy.' Nurse Did you ring, madam? Madam Yes, Marie; get the incu bator up out of the cellar and put the baby back in for a few days. Nurse Oh, but, madam Madam That will do, Marie; we wont argue. I am preparing a paper for the club on "The Relativeness of the Asbolute, and I simply cant be bothered. All Oration. semi-heavenl- semi-heaven- ly Bills Smith is a great orator, isnt he? Wills Yes, but he isnt much of a talker. Christmas Giver. What kind of a man is Jones? Cold-Bloode- d W ell Well, what? Hes the kind of a man that gives his children shoes and overcoats for Christmas presents. Houston Post. |