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Show THE FIRST VMS THE LAST. Delinquent Notice. Frederic IL CouJcrt, the lawyer IRRIGATION and vit, was a graduate of the cla,a Company. Principal place of bush of 1S50 of Columbia- An aged Codcs, Guutmon, Utah. Notice There lumbia man the otherday described, are delinquent upon the following do leried on tho 12th day with a pensive smile, a skating exscriUl that in his college days he of Dccemler, 190 J, perpral pedition amounts set oppoitr 'I namas of had made with CouJcrt. I noticed when we set out, he the respective FburehoM.tr a follows : WBSTVIEW su-c- : O JNXISOX TOWN OFFICERS President -- T. F. Kt ariifi. f Trustees Chris 1. Chri-Uno- n, 9 9 t Clerk Leo X, OUlhl'l Troaeurei Chris 1. Chi'. P. , Fjehl-t- -- PRECINCT OF-IC- Arrowpntc Ranch, I '' cribble voi. v,; :lv in front W.-..-S I.-- ..: ix ;.'.i . rtiii-in. v I f g ? what was happening on tl . tag. and of course it was only d for him to see but oi the performance. Tho second act Lao begun, and 1 could plainly see that his anger At last, when he wa3 increasing, could stand it no longer, ho lightly tapped tho woman on tnc shoulder gentle-toneas he possibly and in e-i- v-- K 1 iU I and Monidin-r I ! I (iRAIMM). paimino. GUNNISON, : Uinh. - j 4 V r. It-"- . r unit !ON : m;cm,-Arii- vv ft.M.rr-,1- 7 UOl SF. Traci Macks . 'Mi-n- i I.-- - i . 1 1 r.i-nc- i 1 si m - ; Dr. C.lI.IlIIiD Kiittrican. s ea: AppHer of Mid Paper . : bk Copvn. .mts 2c. 20 10.00 1 00 Prorstgs&rd X J n n.. fur ii i,ii j fu vvnr.p v i. i.vr: .im ur mi. i f mi Childs Lorenzo :mVr 10 L0 . 11.1 lull io. I'fi.lnl it (' miiuintri,. ' il. n I'r'i'lita Iiii's rtru Ky (uo certificates issued) rufur IVif.'.-..1 tiikt-t!r'.Kli tv. and in accordance with Jaw and on tl tcuil notice, it!i mi cimriv, m tl oider of the board of directors made Scieaiific on tho 12th day of December, 1901, A rniv I.nn,T( Hr culm Mi f n i.i til.- - J'mniHl. mstcr fi fo many shares of ouch parcel of such your: fmir nnm1 1:, !. Sold by ull I but me, Madam, paid pardon stock as may ba necessary, will be Htliifj Co.S5,BrMa". New York and your hat this lirmu-I1lfei. CA K FL. Wauhluuf on, I). C. S0.dat the secretarT'sDffice, res'jence $2 for ,. hotseat, cost $25, sir-r-came of r . L, Copemng, Gunnison, Utah, ho haughty reply. on the 23rd day of February, 1905, Tho conversation was at an end. at 2 oclock p. m., to pay delinquent Philadelphia Press. assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of Darnel Forgot. Senator Daniel of Virginia is the author of a standard law book enti- ii.nn taki.i; osl in tled Daniel on Negotiable Instru- KFFHCT APRIL 3. I02 ments. Ho was explaining "in one Tmiu No, 13 leaves Gu misou for of his law lectures one day how lie Manti, Ephra m IIt Pleasant, came to write the book. He said he Provo, Salt Lake City am. Interwas in his office somo years ago mediate points at 11 .21 a. m. Those who will persist in closingl when a man came in and asked him Arrives at Salt Lake b 00 p. m. their ears against the continual recom- - if sight drafts carry three days of Train No. 10 leaves Salt Lake mendation of Dr. Kings New Dis- - grace. He didnt know. None of for Bingham, Provo Mt. covery for Consumption, will have a the other lawyers knew, and it took Pleasant, Manti, Gunnison and long ahd bitter fight with their a visit to a bank to find out. He Intermediate points H :00 a, ra. to write a troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal then determined Train No. M2 leaves Gunnison for negotiable ,oav Head what T. Ii. Beall hslT0 d. h. dld S0' As thc Salina, Richfield, Elsinore and of Beall. Mies, has to say : Last fall stlofcnts a young man y finishing Marysvale at 2 :11 p.m. Arrive my wife had every symptom of con- cla33 eaid) Senatorj do sight at Marysvale 6 :15 p,m . ConnecShe took Dr. Kings I drafts sumption. carry three days of grace? tions made at Thistle Junction for New Discovery after everything else Daniel hemmed and hawed, looked all points east. had failed. Improvement came at confused and finally said, Upon my 1. A. Benton, once and four bottles entirely cared soul, young man, 1 have forgotten G.A.P. D. her, Guaranteed by Gunnison Cash A. J. Mrnr:TT, Fitted Bristow, Store. Price 50o, and $1 .00, Trial Mr. Local Agent. Bristow, the fourth assistant bottles free. be to shown has himself postmaster, an efficient government official and therefore one of the least popu- Expensive Cfilna. subordinates and At the Hotel Drouot. tn pins, a flish hT: Mcst 01 JOB PRINTING NEATLY EXE d of members of old Rouen faience with btwe and tnany congress look TNvo deooratlons brought 91,181. A bed-- on. him as a sort of policeman. low dlsb of old Rouen with btae tfeco- - years a,go a deputy auditor in the ration in the Chinese style realized treasury was killed by a discharged 9253, and another, decorated with blue clerk. Tlie news came to the capi cupids, brought $243. and the girl who telephone, CUTED AT THE GAZETTE to tell about it to a caught it tried 1 lcr in - l one-thir- 1 Utah n i:.n. r k" i r h 1 . :. VV, V-At l- sialcl d:. of an tlhuly i.nn, u!n Ltiuderberg Mrs. Jane Reid 20 Hah. - Live Stock ture hat, 03 - Gunnison. u. ii. witm "1 an at one of th. band er evening. r:nar .v cr. A 121 t o. b. hkiiguwt). 1 73 . v '; .nV. last! 1 ; i, - could skate admirably. This impression, though, was soon corrected. Coudcrt no sooner got his skates on than Lis logs lUw up, and he came down on the iee hard. I hurried to help him to his feet, but he wouldnt get up. Hu sat where he had fallen, taking his skates oiF. I?this, old man. I said, your first experience of skating ' No, he grnG. the buckles p:kl:lv 31 1 ' - P. . 1.1. 'i.'- t cm, V!-- ; Stijtrvisoi of StrvN--J.,M(ii skates were that friends said, my A ian l! Quarantine Physic 2, ?!. new, but I thought nothing of that. Attorney--A- . II. Chr: -- -t m. I was under the impression that he Pommlu'eper Algol..Vrjw, .,, Jensen Fanny Geo Mrs. Sophia t John S. Pttvrs. u. Reuben Chriffi a I M.rshal--J- . 1 .v-- QjENTlST wor-klr- . Tfi'iil-ioriof- ni-j- - 'Ii-ri- Office, 31 A i NTi AND r! I SfRE,III5lJfS 1 compre-terminatio- GUNNISON. LEWIS LAHSON ATTORNEY-AT-LA- All At .1 ft Great tion, and a good one. Price 25 cents, nobody seemed to like him. exclaimed the Scott! southerner, For sale by Gunnison Co-ohis hands. Bristow throwing up has been shot! Exchange. p. r I III f e 5 c 35' fi Q ? it 0 A Perfect & $1.00 if It fai's. Trial Bottle' ?.I-TESa5S- We pro "i-- ! Sr rn.iin :f v' rf-- 50c For All Th.roat Lung Troubles. Cure: ? 1 Prirr BVDiW a ml Pdoney bnck O V.iV s ,t 3 ri fars ffid vf r ; t lt! h 'V- f - r v.. ( i fice r : ; f fow p; t Ili'r-- -, ! N il ii ' N 1 i, fit, .L !. ( v arc T ft f o, jjlMf.l ',rl u,i p.'t. i,. Tv : i. P ' . ; ! , , A k t r;J i '?( i pi v't b 5" ;v r"'' .'i'VU OFFICE, MANTI, Utah ffice. Nothing has cvci equalled it. Nothing can ever surjiass it. - es, Husy Terms. al Estate, farina wi'w; rerxr: a UBxs&uau rtrasi-ssrup- I get-troubl- I'nrttiM, K Office over Dos 1 I didnt southern representative. get the came of the poor man, she Chamberlains Stomach and Liverlgaid, but he was a high official in Tablets. A new remedy for stomach one of the departments; always biliousness, and constipa- - ting somebody else into trouble, and oi and town property. n. up-re- nl care jirumpt buy and kH ! I cal manors 1 fulallontiin. I I.kisi .tloncy 7rk I W. ii 4 A VP, Pi! -- V'VW'V'W V v - : , k V- - O r. .U V V J V V 'k h.' i |