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Show 44444444444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444 4 4 4 file Gunnison Gazette. ! vvrtr.V Rt PuLlGL. d every Friday .wmpd Ouu-Uta- h. t h in. jrr All of Us 4 44 can?" "He is ths head waiter.'1 "And who la that other Wlow .U, the diamond .n ttsuaitr. icuirnoN HkTr.m J Had Them Ctrd Up "Who la that JistinUbod lockiatf GLrDlMLL AfMJfL, 1uMUhfri, ,v oi 4 fUUJjP' z?v County, t AVD flaa-Iooktn- g bb I 4 .ml "That la the clerk. "One more qeustlon. Who la that 1.00 Insignificant looking man who aecina that he doeent belong here?" .00 to "That Is the owner of the hotel." TOO ARE SORB TO GET AVn TQ ,VEAn CLOTHES. KIND OF 7HE niGIIT KIND AT TIIE RIGHT FRIGES from variety of suits. WE CAnRY FOR MEN OR BOYS. Jl.tO One Year cli Mentis - the : ft-e- l Tim Months 4- - 4 4 t 4- - 44 44 44444 Modern Society. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY X 10t5. The Gazlte lupin very soon t t c.ju:yrcul Had the Dlrd Beaten. "They my your uncle, who baa Just I V mp horap from the array, Is terribly .. ee addicted to swearing. Is that true?" club mem I Well, you know how our parrot would 'I swe-ax?- " '" "Yes." Unrlo Honty first cimo her. t it before I hc roads a few remarks rear the bird, . the spring work opna ortho matter and lt camo ovt.r toward hlia and will drug thiough another hummer said: Say, you better get in this Uunuison cafcc Ivo lost ray Job. " hud perhaps forgotten. should getin liuo with leiiiboriug,I His Title There. lmvu brought to public .O.WH wlc nnd , sr0 Bolag (0 tpcn1 notice its advantages. 1 ho club con the summer with her people at template! cun be made u wonderful Wrong's Corners," said the meek, lit- factor to tudleud if only thu 1c iding l a rran am want you to mail your per (o me Mauti h citizens will tako bold. eald the clerk; "what'a your into largely name?" brought prominence of the Arrapiue "Well cr-t- o the make sure, I guess workings through 3'0utJ address It 'Mary Strongs fitter club, which holds regular meetings each week for dicusdag subjects rIusban' strongs Corners." looking to the advancement of the Equal to Emergency place. It was to have the following resolution under discussion last night ; Resolved, that it would be to the advantage of Manti city should the annual eucampment of the National Guard of Utah for 1905 be held at Gunnison should get this place. to work on similar lines, and that right away ioiu-urmi- hUiiMIm ou B-- 4 I T T 4 4 44 44 W. H. Gribble, -J I 1 1 4 4 4 4 Church If you want to get there hustle ed p"s New while you wait. Gotham that? I J: F' Mor left the ship, Whats strange rta- Why, lt being Morgan, I suppose mOBt look people expected to sees hftm take all kinds Business meD of upthe shIl wh him. on the boy loafer as the dead beat of the future. 4 t 4 4 4444 4 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 444 The Palace Tonsorial Parlor fiEORGB S. FRANCIS. Perfect Confidence. Where there used to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the house hold when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect con-f- i Jence. This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlains Cough Remedy in the treatment of that Mrs. M. 1. Basford, of disease. Poolesville, Md., in speaking of her experience in the use of that remedy hays: 1 have a world of confidence iu Chamberlains Cough Remedy for I hare used it with perfect success, Mv child Garland is subject to severe attacks of croup and it always gives For sale by him prompt relief. . Gunnison Co-op- Few Suicides In Ireland. The average of suicides is lower in Ireland than in any country in the world. Rot a Mourning Suit. Brown I just met Old Man Smith on his way down town to recover hhs sons body. Green 1What! You dont mean to say that his son was dTowned! Brown Oh, no. The old fellow was going tc buy the boy a. new suit of clothes. See? Gilroy follow. now. Net Quite Certain. Parsons is a liberal sort of He offered me a cigar just Butman You didnt take it?' Gilroy No. Butman Then how do' you know whether it was liberality or merely malice? Boston Transcript. Proprietor, Cutting. Shaving Shampooing Massage MY AIM CONSTANT Main CUSTOMERS. Troy Laundry. - Stbeet Hair Tonic. PLEASE TO ST Agent CelctreteJ Gunnison Utah. L. Ludvigson, PROPRIETOR OP 'The Newport Caught Hlmscff, Jlggins The last time I saw you your neighbor wasnt welL You remember you were telling me about his Illness. Berriam (the undertaker) Yes, lt terminated favora; er as 1 was saying, alas! it terminated fataJIy, Catholic Standard, 444 444 - about 44 4 i4 see a statement tn the at ,w?e UTAH. t GUNNISON, The New York World reoommendsj the establishment of hospitals forj IT'S drunkards where they may not be The Collector What! Mr, Owing I association with In! Why, then ho is, before xny degraded not by criminals. This says an exchange, very eyes! fhe Office Kid Aw wot! That will no doubt have on derating ?ld.maP' He's out! Thats effect on the criminals but why not ail? only his shadow I Jester. substitute the whippingpost for the1 j luxurious hospital. ,t. M0rgan, I General Merchandise. 4 AMD Saloon DEALERS !h Choice Wines, Whiskies, Beer and Cigars, Line of Bottled Goods Ourare Simply Elegant. POOL TABLES TN CONNECTIONS GUNNISON, UTAH. Livery & Feed Stables Rigs ready on short notice. MY HACKS gjfiT RIGS FURNISHED Horses fed and given best car MEET ALL FOR H. P. JENSEN, LONG-DISTAN- TRAINS. CE DRIVES. Gunnison, Utah |