OCR Text |
Show SERGIUS RULES RUSSIA. WOMANS MISCRY. A Reactionary Member Hat the Czar Mrs. John I .a Km, of 113 Paterson Under His Thumb. , N. J. hays: 1 wan avenue. irouldod for about nine liars, and JUuting an j.ilta;. aro In jirogrt'-.- s In Wartniv, In t I t of tl.i- j.re-- i n. of what no one n iuiihI.it of fionji-- , British cti- ever will Hilar oJ!;ir,- lion an ri;nrln! to , lu.eil liavi i(-jM intliiil l.y Ilimsarf, ami about every tin inallf r. It Is raid, has f.iljrsj known rente to th jitto'dion of Hi. St, IN I r ti rt: dy t hat Is said to l.e good for Rr''nini nt !jv tlo tjtl..'.i in!a aLida y lor, A M'O'fc rtonn at Mom gw aid 'd untI 11 a 1. hut il the anihrii !,- ikir in awith. I!without d ' I riving Mrma- . f Hati-rmii- Mlf-ter- 1 - ! . V - kt-ow- in V 1 -- 1 c 1 - e-V- ' ' .' - v' ' nent v Ol leu Sure Cure r!h f. W .. Gillj. Brunos. Contracted Muscles, Lama Back, Slilf J.tr.ls, lien the house the hackarhe hat ad that it brought teats to so W;i e)r, Tt:ewaschli.uat tiims Ml d to pt give up t old i:.v duii s and lie down. Tine were In adac l.i s. iliziim-- s and g to mv bead to raus ldMd The lir.'t ImV of Idiedllig Si! I lie io.ur- - KSdt. Pills b m lited no o n.ii'h lust I continued tin treatment. Tie sliming pain in the su.all f my bat h. the of l.looil to the tiead and otlur syinp:oi,.s di.-acan d. , I loans Kidney Pills lor sale by all (hairs. .Vi etnis pi r box. Co., Puffalo, X. Y. alum- in - en so lilj 1" Scalds, etc. AN ANTISEPTIC that tiers Irritation, tubducs Ird.am- rnation. and drives out Pain. PENCTRATES tho Pern. Pcsms tho Fibrous Tissues, rrcmrtes a freo circulation cf tho Llo&d. civsr.j tho I.uccs natural elasticity. Frs-te- l in-th- 1 C Feet. d Fiurr.-?- . BEST LINIMINT ON EARTH re-hin- o-- ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED e. .mm -- 1 ri;-d.e- .vv) Cra'g Su. Knetr!!'1. Tetm.. trrlt: "I yth. K. A. Sinr-en- . a r .uu lie l.iMtlM irltir. Ar.. Or c..iti V isti.iiiUia. .t 1 l e' o ...-- I relit I (,iir-- t Sli'-f- f I ,Hil tin t ..It ;e.T He : n"t ' f tiesi I tAU.'O'-rlti- i it. In. lew u ii.U !)'. t.rUf r hr hi rg nu'-y :utt in i.xjet e. " 1 s terr Ini t' nor!.!. in. liai s n;uri'l to holla. Tli In ly siio1 has douotinr.'d him us a "erirt;-ii'i- l prioi. a Im travor of his ( -, ip. d to S'.x ! l Pessirnis.t at Sea. vms a essimistie business man lie ofliet first bis tin lr;p to Kuroj e. The third day out. when !e was Tilled with only SCALDED TO DEATH. misery and rot much e e, le remarkTwo Men Left in Steam Room and ed as he hane.1 over the rail of the All going out ami nothing tsl.ip: Literally Roasted. in." Shut in the steam room of a Hus coming ?dan bath Louse in Hester street. Now York, two young m n were scalded to death before their plight was realized If you find any tea with Kvidonre that by the attendants. iboth had made fianbal efforts lo at- our name on the package tract attention was afforded by cuts not to your liking, take-bac- k land bruises on both the bodies and by iblood stained scratches in the plaster your money. of the walls against which they bad Writ1 for our Know !idj,-- Rook, .V. Si lillliurf ,t groped In their efforts lo lind an out Compnuy, San FranclM'o. let. The victims were Abraham In Pompadour Style. and Peter Iloss. tailors. AbraWives of Siamese noblemen cut ham Stern, the proprietor of the bath their house, and five of the attendants wero rom hair fo that it sticks straight up their heads. The average length arrested and held pending an investi-R Is nbout one and a half inches. xation. From incoherent accounts the jKilice gathered that Itoss and PasMer.nak entered the bath at night ana after being conducted into the steam room were left there, and evidently We all drink tea; most all forgotten until their bodies were found the next day. There was a gas jet in the room, but it was unlighted poor tea; great market for and in the darkness the men were trash. unable to find the door. 1 TI1RKK SIZES rE 25c. 50c AM) SI.00 SUKE YOU GET THE GENUINE Co. Ballard Snow Lfniment U. S. A. A MK-rtv- i HiV-luts- 1 1 ! ? I 1 pj 1 fer Phfunahsn. Cutf, ST. LOUIS. TEA 1 e Ias-'terna- k 1 TEA BLOODY Write for our Know lodge Book, Company, San Francisco. BATTLE RAGING. Kuropatkin and Oyama Pitted Against Each Other in Stubborn Struggle. According to reports current in military' circles in St. Petersburg, General Kuropatkin has broken through Field Marshal Oyamas left wing and threat-end- s his communications with Yin- kow. Whether or not the report is true, it is learned from a high military source that General Kuropatkin has undertaken a general offensive jnovement. on both flanks with the object of threatening both lines of Japanese communication and forcing the Japanese from their winter quarters. A. Soliilllng Boots More Fatal Than Storms. It was declared at Edinburgh recently that more fishermen were drowned from the custom of wearing long boots than by all the storms. A , GrAUAXTKED CUKE FOR TILES. Blind, Bleeding or Imtrudtng Pile. Your Urngglm will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fulls to cure you in 6 to 14 days, 60c. NO BETTER ONES CAN BE MADE w?n.Tt!g Pisos Cure for Consumption is an infallible . imj nH HALLS CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY FOR THE MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AND BOWELS. Neldan-Judso- n ! .WCVCD CA I IlLlLII C FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQQISTS AND QENERAL STORE9 MILO Drug Co., General Agents. Polyandric Race Dying Out. The race of Todas, in India, which practices polyandry (one wife having two or more husbands), which was 100,000 strong a century 'ago, has dwindled to 101 persons. Gods Love of the Beautiful. God approves of beautifying. If not, TO CERE A COLD IN ONE DAY Laxative Brouio yutnlne Tablets. All dnt(! why did He take such great pains Take refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. to make the tiny snowflake so fragile gists Orove's signature Is on each box. 25c. and perfect? '"jainx l IV Biggest Toboggan Slide. St. Moritz, in Switzerland, has the biggest toboggan slide in the world. s of a mile long, and It is has been descended in a whiz of only seconds. seventy-on- e Salt Lake City, Utah. imSU L to. kmi.i 10,000 Plants for 16c. More gardens and farms are planted to .Salzer's Seeds than any other in 'America. There is reason for this. We own over 6, (W0 acres for the production of our warranted aeeda. order to induce you to try them, we make yon the following unpre-- J oedented offer: i For 18 Cent 9 Postpaid 1000 Kirly. Sedium and Late Cabbages, I'JOOO Fine Jniey I urnlp. 8000 Klanehlng Celery, 2000 Itleh Nutty Lettuce, 1000 Splendid Onion,, 1000 Kare Linclons Kadtshee, 1004 Qlorlonily Brilliant Flowers. Above seven packages contain suffi- General Kuropatkin has something medicine for coughs and colds. N. Y. Samuel, cient seed to grow 10.000 plants, short of 300,000 men. The troops Ocean Grove. N. J..Feb. 17. 1900. bushels of brilliant on to the right, in addition lots of choice engaged flowers and lots andwith our great vegetables, together General Mistchenkos and General all about Full of Business vo the End. Flowers, catalog.teJling Hoses, Small Fruits, etc., all for ltennenkamfs cavalry, are believed to 16c in stamps and thle notice Commercial Traveler (wrecked on be principally Siberian and part of Big catalog alone, 4o. Mrs. Winslows to a cannibals: Soothing: Syrnji, desert island) Well, J'or children SEED CO SALZER JOHN the First European army. A. teething, BOftens tho gurus, reduces tn w.n.u. La Crosse, Wis since youre determined to eat me, flammatlou, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. .Oma FATALLY WOUNDED WIFE. kindly do me one last favor: Use our Men Wink Many Times. brand of mustard for the sauce. It Then Tried to Kill Himself, but Both improves the flavor of all meat; it It is supposed by a scientist of JOHN OGDEN ASSAY CO. Gold, Sliver, Copper SI flft osrh Any two... $1.50 Bullets Missed. never molds or absorbs moisture. eminence that the average mans eye- or Lead yl.UU CdLII Any three. 1W0 shut and in mall lids find a box receive prompt attention. 4,000,000 Youll Samples times by open my right sample Placer Gold, Retorts and Rich Ores Bought. Henry Wianand of Sioux City, Iowa, hand coat the year. during 1725 pocket. Arapahoe Street, DENVER, COLO. Shot and probably fatally wounded his wife and made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide at Denver. On Wianand was arrested. After an on Mrs. Wianand at the counwill be sent free postpaid upon request. This book Is of a hundred pagesj ty hospital, attending physicians anhandsomely Illustrated throughout and tells of an experience of over thirty years Ini a had she that the treatment of (irooked Feet, Spinal Deformities, Infantile Paralysis,1 nounced slight only Limbs and Joints, Etc. It tells of the only,' Hip Disease, Deformed chance of recovery. One of the bul thorougly equipped Sanitarium In this country deyoted exclusively to the treatment anand abdomen the entered conditions and how of these they may be cured without surgical operations, plaster jets Paris or other severe treatment. Send for this book, and tf directly Interested, mention character of the affliction and special literature bearing the other grazed her cheek. THE L. C. MoLAIN ORTHOPEDIC SANITARIUM, SI04 PINE subject will be sent with the book. Moll fur-nihht- three-quarter- e . op-'erati- Deformities and Paralysis j STREET, ST. LOUIS, |