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Show 1 Ectnd fVf ember 18, IXft. t Gunnltan, Cth. VOL. VI. ocnnl-cla- tnuttcr. undar Aot of Conjrreof March Postoffice To Change Hands. Tins weather this week has been com prlofj like. There are plaining yetot b;ul colds but general-lthat eiehoefis is leaving. Mrs. John Larsen is quite low with pneumonia. The Religion class exercise given during Sundays meetiug was a pleasing feature of the service. Edward T. Iarry of Mantiaml Frank L. Copeniugof Gunnison, stake officers, occupied the time devoted to speaking, in treating upon the importance of Religion class work. y A committee from Centerfield will meet with the county commissioners at their next session and present uunes to fill tho offices in our new precinct. BORN Monday, January 30th, to Mr end Mm. Joseph E, Bardsley, a 3oq. The mother was suffering from pneumonia at the time of her making her present condition very weak. Arthur Lundy, who formerly lived here but for a few years past has been in Nevuda, Colorada and other states, has taken him a wife and returned recently to Centerfiold, where he intends staying for the future. TLe friends of Mr. Lundy tendered him a surprise last Friday night and all present enjoyed a pleasant time. Mrs. M. P. Sorenson was tendered a worthy surprise last Friday evening in appreciation of her labor as president of the Y. L. M, I. A., a position .she had filled with honor until recently released because cf her poor health and in consideration of numerous other duties 6be is oalled to fill. The occasion was given in tha meeting-housto whioh plaoo the honored guest was escorted by the new officers and the bishopric. The evening was spent in program, games and picnic, sociable that everya regular one present enjoyed immensely. Miss Hilda Soderberg, retiring counselor, made an appropriate speech in presenting to Mrs. Sorenson the remembrance, consisting of a nice water set and beautiful pair of vases. The whole affair was one of the beat, and far preferable to a dance. pro-pore- oon-iineme- d nt e, old-tim- e i:j Imminent. NO. 1 lli. LOCAL ITEMS. The local postoffico will no doubt William Metcalf returned Saturday Mxm be in otter hands, Miss Helena from h business trip to Salt Luke. Ivearnes having teuderod her resignation as postmaster. Tho fact of Miss Kearnes resignation was not generally known until a few days ago. Then Mr. Paul von Nordeck at the solicita-- t on of a number of bis friends circulated a petition and obtained a long list of names, among whom are most of the business firms of the town and leading citizens, endorsing his appointment. However, the "knowing ones had more than a fortnight before learned of the anticipated change and without consulting the public, it seems, forwarded to the department the name of Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts for the position. But the department happened to require a public petition for Mrs. Roberts as in the case of Mr. von Nordeck and one was accordingly circulated Wednesday, with what success the Gazette is not in a position to say. K K See "The Girl From Klondike. Opera house, Saturday Feb. 11th. K mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, produces a free expectoration, and opens the secretions. A complete cure soon follows. This remedy will cure a severe cold in less time than sny other treatment end it leaves the system iu a natural and healthy condition. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Gunnison R Off Stake Conference. Houth SanjH-- behl at the if the Stake of Zum will be in Ephraim ou The quart! rly conference t tub-ma- de Bi-bo- p, hiding-pluco- . it at it For the medicine chest or sideboard: I. W. Habi'er Whiskov is the family whiskey none better. Sold by L. Ludvigson, Gunnison, Utah. R R It pre-eminent- ly R r. r The Levaa Dramatic company will appear at the Gunnison opera houbo Saturday evening Feb. 11th, presentor ing "The Girl From Klondike, "Wide Awake Nell. Watch for bills next week. Conjoint NOTICES. CHURCH Money to Loan on water stock. Saturday and Sunday February I F. L. and f, 1105. Large or small amouuts. president of Copenino. ;js quoruiuiH and of auxiliary crgumzr-lion- s will please take notice and it at it If the "ground bog Pg.ind is any govern themselves accordingly. Lewis Anderson criterion another six week of winter J. Y. J.mi sen i9 scheduled, for yesterday tho sunG. A, Iveirou shine broke through and the noted Stake Prcbidency. bear would havo to go back ia his The local Y. M. M. I, association will need to undergo another reorganization, W. A. Childs, president, and A, J. Murphy, first counselor having gone away to work. Co-o- p. t R Iienry Robbins cama homo Tuesday foa a few days rest. Mr. RobWhen You Have a Coll. bins has boeu engaged for some time The first action when you havo a past in purchasing stock for Sauncold should be to relieve the lungs. ders & (Jo., necessitating his absence This is best accomplished by the free from home a greater sharo of the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. time. This Remedy liquefies the tough R K R R R R For Sunday evening, Feb. 5th, will Two days of rain with the ground consist of the following program : softened to soak it up is enough to Historical sketoh by John E. Larmake the farmers and everybody else son. smile their broadest. Nothing like it Dora Recitation Passing of AgeJ Man. Niels Hendrickson, an aged citizen of this place, died lust Thursday evening, January fitith 1105, after a long illness. Ftiueral services were held at 12 o'clock Sunday iu tho Presbyterian church, of w hich ho had Tho church was been a member. crowded with relatives and friends, who were appropriately addressed by Rev. G. W. Martin of Manti. Niels Hendrickson was nearly 7 1 years of age, having been born March 5, 1831, on tho island of Moen, Denmark. Ho was married December 7, 18G1, on the inland of Fjon, where he resided until 18S1 and then moved to Copenhagen, In tho year 1901 he emigrated to Utah, taking up his residence in this city. For the past four years deceased had been in a condition that unfitted him to perform auy labor whatever and the burden rosted upon the widow who survives, now CG years old, to minister unto the needs of her husband. Betides the widow there survives two sons and two daughters, Rasmus Hendrickson of Portland, Oregon, Hendrick Hendricksen of Copenhagen, Denmark, Mrs. Wiliane Pengel and Mrs Peter Christiansen both of this city. Bywater. by has been known in this section for Henry Robbins of Gunnison, Duet by Mary and Sylvia Gledhill, alis The weatherman Music by Geo. S. Francis and many years. representing the live stock concern of and has thanks of the every- Saunders A Co., has purohased right Elmer Kearns. about here now. body just several oarloads of 6teers in Emery R R R county and is driving them north to FAYETTE. Basket ball practise has bee n the Price to Bhip to Colorado. In Emery Nathaniel Pieroe is a visitor at the pastime with a number of the boys he purchased about 300 of one, two home of his nephew, Geo. W. Pierce. several evenings this week, it is insign of approaching revolt tended to organize and keep on with Messrs. G. M., Joseph and Amasa and serious trouble in your system is the recreation, the opera house being nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomaoh Bartholomew have recently erected a of the participants. This enter- at the disposal upsets. Eleotric Bitters will quickly saw mill in this place. R R u dismember the teoublesome causes. prise will prove of no small benefit to It never fails to tone the stomach, to our community as heretofore The local post of Black Hawk regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, persons desiring lumber had. to go veterans arc arranging to bold anothor stimulate the Liver, and clarify the quite a distance for it. The data id bet for the big pow-woblood. Run down systems benefit of this month and the committee We have experienced one of the 17th attendall usual and the will end out some COO invitations, particularly and most lasting rainstorms gentlest ing aches vanish under its searching week that has ever The veterans are going to make this the A sure - 3, GUNNISON, UTAH, FIMDAY, FEHRUAHY :l, CKNTKHFIELH. Revolution aa o olds of George Morten and three-yea- r sen and Hans C, Wickman and some from others. About 50 were picked more up at Orangeville end as from other points in tho county. Emery County Progress. -- m-ra- CJiaracerialus Stomach Unequalled and Liver Taoleta. tur Constipation. Mr A. R. Kane, a pi eminent drug gist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says Chambei Iains Stomach and Live past during and thorough effectiveness. Eleotric been known to fall in this region. third annual campfire a record break- Tablets are, in ray judgment, the er. Detaita later on. Bitters is only 50c, and that is return-a- d nsbt superior preparation of anythin-- ' if it dont give perfect satisfaction , R R R in Uoe today for constipation. Peter Christiansen has received a They Guaranteed by Gunnison Cash Store. new stock of Shoes. Levan arc Dramatic with no and ten in holds action sure are cheapThey company er, according to quality, than can be jtne boards at the Gunnison opera denev to nauseate or gripe. For sal" Xhe Guxsrjsor Gazette, $1 50. had elsewhere, At the shoe shop. 45 house Saturday Feb. 11th. by Gunnison Co op. I . |