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Show m mu, HAYCEjrs GIVES HIS OPINION OF THE BEST TREATMENT FOB FARALYSIS. Df'UfM TJ.it Hr. WltlUm' JtfUini 1 if I ! lli 1 l 1 !. L't-rin- ju.tt ul r l lira bt Inly; limn inability !; tli.!: lintt Fmiii Huh t.u iitM I In ate has ja&Md ; e u !, ieli i tailed in a fruit com 1 I mar, u-- uf tin feature, i juivrring if I !u cLiu; juiu; ilifiimlty in fjrf M h. J'n qu ntly th tint warning it ft xngu" ft ding i f h .k1.i..1h, vertigo anil O i - Oj raii:m alone, a robber hold fifty n at bay on a Chic im street ear 1. H, Dickln, I.- he ) . Id and n.bb.-!.- - Ihi'd in noc rinnent has l.ue I bi-tor- farmer. I e . - i Document Prove Year 1501 to 0 Date cf Importation, cr 0:n of the eemnon, rors which is t.imht in tin m lends in Aim Mf.t is d.it which ih.U.s t tin Introdui ii u into ike wis!n hem! All lean writes a ,j h re of" rile M ko.d kMo.lis which the cikind 'p! ,m. d t l.o boy study :a tl.at it e. s fii iu ld'u or If If. s a v.Jiir a i.i. e.ipt tin sthi the h -i fiit!i' lliigli.-Mricam Tie silt! 1 N t however, is the dale of tin jear Two Mils weie juim-c.- ! hr the pen.! ate, while ficen new measures were; Introduced. One of the bills p oed nmliotios couniv record' rs to t ike and admlid-terin k now led - nit n t s oaths. The el!" r male the bend of; the mm u et ary of state f m"i, Senator! W. K, Walton int!o!ued a bill Lilly alteiim the makeup of the state' land board and takimt cut of the, hands of the herniary the power to, handle the Mate fund- except in com jinn Hun with the heard. Imitation of rbatameor servke earl.e-- t iif'-te- i ee in Atmrii.m cards from ral'iuad and mines and of bi in gro - rui.img freii Hp.tiu to as for Anmnca 122 trades union cards is diUim-biien- - Altuny, N. c ry under a lU'l pa.--e-d by the !;oue. Y.. was Mill. jous by it.- Ibiich and 11 Amiher bill j'.ms' d at the jianii' time veirs bif. ie Ui.v.n, Ya.. was stt makes a li clinical change in tlm wordbv the IVm-I-: h In I"-'- ' King tied ing of tin vt. Utile which lelatis to iiu I' rdimim! of Spa.it wrote to Oiatu'o, dertakins; on app al from Justices' I will of thin goverimr couits -slaves a- - xo.t ;d mot n i . The thirty fifth day of (lie session m rto slave s vvero In st. idiv will be tin I.l" lay ill which w c w miin- - of IlDpan m nt to hi the hit hills an erk in red cd ill. out the nt men. re of is a ie eord id King Fr const kds. Tin bets, Kiuht bills weir introduced In .Mrr.n ls to a riip:e-- t of laas the house. fa as, hble'p of I .a ton ijr.eMi. in Hi: p.lllieda, tii.lt mole negroes should January 26. be There are imported. It- said: In the sona i two n w lulls were In-- j s on the m I tod need by S :i: I r lawnuuo. One nre.nty manyHo gnu " ! f in was Tills ir relates to claims tiled a;:a!i)s cities and iiu oi pm at'd town- -. The other Singular Weeding Present. fixes the li.ililiiy nf p i ims ownin Miss Ma'tcrs nml Mr. Re oth of Con juoieity abuttiim on stiiets for any .a ton. Kllg., rieeived a nove l ed'Stri'1 tlon to the stleits. recently. The sisters of the Most of the lime was taken up in d bride them with u i -- . j I I j FIRST SLAVES IN AMERICA. January 25. the array '!:a Mng- - to : Me In Omaha destroyed Ii'pi it) ahu l at JTe'M'eo, IV. M till !1 Will injured. two of eiini'h, a a n odt of an ox-'- i it n in the laUroad simps In Wells i.iv'-e- r i f A All Other lirturilll'l I ailed. The jin ntttnii' ry ymj turn of partly i im : tii uiMing uf thu IminL; muIT u I"-- i uf j. i r in uriiK fig. fn qui'inly iffvuint. m u!'l ink THU Imti CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. NUN'S SUMMARY. or arms fac tory I y - a i in Ludwig tm'.Mul.tr i .kh!)-In u m lit iiiMthw Mr, W. J. h. i re; dy, is MH)U as I'O'ssible, f.uU iiu 1 Jluydiu rai l: truly think that Dr. i him mins. William link IMIu' a great milliA from Centsehow, lo! I ! on fur y i;ri t.:, uhi:i hr?ii'iaiii iii.1. leju rfs that a I mnli was thrown tunl (!. r it !' ; l;ul f.t 1 togixo eluo at :;i lie eat airy b tvra ks then Sunday Iiio the r I;. ht I rl, f T tfiitiuii to '..'i'H 'nought i u an it!arlc r, ! i ! n t many so! liers were wounded. f m rvi.ii'ii' t uhi.h finally ib vt hii d Notice has been reeiived in New re times when York that the 5iita j .nalvM, Tit Tc Japanese military adit Wat imp .'Il.lt' f.r is f I diwvo my min): tratien will dec. me to aeeopt t up from a chair. Bandr t At M ai:es In future for Port Arthur or 1 li ul fT aHi.il control turnj liar my l j limb's, but 1 va afraid to g far from 'ainy. I uMiddi f.ir ar might A man named Itraun was killed ana llio li nly ami have to I o carried six otlo rs seriously Injured by the precome lie-- j I lmnn. mature eph'-ioof dynamite at While I wat in tl.it tniorable con- Slove).H k. ten miles west of Hanilwr u, I want: ii l.eii wiih malarial f u r .. h.tj iif Jjp senile in the the hii"f Md. oi i nml confined to Ld f.r four month.. I Iiundri'd tlirco ight second i eudinu of thrie lill-- . eentaining The Four were killed at the Durham committees are working on some hills penny bits. had the b'H j.u ii ians but whil they ili.l (Fa) inm works when a cinder referred to tin m. and many reports TelieVt 'I my fevi r, their tri allm-liSPREADING THE from malaria drive the not entirely my train jumped the track and went over are promised for next wet k. II. K. 1. J. No. NEWS DROADCAST. v by Kinney, providing fsyMem, ami tin did nut help my par fjf iy.f(ot embankment into the Del- for the submission of a eniistiutional iilysis in the an. aware river. amendment exempting mortgages from That Dodd's Kidney Pills cured his I was will iiih despairing when a Oscar Nelson, a sailor, was burned taxation, was passed by lln house. Diabetes. After long suffering Mr. friend persuaded mo to try Dr. William:' Resolutions by Joseph, calling upon fini-bcG. to in small Golden tho n at a cum fire death had I Win lnx Cleghorn found a permanent reliuk Pills. tho governor and state hoard of exin the Great American Kidney lief I could fceo results that encouraged me Gate hotel in San Francisco. The tiro aminers for an accounting as to ceriMv condition kept steadily inijirovina. was Remedy. extinguished without arousing tho tain funds in their control, were nml when 1 had taken seven bxos I wa 0tjH.r quests, Port Huron, Midi.. Jan. Until. adopted. sis lv ami tlm malaria way A of cured para measure that will stir tip an Torturd with Diabetes and Kvan Thomas, former president of exciting controversy both in and out madder Disease from which he could completely driven out of my system. lor two years now I have enjoyed thf the New ork produce exchange, wasa of the legislature is being considered j apparently get no relief, Mr. G. fie., by Represe ntative George A. Hone of horn, a brieklav r. living at 119 best of health nml have attended to bus- killed by accidentally falling from It will be an eight-hou(,(,untyfourth story window of his apartment without any interruption. thr St., this city, has found a com No. 262 Wesl nt home is Hi? Mr. Hayden's ,.f j,s. I)riovisiuns pleto and permanent cure in Dodd's jn xevv York City. has not yet been determined, in his gratitude he 39th street, New York. Dr. Williams Th roe new measures were intro- - Kidney Pills mu! i a,, is spreading the news broadcast. Pink Pills have cured many similar case t i a .i lico Suard at Ihatoum, while driving lfni hetng of paralysis, nl.--o locomotor nfaxia. Tlu-Dodds Kidney Pills made a man of 1 uh;'' at 'O,ors "hn ,r ,,n was and works iron shot the A I past treatment nil Mr. Cleghorn says. sold mo. was a are druggists. by a No an e man. killed ar unknown and sntves-finexjion-ivby so simple, sufferer from Diabetes and Bladder should be tri'-- by every sufferer froir rests have been made, Disease. I was so had I could do no of its in stages. any partial paralysis work and the pain was something A telegram from Chansiamutun 27. January I could not get anything to terrible. of-the Russians lost forty-fiv- e Ban on Salvation Army. j Bays The eminent domain bills. Intm- me till tried Dodds Kidney help All efforts to establish the Salva ticers and 1,000 men killed or wound duced were Pills. Tliey helped me right from tho by Senator Lawrence, tlon Army in Russia have so far been ed at the capture of the village of passed by a vote of 11 for and 6 first and now I am cured. of no avail, said Gen. Booth, as tho Sandepas, January 2G. against. The bills enable Salt Lake I have recommendedcompletely Dodds Kidney or other cities and towns to condemn Russian government had issued strict to all my friends and they have Pills lands the water or are holding Injunctions against general hij rights that needed by the corporations, and is tho found them all that is claimed for followers crossing the frontier. Cockrill, in Breathitt county, Ken- - result of t ho effort on the part of Salt them. Dodds Kidney Pills cure all Kidney City to receive a satisfactory tucky, returned a verdict of guilty, of water. from Backache to Brights DisIlls supply fixing the punishment at life imprisonSenator bill for ease. McKays providing They never fail to euro Rheuthe investigation of the use of irriga- matism. The Bank of England ment. It is believed that the freeze in Flor- tion water and to redeem alkali lands, Ancient Literary Work. couldnt stand such a draft ida damaged citrus fruit on trees ex- was passed by a vote of In to 2. In the house, II. B. rG. by Kinney, book of Job is believed to be The cept in the extreme southern part of providing for the method of as dissatisfaction with moil most the ancient literary work in the state, the total destruction being railway equipment and rolling leasing stock, existence. It is known to have placed at 300,000 boxes, possibly was amended and passed by a vote o( been written prior to the eyback tea would bring. Pentateuch, 38 to nothing, seven being absent. more. to and the Tour grocer returns your money If you don't of the prior promulgation Mr. Luthers bill to pay per diem like ScliilUiiff's Best. A Greek band on January 23 delaw. and mileage to persons summoned as feated eighty Bulgarians near Ches-gel- jurors, hut not accepted, Few Elevators in Turin. was passed. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA A place was made for a new corn-- ) Turin, one of the largest cities 1.1 killing or wounding thirty. Bul- Italy, has not a single building with a garian villagers of the same district mittee clerk by the appointment of For Instant Relief and Speedy Cure of first-clas- s elevator are fleeing to the mountains in fear Joh.nt D IIoP7 ,f Vcbor countY a9 Raw and Scaly Humour, Itching minute clerk. of the Greeks. Day and Night Suffered Nine new measures were introduced Months. into The international commission in the house and one in the senate. Both houses adjourned until 2 quire into the North sea incident reI wish you would publish this letoclock We blend four types of tea sumed Monday afternoon. its sitting in Paris on the 2Gth, so that others suffering as I have ter January 30. for different tastes ; they are with diminished attendance and inmay be helped. For months awful terest, owing to the many fishermen Mondays session of the senate was sores covered my face and neck, scabs all on a level for quality. witnesses repeating the same story. without interest, and it lasted but forming, itching terribly day and about thirty minutes. Two bills were night, breaking open, and running In the chamber of deputies at Rome Tour grocer returns your money If you don't Introduced Senator Lewis and one blood and matter. I had tried many like Schillings Best. a member of the extreme left de- by Senator by Rasband, that of Senator nounced Emperor Nicholas of Russia Rasband providing for a more thor remedies, but was growing worse, Deaths Caused by Opium. It is estimated that every year as an autocratic assassin. Meetings to ough superintending of the fiscal con- when I started with Cuticura. The retwenty million persons die in China express sympathy with the Russian cerns of the state, and a more thor- first application I gave me instant two when and had used cakes accounting and reporting of lief, from the use of opium. agitators are being held throughout. ough state warrants by the state auditor. of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Italy. The measures introduced by Lewis Cuticura Ointment, I was completely A north-boun- d passenger train on provide fees to be locted by the sec- cured, (signed) Miss Nellie Vander tne Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail- retary of state; and requires that corN. Y. Tea is the cheapest of lux- way and an extra freight collided porations file, during the month of Wiele, Lakeside, New Decorative Stone. of head-o- n at a point twenty miles north fleers,ary the ?am,e of corporation, ro , uries; good tea is a luxury. is being capitalization, Gallalithe, or of Ardmore early Sunday. One per- - j sources and liabilities, n to be for for used much and decorating, promWrite for our Knowledge Book. A. Schilling A was killed and several others were spection of secretary of state, and to take the place of marble. ises Company, San Francisco. injured. p0t for public, except on order of court. Hi-i'ano- l.i: - re-tp- 1 i ! 1 -- 1 n-- re-pi'n- -e -- -- - 1 1 1 j -- -- 1 we-ddla- n lu-Mii- -- jue-i-ale- ( , t e -- t I 1 cl I I e - I r I I 1 1 TEA ke i, I TEA TEA milk-stone- In-po- J Rut-ines- s a |