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Show file Gunnison Gazette. J fefrf libji"l. d rvfry 1'riday at County, Utah. ni' ju, GUD:MU. . .v AND ! CUIiJ t Had Them GLd Upw Tnio la that dlsticmUhM looking 0., Putibbcrs. 4- - All of Us A- - can? lie Is thjs head waiter. And who it that other ou thin, Mieiitr. 4 flaa-lookta- g t YOU ARE SURE TO GET HAVE TO WEAR CLOTHES. KIND OF 1 THE RIGHT KIND AT THE RIGHT suo Ono more qeuntlon. Who la that FROM THE VARIETY OF SUITS PRICES Icalfinlflcont 1.00 looking man who aeeme bo WE CARRY FOR MEN OR BOYS. ltal doeeat belong here? f .t0to fcliow with the diamond la hla ihirt ffi'jMcnirnoji mrr One Year cix Month 1'tireM Months front? That la tho clerk. 4- - I t 1 That Is the owner of the hotel. -- 4 Modern Society. -- . TLe very soon t h. . e.ummrcul .T f I mem -V- c-;i. you know how our parrot 1 Tin o an-- would swear? tionei a td.urt time h.tjc raittee Hpjoiulf to look nft r ils hhould be ut it before i inauguration be made a few remarks near the bird, . the sprmi? work ui. .n or tli, matte, nd u clun0 ov(r tov.nr(1 na' ,ln vvill drag through another bummer said: Say, you better get ia this . Tvo lost my Job. cab'c forgctU-naud perhaps (Iuaninon should get in liuo with teiuiiboriug. HI Title town. koJ lmro bro..Rht to public ..,y wfc ond , Er0There, t0 sol notice its advantages. iho club coo the rummer with her people at f 1 1 4- - W. H. Gribble, anI 4 t General Merchandise. UTAH. t GUNNISON, lein plated can be made a wonderful j prongs Corners raid tho meek, lit 4 want you to mall your f.ictor to tnatcud if only tho Icidingj1'0 rrrn 4 k.l Mauti is a.? citizens will take hold. !?, the clerk; wbat'a your brought into prominence largely name? Well or to make rare, I guess i r through the workings of the Arrapiuo club, which holds regular meetings I youd better address It 'Mary Strongs I 1 y each week for disrussiui? subjects Uiian Strongs Corners. looking to the advancement of tho Equal to Emergency 444 have was to the It following place. resolution under discussion last night ; Resolved, that it would be to the advantage of Manti city should the annual eucampment of the National Guard of Utah for 1905 bo held at Gunnison should get this place Hair similar and on that lines, to work right away. 1 4- 4- 4-- -- 44-4444-4-4-444-4- 4-- 4 4 me palace Toasorial Parlor The New York World recommends! the establishment of hospitals for drunkards where they may not be ITS Ta0 Collector What I Mr, Owing with not in! Why, thero ho association degraded by is, before my This says an exchange, very eyes ! criminals. "will 00 doubt have an elevating The Office Kid Aw wot! That ai 1 old man, lie's out! Thats effect on the criminals but why not only his shadow Jester, GEORGE S. FRANCIS. Proprietor, Gutting, Shaving; MY Shampooing Massage CONSTANT CUSTOMERS. PLEASE TO AIM Hair Tonic. ST Agent Celebrated Troy Laundry. Main - - - Street Gunnison Utah, 1 substitute the whippingpost lor the luxurious hospital." ,t,s Morgan Church I see a statement tn the S' V-rcactl' If you want to get there bustle ed'?"3 j11 New he left the ship, L., Gotham Whats strange about that? Why, It being Morgan, 1 suppose most people expected to see hfcm take Business men of all kinds look upthe shil him. on the boy loafer as the dead beat of the future. Caught Hlmseff, Jlgglns The last time I saw you L,. Ludvigson, PROPRIETOR I OF I your neighbor wasnt welL You ro-member were telling me about Where there used to be a feeling of hie Illness.you uneasiness and worry in the houseBerriam (the undertaker) Yes, It hold when a child showed symptoms terminated favora er as I was sayof croup, there is now perfect con-f- i ing, alas! it terminated fatally. Catholic Standard. lence. This is owing to the uniform success of Chamberlains Cough Not a Mourning uft. Brown I just met Old Man Smith Remedy in the treatment of that Mrs. M. 1. Basford, of on liis way down town to recover his disease. body. Poolesville, Md., in speaking of her sons Green 1What! You dont mean to experience in the use of that remedy say that his son was drowned! Brown Oh, no. The old fellow was hays: 1 have a world of confidence iu Chamberlains Cough Remedy for going tc buy the boy a. new suit of I hare used it with perfect success. clothes. See? Ithe Newport Saloon AMD 5 DEALERS Ih Perfect Confidence. child Garland is subject to severe Net Quite Certain. attacks of croup and it always gives Gilroy Parsons is a liberal sort of For sale by follow. He offered me a cigar just him prompt relief." . now. Gunnison Mv Choice Wines, Whiskies, Beer and Cigars. Ourare Line of Bottled Goodi Simply Blegant. POOL TABLES TN CONNECTIONS UTAH. Livery Few Suicides in Ireland. The average of suicides is lower in Ireland than in any country in the vorld. Butman & MY HACKS didnt take it? Then how do' you know whether it was liberality or merely malice? Boston Transcript. Feed Stables Rigs ready on short notice. Co-op- Butman You Gilroy No. GUNNISON, fST RIGS FURNISHED Horses fed and given best care MEET ALL TRAINS. FOR LONG-DISTAN- CE H. P. JENSEN, Gutitiison, DRIVES. Utah, |