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Show MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, Utah County, Utah 19C1 DAILY HERALD 7 0 SEPTEMBER 30, 1961 SATURDAY; 7:00 4:00 5 Captain Kangaroo 2 Pip the Piper (C) -- 7:30 5 TBA 4 NCAA 4:15 v 8:00 I I w 2 Shari Lewis 4 5 Cartoon Festival Video Village Jr. Edition 2 5 8:'30 King Leonardo Mighty Mouse (C ,4 5 , (C) V. 5:15 9:30 Wells Fargo (C) Jungle Jim- 5 News Make Room For Daddy Roy Rogers 2 Update i 5:30 . 6:00 - . 2 4 Baseball . Magic Ranch . 5 TBA 4 5 Saturday Movie Town and Country if co-sta- rs tine White portrays his daughter, Abby; and Jimmy Mathers plays Major's son. .... 2 4 Saturday Night Theater (O Fight of the Week, 5 Have Gun Will Travel ... 4 Make That Spare 4 5 Lawrence Welk Gunsmoke 2 News, Weather, Sports 8:00 Picture for Saturday Afternoon 4 Education of Your Child ' : 1:00 Between the Headlines 2 4 Pre-Gam- . Warmup e 1:15 Great Moments in Sports NCAA Football Arkansas vs. Mississippi 2 4 ', - ple to elope and has to face the Phippsbaro newspaper editor Bob Major, writing an advice to the lovelorn column under a nom de plume, advises a young cou Hitchcock Mason Perry 2 4 Detective Theater . News; Weather, Sports 2 4 5 11th 'Hour 10:00 Divorce Court News, Weather, Sports 11x00 , 5Late Show 11:30 3:00 Saturday Matinee 4 . Big Movie p. m. on Channel 5. 7 Ichabod steps in with some girl's outraged father in the of "Ichabod sage advice as to how Major premiere episode and Me," Tuesday, Sept. 26, at can extricate himself from the situation. Robert Sterling, George Chandler, and Christine White as Major, Ichabod Adams, and Adam's daughter, Abby. Featured are Rcta Shaw as Livvy and Jimmy Hawkins as Jonathan. Beverly Washburn and Bobby play the youngsters who Hyatt The wagons are ready, the vis, Ann Blyth, Van Heflin, Lee want to get married, Minerva horses are hitched and the pas- J. Cobb, Edward G. Robinson Cheever and Cecil Bailey. Philip and Sal Mineo. Ober plays Horace Cheever, the sengers await the call of "wagons ""We will have more 'big name' girl's father. Paul Barselow plays ho!" for Channel 2's "Wagon guests this year than in any pre- the sheriff. Train" to start its fifth cross- vious season," says Christie. country trek to California'' on John Mclntire,' who succeeded Wednesday, Sept. 27, at 9 p. m. the late Ward Bond last season, A guest, list of top Hollywood leads the train again as Wagon-maststars will be among the pasChristopher Hale. Robert Horton begins his sengers to cross the uncharted Convertible plains of the Old West in the fifth season as Scout Flint Also starring will be adventure series. Nothing cleans your Continuing the program's suc- Frank McGrath as the bearded rugs as well as cessful format of presenting vis- Charley WTooster, and Terry Wilual diaries of immigrants seeking son as Bill Hawks. The fifth perthe easygoing a new, start in California, pro- manent member of the wagon Convertible ducer Howard Christie said that train is Scott Miller, as Duke cnly special scripts are being prepar- Shannon, a young frontiersman ed for such headline performers who joined the series last as Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Da Wagon Train Rolls Westward To Begin New Video Season HOOVER Co-st- ar Mc-Cullou- si95 SHAPE FOR this COMING SEASON! SEE the pictures bright and sharp with a new RCA Silverama picture tube! TRADE your old tube, we install it absolutely FREE! Pete's m Service FACTORY TRAINED Color TV Specialists and Recorders. Happy Customers Also Stereo, 8:00 4 5 Cartoon Festival Lamp Uiito My Feet 2 8:30 Sienc in Agriculture Look TJp and Live Peter DeGraaf, TV Engineer 356 N. 1st East, Provo MITE - 9:00 Festival Camera Three - 5 maneuverable, 4-06- Matty's Funday Funnies 5 Lassie The Answers 2 5 5:30 Choir Broadcast 2 10:00 4 Sacred Heart Meet the Professor LDS Conference -- 4 5- - , 5- IMS 4 2 Pre Football Directions '61 11:30 Roundup USA TBA 12:30 ma-chine- s. 4 -- uphol-stere- d , 4 5 2 . American League Football Houston at Dallas 9:C0 . 2 Michael Shayne 4 9:30 7000 10:00 2 News, Weather, Adventure Time 3:00 Wisdom 5 TBA 4 Sports News, Weather, Sports 2 4 Acadcmv Theater. A Way of Thinking 4 5 Silents Please News The Late 10:30 ... , . 3:30 71 11:00 2 Chet Huntley Stevenson dlai ' . i - Adventures in Paradise Sunday Night The; 5 -- News Football Highlights LDS Conference 2 8:30 Asphalt Jungle 6 What's My Line? ' 2:00 2 Jack Benny 8:S0 Show of the Week Bus Stop 5 Candid Camera 2:30 Orem Bonanza (C) Dennis the Menace 2 4 12:00 furniture and other 485 N. Stats 2 5 5 4 5 UTAH VALLEY 4 Car 54, WThere Are You Follow the Sun ,. 7:30 operate. The- Hoover's floor level cleaning capacity ''above the floor" cleaning. 2 11:00 to Also tops on Ekl 7:00 American Business in Review Issues and Answers unsurpassed by tank Sullivan 5 6:30 . 10:30 ' 2 Frontiers o Faith 4 - Walt Disney (C) Maverick News 6:00 Christian Science Heals Cartoons . 2 ' 4 4 is TBA 5:0 9:30 2 Dan Smoot 2 Bull winkle (C) easy Quiet, BUILDERS FR 4:45 2 4 Cartoon 4 Fi cur business. All Work Guaranteed. 2 Meet the Press 4 TBA 5 20th Century 4:30 ' 2 News and Views 4 U of U Game of Week 5 I Love Lucy. 5 Goal for Americans 5- - 1, 1961 4:00 7:30 4 WftK SPECIAL! (TIP-TO- P SUNDAY, OCTOBER co-st- ar er HAVE YOUR TV IN . : ! . , 3 9:30 Alfn-- 10:30 2 Mr. Wizard 2 Tehrr-- 2 5 i. 2:00 Premiere EpisodeOf Ichabod And Me 4Assassination Plot at 5Seahunt , 2 Saturday Adventure 2:30 .9:00 .. 5 LDS Conference DAY and Checkmate , ; ,1:30 dvice To Lovelorn Backfires On CALL Leave It to Beaver 7:45 5 .JL J.Wt ex-Ne- is Tall Man 7:30 12:30 ? ICHABOD. AND ME w New comedy series about an Yorker who buys a "small New England newspaper, has its premiere Tuesday, Sept. 26 on Channel 5 at 7 p.m. Robert Sterling (left) stars as Bob Major, the transplanted big-cit- y as Ichabod, a salty New Englander; Chrisman; George Chandler (right) Hi-- 2 4 5 11:00 12:00 CALL Farriily Theater 7:00 11:30 EXTENDED 5 6:30 On Your Mark LDS Conference SBaseball - Popeye 2 4 10:30 I . 2 2 5 4 5 5:00 Bugs Bunny ; TBA 9:00 10:00 4 Save Time Sewing Football - 2 4 ' 2 Fury 4 Cartoon Festival 5 Magic Land of Allakazam 1 Scoreboard 4:30 v |