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Show Th Provo Record Reveals Appalling List ree-Ye- ar ping her. At gin's point, he raped her. ..At 8:30 p.m. May 25, 1961, at 456 S. 4th E., a girl was walking to her sister's residence, when a man with a sack over his- head walked up and ripped her blouse open. ; At noon on the university campus July 14, 1961, a man asked a girl for help with books. In u ' secluded area he donned a mask and attempted to molest sex crimes. plexespecially ' - Usually- a crime is a collision two factors' potential and opportunity. Infinitely complex are "the physiological,, psychological and sociological factors which may contribute to the forming of a .dangerous sex criminal. , .But relatively simple is the of : for and .need well-l- it residential an adequate number streets to of police patrol them lessening the opportunity for. peepers, girl" maulers and . muggers. Provo has embarked' on a cam paign.to up its budget for street and to increase numbers lighting of ' police but the city still has vznany miles of dark, rarely ; her. child-molester- s, kept-hittin- ' Unsolved Cases s. In police records and still un--. solved are these offenses: several 'involving violence: '. At 9:40 p.m. June 13, 1959, a teenager girl was walking1 along Second East just north of Center, when she was hit over the head; her. skull fractured; she was dragged into bushes. ,At 6 arm. Nov. 29, 1959, a girl was awakened by a burglar slap -- -- . - y s . six-inc- t, patroled streets. , . On the evening of Feb. 16, 1961 a girl walking . home from gym at 700 N." University was hit over h the head with a three-foo. length of board. At 9r85 p.m. June 8, 1959, at 300 E. 2nd N a teenager followed a woman; knocked her down, and her! , At 10:30 p.m. Nov.' 3, 1960, at 300 E. 2nd N. a girl was walking home from, the movies when a man attacked 'from behind and tried to molest her. ' At 11 a.m. Mar. 17, 1961, on the campus a man invaded a girls' restroom and attempted to pull the clothes off a girl. At lOjp.m. at 144 E. 5th N on Aug. 1, 1961, a girl walking home from work was grabbed from be- Another girl walking home ; g Language. On Jan. 17, 1961, Missionary Theme Stressed At West Sharon Conference at 11 p.m. a woman walking out of Elks Club heard a man call out from bushes, using very obscene language. On July 6, 1961, another girl received a phone call presumably from the same man who has been calling women's business establishments, using obscene jtalk. A man called another girl Aug. 12, 1961, at 3:30 a.m. arid threatened to circulate an obscene picture of her unless she paid him money. He called several times and once tried to enter her home? Another woman on July 26, 1961, said she receives calls almost daily and at all hours from a man who uses very filthy talk. Another reported a girl Sept. 22, 1960, called only on Thursday and Sundays. On April 2, 1959, a girl told police she receives calls from a young man who talks about one of her room mates in an obscene way, and asks the girls to sleep with him. Police receive perennial calls about exhibitionists, and pick up many of them. But some cases are still open. One exhibitionist was reported Feb. 8, 1960, at the Brigham Young University sun dial; another Oct. 5, 1960, at 9:45 p.m. was reported walking on the Joseph Smith Building steps. One bespectacled exhibitionist even invaded a church Dec. 1, 1960, at. 6 p.m. at 600 W. 3rd S., as a mother and daughter were decorating it. On t March 13, 1959, at 12:14 p.m. at 500 N. 3rd E., a man in a car asked a girl about an address, then exposed himself. On May 12, 1959, at. 5:30 p.m. on the campus, a man offered a girl pedestrian a ride, then exposed himself These are unsolved crimes. During this same period dozens of men have been arrested for sex crimes ranging from forcible rape to peeping. Attackers have been described by shocked victims as dark, fair, slight, heavy, tall, short. And the man who admits and on occasion even brags of the crime may not look in the least like the vague description given by victims. For example, slender, blonde Darrell D. Poulson, 22, charged with first degree murder of an has American Fork baby-sitteadmitted slugging a girl on a bike whom he is charged with assaulting with intent to commit filth-talke- r, OREM "Hate the Devil and LJoyce McMillan and Marilyn Ber Love the Lord," counseled Carl ry, recent converts to the church; W. Buehner, second counselor of Elton Taylor and Bruce Clark, the. Presiding Bishopric of the high councilmen; L. N. Judkins, ' LDS Church, when he addressed mission president; Paul Warner, s?the- West Sharon Stake quarterly bishop; Kenneth Tobler and Dean .conference Sunday. The theme Buckner, returned missionaries. for the conference was 'Every-Memb- . The following were sustained as a Missionary,' and Bish-- i officers in the West Sharon Stake: op Buehner urged all members Elton High Councilmen to prepare to be missionaries be-- t Bruce Clark. First Quorcause of the good work they had um of Elders Brown, done for people in all parts of the president; Kenneth Barry first .Tobler, : country. second Olsen, counselor; Jay i Other speakers at the confer- and counselor, Lloyd Sundquist, f ence were Clyde M Lunceford, Second secretary. Quorum of Elpresident; H. Verlin Ander- - ders J stake Boyd Miner, president; son and Ellis T, Rasmussen, William Durrel Barney, first counand Ward counselors; Larry second j.Jeanne Taylor, youth speakers; selor; James Gornichec, Ercan-braccounselor, and Morris i secretary. Fourth Quorum V of Elders Jon G. Clark, president; Dallas Burnett, first couni selor; Lewis Bigler, second counselor, and Frois Froisland, secreMark J. tary. State Mission first counselor; Warren Bartlett, Men- - M. Archer, LOS ANGELES (UPI) counselor. second i the word "trade" around the Board of Education Bruce B. ition Los of the Louise and Angeles headquarters Clark, president, Clark, i Rams this week and you take a music director. Superintendency I chance of getting belted by a dis- - of YMMIA Lynn Bensen, supervigusted club official. Theral Richardson, intendent; The simple word has first counselor; Harold Dunford, come to- - mean everything evil and second counselor, and Thomas wrong in the world for the Rams Redick, secretary; board memt who continuously watch the men bers, Earl Lindley, Norman Geert-seAuer Jensen and Zane Alder. ithey have traded came back to Elda Olsen, first Relief Society "National them the haunt during Tresa McKinnon, seccounselor; season. Football League 1 Billy Wade, whom the Rams ond counselor; board members, traded to the Chicago Bears late Ethel Taylor, Dorothy Ivie, Marlast year after many seasons with ion Romney and Shirley AnderLos Angeles,1 came back to haunt son; Marilyn Stanley, organist. Doris and beat YWMIA Board Members Jthem Saturday night Katie Mona and Madsen Jthem too leading the Bears to Jensen, School Moses. Nancy Sunday victory before 53,315 Johnson, secretary; Toni Allen fans at the Coliseum. er Tay-Ior?a-nd v Four Utah County high schools have earned the right-t- o fly the Safety Achievement Flag-th- is week as a result of receiving the least number of citations in proportion to the number of students in the school. They are: American Fork, BY High, Pleasant Grove and St. Francis ' Up to Sept. 25 of this school year first, second and third place standing are as follows: BY High and St. Francis, tied rfor first place; Pleasant Grove, secondj Orem, third. The past week's record of Utah County high schools listing the number of citations issued t6 students during the week of Sept. 18 compared with the number of citations listed this school year to date, in that order, are as follows: American Fork, 1, 3; BY High, 0, 0; Central Utah Vocational School, 3, 3; Lehi, 3, 3; Orem, 3, 7; Payson, 3, 5; Pleasant Grove, 1, 1; Provo, 9, 11; St. Francis, 0, 0; Spanish Fork, 2, 5; Springville, 4, 7. iBears Defeat JRams21 to 17 - i . five-lett- er n, -- cha-Jgrin- 7- PROVO ' , " Orem Guardsmen Win High Ratings In Field Training L-1- 9s. ed v OREM The Young Doctors Geneva and A Matter of Morals. The Pleasure of His Scera' with Fred Astaire. Company The Young DocTiimpanogos tors and You Have to Run Fast. . if- 'i - it -- Wjt. i iiH.hi JIJIW WUWJI J """" " " ' ' " ""' ' -, -l- "' lr " Drive Urges Understanding For Children With Epilepsy near-norm- J j". "i OtSElZNICKS faaoucnoH'br FR2SLEI sings of love to GABLE-VIVIE- -- '"I T fi BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 ft' J 80 DICK; MARCH GAZZARA CLARK MltMUHIMWM .r , Amenc& s Prevfiitfifl n ouriooe . - - "V Mk THE OLD COW DISTILLERY COMPANY FRANKFORT. LJ7 KY mt&r KENTUCKY STRAIGHT JBOURBQU C' ! These are the f T Yccng doctors J with no masks odvntur SAMUEt WnOR Hcavieoiosr 7 P.M. V I , If "1 TOG f if ALBERT BALII1 ES2SCFE3SIE3.- . "A MATTER - MntMRiBinnt OF MORALS" " "!- in terri- th in Joyce Frank G0RSH1H TAYLOR nib DE e .Q 'i jann 1 "THE GREEN HELMET" I ... . 6?EN 7:15 icnic Child 25c 75c Til 5, Then $t.00" FIRE: 3:26 - 6:53 10:20 HELMET: 1:55 - 5:22 - 8:49 i MCI1 CHILDREN "try&S mwmi I lttetaVlTXV CLARK - - 1U t t t W 14 Iff IhlllR m-- l '""-- - '"U9tCat I Am tr A UNIYLK3AJ. WTtRNATTONAL OCTU J f LAST OF THE FAST GUNS GILBERT ROWLAND LINDA CRYSTAL ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENT J I AK I J WtUINtjUAT Al IHC SPECIAL HACADEMY THEATRE fTT n FR FREEI m GAZZARA n. dSte CO -HIT ( - .l SHOW 7:30 NOW PLAYING UAVIEI1U TODAY AT 1:30 DALK J ALBERT I ) J The ft' If) t In Pfitt 389 , ' SciMnpUfgT Omdadby SrT0H KORGt utzztt FREDRIC MetroCOLOR STARRING ADUITS $1.00 FREWIC , VUJW PtRlKRG t RUGGLES MERRILL-CHARLI- THEATRE - it - J HURRY! ENDS TUESDAY! im sazNicK International picture r- in X OPEN 6:15 i ... ff Produced by STARTS FRIDAY RICHARD BOON E "THU N D ER OF DRUMS , f : jaw. -- NOW! 1st Run OLIVIA deHAVlllAND MIL J f :' 6ARy ADUrfTS 75c CHILD 25c 033 Jf ... ILL PLUS 'CIRCLE sOF DECEPTION' 1 OFHISCOMPiMT T4 - p im, I PERia;;s CO-HI- T KSNTUCKT STRAIGHT BODBBON WHISKXT . THE START - David JANSSEN ! nrr nrrv priTftii - . Northwest! i TAB HUNTER LAKGE. IHGH N rt n r7 in mm . mum ULU story or thcolo south filmed ! e DEBBIE rtEYIIOLDS V GONE WITH THE WIND CLARK yours! ' presenb FRED ASTAIRE HOPS fying tutpenss actually m Parana MARGARET MITCHELLS I An enow it's1 all and ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY 8:00 A.M. I OPEN 7:00 SHOW 7:30 iwiiw al An honest person is one who doesn't blame the parking lot attendant for the dented fender. METROGOLOWYN-MAYE- t tnw ? XH 7 3-1- a in rfin iri ... LESLIE HOWARD - MiiMI 1 fpi DAVID La u M' NOW PLAYING 70 ENDS TUESDAY World's brighest street lamp is in West Berlin and . is equipped bulb. with a 65,000-wa- tt 5 -- Nearly 50,000 square miles of forest land are owned and operated by the U. S. paper and pulp industry. illliiB 1 P.M..FR. OPEN DAILY aiTTTirnnrni 3ENDS TONIGHT! 'mmmmmmsgi AMERICAN FORK ' Coral Atlantis the Lost Contl nent with Anthony Hall. J seizures of epilepsy.' Dr. Haring points out in the NEA article the most important fact about children7 with epilepsy: The attitude others have toward these children can make the difference between a life for them and a life of fear, rejection, and emotional problems. "The understanding of epilepsy and its problems by the teachers of America is of vital importance to the thousands of children who haveepilepsy and will be entering school this fallj" Haring . wrote. fSCZZTT- :;; PLEASANT GROVE Grove The Parent Trap with Hayley Mills. GRAND FORKS, N. D. (UPD Although the University of North Dakota administration building was eondemned i$. 1925 as unsafe for human occupancy, the strucDr. Norris G. Haring, educa- ture has been used exclusively This WASHINGTON, D.C. month some 38 million students tional adviser to the foundation, since then for administrative ofwill be enrolled in the nation's writing for the National Education fices and to house the offices of public schools, according to the Journal, points out that "in a the university presidents. U.S. Office of Education. frightening number of cases these 1 Of this vast army of young Am- types of symptoms (day dream-in- g may actually foe petit mal ericans marching into classrooms n BOUTIfUL ALL Mt W this fall, The Epilepsy Foundation (Federal Association for Epilepsy) estimates that 200 thousand may have some form of epilepsy. They will need the understanding and enlightened attitude of their teachers and fellow students if they are to gain an equal opportunity toward normal educational and social development, the Foun--, dation points out. In order to help teachers work effectively with these thousands of children in normal classroom settings, The Epilepsy Foundation Will conduct a national professional information campaign. Distribution of a booklet entitled, "Educating Children Who Have Epilepsy," to public, and parochial school principals is a major' part of the program. The leaflets are scheduled to be mailed fr,6m Washington on Oct. 13. In a covering letter, principals will be asked to order copies of the leaflet for each teacher and school nurse on their staff. Teachers will be asked to watch for spells of seeming inattention-o- r day - dreaming by students which may be the first symptom o'f a form of epilesy which is hardest to detect. Such seizures usually can be "brought under control easily by adequate medical attention. Jr. Efrem Zimbalist USEFUL BUT UNFIT ""' ''IJ " SPANISH FORK Arch Bs Love Possessed with LIKE FATHER, LIKE SONS The Glenn B. Greenwocfamily boasts four Eagle badges, all received in less than a year's time. Moyle, second from left, was awarded the scout honor in February and at a recent Court of Honor Dad Greenwood, Dale, far left, and J. L., next to Mr. Greenwood, each received the award. Co-Hi- t: m"mm"m , The Young Doctors ' Art City ; and Operation Bottleneck. Jac-obse- n, ' . SPRINGVILLE - w In the Country AcademyWild and Circle of Deception. Paramount Ring of Fire and The Green Helmet. Gone With the Wind Uinta with Clark Gable. Pioneer Tammy Tell Me True and Last of the Fast Guns. r, -- 21-1- Monday, Sept. 23 , - k, At The Movies Four Safety Flags to Fly During Week Company C, Orem, of the 1457th Combat Engineers Battalion, won "superior" rating and battalion "bests" for training, mess and motor maintenance sections during two week annual Utah National Guard training, just completed at Camp Williams. SSgt. Blaine D. Grey, motor sergeant, received special ' commendation from the battalion and Specialist4c Jerry J. Stubbs, Provo, was picked as "outstanding soldier of the year." During training, the 1457th built a permanent bridge across the creek emerging from the mouth of West Canyon north of the Fairfield Road; built a new artillery road on the Camp Williams reservation, and learned how to work at night despite "bombings" by buzzing It was the third consecutive year that Company C had received a superior rating. The company is commanded by Capt. E. Shields, Pleasant Wesley Grove. The 1457th comprises Co A from Price; Headquarters Company, American Fork; Co. B, Lehi and Co. C, Orem area. The 1457th is a part of the 115th Combat Engineers Group. Its sister battalion, the 115th Combat Engineers Battalion, was recently called to active duty. In addition to its primary mission of engineering, the battalion has a secondary mission as serving as infantry if so needed. exTraining included a four-da- y ercise as reorganization into infantry; a combat firing course, Jr., assistant secretary; Ann Wild, rapeBut the victim described her and night problem. organist;, board members, Esma assailant as "of muscular build Awards were presented by Maj. Big game hunters in Manitoba Steed, Allean Wilkins, Ruby will be required to wear white Louise Clark and Sammy with broad shoulders, with hair EIRoy West, adjutant and acting not exactly long but dark." battalion commander. Land Gifford. clothing starting next fall. - What's Playing 25, 1951 Utah County, Utah hind and molested. from work Aug. 21, 1961, at 10:30 p.m was grabbed from be hind, and buttons ripped off. At 11:30 p.m. April 20, 1959, a man approached a girl f on the campus and tried to drag her into bushes. He had partially exhibited himself. On June 4," 1959, at 10 p.m. a gir coming from "Sand in Their Shoes" on the campus was attacked from behind as she crossa man ed the tennis courts,.-bwho said he was being' "initiated and need pursepants." A number of girls have received calls from men who use filthy language. On Jan. 31, 1961, at 2:20 a.m. a man called a girl and said he was coming over to rape her. He hung up and called back again using very obscene - SEPTEMBER MONDAY, Frequency of Sex Crimes" Indicates Need for Precaution on the Streets By JOAN GEYEIt The causes of crime are com- DAILY HERALD 6 I k ( 4 7Tt 3 COlUUBiX ' PlCTURtS ptesenu L1 r greatest high n adventure ever filmedl i Hfil ' PLUS: ' ' J WillSKEX. C5 PROOF at the TIMPANOGOS You Have f o Run Fast" ; PLUS: at the ART CITY "Operation Bottleneck" mminw mnMH mms imm or-- AUmUmmmm 1 M - i - in "ir 1 III Weekday,: JMaf lnees ADULTS: . .'. fl.OO . .73 STUDENTS: .. .35 CIHI-DRENS- ": SUIT THE ...... $1.23 1.00 .35 WD i Evening Sat. Sun. c . . .. TVOfA KGJNN1R1 - SHOWS DAILY 1:00 5:00 - :30 . ) ; |