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Show ' Shhlzy CooiJrTo PJay 'Hazel' ln Top Gat Premieres Wednesday Hew Vldso'Ssries Starting Thursday MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1961 ' Utah County. Utah OAMVMPPALD 2 . K t Top Cat Is dreaming a up "swingin deal" to keep his they p.lley cohorts in cream, throw, him a curve Dy getting real jobs with a Manhattan street carnival in "The $1,0000,000 Derby." the' premiere episode of "Top Cat," which debuts on While pt. Channel-4WedncsdayrSe- When it suddenly dawns on T C. that the horse is a runner (he does a lap through Macy's Department Store and the subway at the sound of a whistle, he disguises himself as Ali Khat, ArabLaville oil king, to enter One of America's favorite cajw tcon characters comes to Hfe when Shirley Booth plays the title role of "Hazel': on Channel 2 during the 1961-6- 2 season, on Thursday nights starting Sept 2, 7:30 of p. m. The celebrated actress stage, screen and Ty chose this role because cVo i. long been enthusiastic about Ted Key's cartoon creation. Hazel is the maid in the Ba ter household. She is wise, funny, bright' and a determined lady with a mind of her own, which frequently is not in accord with the head of the house, George Baxter (played by Don DeFore). r 'IV rabelleHtothe-derb- y; 27, 7:30 p. m. The worst offender, to T. C.'s 'BEAVER'S' BIG BROTHER way of thinking, is Benny the ' and he obtained a horse Ball Tony Dow begins his fifth seafor his kiddie ride concession. son as Wally Cleaver, the older T. C. orders him ousted and brother of the 'Beaver' on Chanwhistles to summon Officer Dib- nel 4's "Leave It to Beaver" Satble to remove the equine. urday, Sept. 30 at 6:30 p m. -- t Baxter's son, eight-year-o- ld 1 r VJ L tJ LmJ iiiiiiii3 ' t L- PLAYS HAZEL Stage and screen star Shirley Booth plays the title role in TV's new comedy series "Hazel" NEW AND USED in ni m SELECTION...... -- . EASY TERMS OFFICE X2) 265 W. EQUIPMENT Til CENTER liJrl 3-49- 20 7 cJ-ta- .Continued FOOD dignity. ATMOSPHERE SERVICE - LOW PRICES x EXCELLENT ' . BANQUETS is high time theater owners stopped making worried statements about the threats of censorship and pay-T- V while at the same time playing films NOT made by It ' O A SPECIALTY Seating For 80 People Phone For Information or Reservations responsible, dedicated moviemakers. It is high time for a movlt theater code of decency to eliminate "nude quickie" films fa all time. EBMfl samdO. Hvs&9 P-- ,, a-- Va. Mile North of Scera in Orem 32 1 Video-Villag- ' ' 0 It toff 1 If -- (M-T- AC from Page One) moviemakers who have no ties to Hollywood, to decency or to RESTFUL MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY TELEVISION The following daytime television programs are logged on r regular Monday through Friday basis. For afternoon and erenlng programs, check . under daily headings elsewnere In thia .section. a.m. 10 2:00 pm. x 6:00 am. 2 It Could Be You CO 2 Room for Daddy 2 Con Classroom 4 Love That Bob 4 Queen ror a Day 7:oo ajn. 5 Search for Tomorrow 5-- The Brighter Day 2 Today Chancellor 10:45 ajn. in K C and 4 i:l3 2 News Day Report 5 Secret Storm ljixie 5 Light Gliding 5 Morning News 2:30 p.m. 11:00 a .m. 7:13 2 Trouble With Father 2 Homemaker's 5 Capt Kangaroo Matinee 4 Camouflage 8W ajn, 4 Who Do You Trust 5- - -- Romoer Room 2 Say When 5 Edge of Night 11:30 a.m. 5 I. Love Lucy 3:00 p m. 2 Woman's Page 8:30 ajn. 4 American Bandstand 2 Pla? Vour Hunch (C) 4 Number Please 5 As The World Turns 5 Various Drama 4 Abbott and Costello 12 Noon 5 3:3tr p.m. 2 Jan Murray Show Q 9:00 a.m 3 Highwav Patrol 4 News, Farm Report 2 Price is Right 4:00 p.m. 5 Midday 4 Life of Riley 2 Barney Bear " lz:3C p.m. 5 Double Exposure 5 Funny Manns 2 Youne 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 Burns and Allen 2 Concentration 2 Popeye 4 Jack La Lanne Show 5 --Houst Party ..." K.C. 4 Cao 1:00 p.m. 5 Morning Show 5 Broken Arrow 2 Young Dr Malone 4:45 p.m. 4 Day in Court 9 Margaret Masters Kukia and 5 rThe Millionaire (F) Ollie 1:30 p'jn. 10:00 a.m. All snows telecast in 2 -- From These Roots 2 4 color are so noted by 4 The Texan Seven Keys 5 The Verdict Is Yours the letter "C" 5 Love Of Life Hollywood Nof Aswavs VARIED MENU - SUPERB and Sat-urda- Pleasant Dining J neat But Hazel can be e asperating too, as George Bax. ter knows. The cartoons have y appeared regularly in the Evening Post, and six books of them have been 'published,' including the popular Hazel Jubilee. amusing. . up k, became intelligent,' based on Ted Key's popular cartoon character which premieres on Thursday, Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m. on Channel 2. Hazel is the maid in the Baxter household she is wise, very-- funnyr bright and a determined lady with a mind of her own, which frequently is no! in accord with the master of the house. Don De Fore, Whitney Blake and Bobby Buntrock are featured in the cast. 50 GOOD Ylv 7 E - Ha, is played by Bobby Bunt-rooand Mrs. Dorothy Baxter by Whitney Blake. Hazel's admirers and friends of the family involve them all in adventures both comic and poignant. When cartoonist Ted "Key created the character of Hazel during Wrorld War H, she was rather stupid and slovenly. But through the years he gradually changed the character and she old, h) Truth-Consequens- es MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1961 7:30 5-0- 0 2 Dick 2 4 5 Tracy 4 Captain K. C. 5 Superman Bozo the Clown 2 Huckleberry Hound 4 . Whirlybirds 5 News Weather rws. - . , 4Peter 7 and Brinkley 4 Evening Report Up Budd 7:00 ' ,f Gunn Origara1 ' AMERICAN CALL P 2 10:30 Jack Paar (C) GARDEN SYSTEM WATERFALL DESIGNS L C FOR SWISS REE ALPINE MODERN ESTIMATES FR FRENCH JAPANESE FINANCING TERMS 23 4 M Prow 1455 So. State Squad 5 The Late Show .... 2 National Velvet 5 Spike Jones Show 7 Children s Corner EARLY 9:30 2 News, " Weather, .Sports 4 News, Weather, Sports 5 News, Weather, Sports Mr. Msgoo Cheyennt , - SPRINKLING POOLS 10:00 6:30 5 Bringing ; PLAY AREAS Defenders he 2 Huntley ROCK GARDENS LAWN PLANTING 2 Thriller. 5-T- 6:15 4 PATIOS 9:00 . OUTDOOR SPACE FOR LIVING 8:30 ' Weather 4 News. Weather. 5 Pete aov Gladys 2 WE DESIGN AND BUILD BEAUTIFUL Adventures In Paradise The Blue Angels' 7 Search . for America, Edwards 6:00 PIAN YOUR YARD FOR OUTDOOR LIVING AT HOME . 4 5 5:45 S Douglas 8:00 Detective Theater 5 Hennesey 7 America In Making 2 5:30 2 Surfside 6 Ann Sothern Show 7 With Fitzpatrick 5:15 2- - Price Is Right (C) J 4 Dayton Allen i" 4 w m miii w (On The Springville Road) Provo 11:00 t i9 " Movie , TIT |