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Show SEPTEMBER MONDAY, DAILY HERALD 12 Utah ijoumy, 1961 25, Utah .CARNIVAL By DICK TURNER ERROR RULES DENVER (UPD State Water Corservation Board Director Felix Sparks fired a parting shot today for Coloradoans to resolve their internal differences over wa-- ; ter policy or tbe "whipped." ; Sparks, who leaves his post in another week for active duty as a colonel in the National Guard, also criticized Colorado's partners j ; r-a- rall ; ; Senate Okehs $3.94 Billion Works i Bill WASHINGTON The (UPI) Senate approved a $3,940,926,880 money bill to finance government public works Saturday. It immediately asked for a con- jfer.nee with the House to iron out differences. The House passed a different , version. j The measure includes funds for . rivers & harbors projects to be f carried out by the Army's Corps j of Engineers and projects of the Interior Deprtment's " Bureau of I Reclamation, plus the budgets of the Atomic Energy Commission an. the Tennessee Valley Author- ity The Senate bill was $59,861,120 below the administration's budget estimates but $278,225,500 larger than the measure approved by the , . ; . . . f V House. .. version included "$991,886,880 for the civil functions the Army Engineers; $323,156,-00for the Reclamation Bureau, Bonneville Power Administration, Southeastern Power Administration ql. and Southwestern Power Adminis-- r trat on; $2,558,961,000 for the AEC; $38,203,000 for the TV A; and small sums for study commissions. The. Senate ,f ia the Upper Colorado River Basin at a meeting of the State Board today. He said they had not loaned the state "10 minutes help" in analyz- . ing the various proposals for construction of a backbone transmission system for power generated by the Upper Colorado River Storage Project. , also that the recent 0said Sparks division within Colorado had hurt the state on the "national scene ana with other states." But he said he was sure that differences could be worked out with the Colorado Public Service Co. He earlier told the board that the staff analysis of the! federal and private proposal on the transmission question showed that the investor companies would have to spend' $42 million more than the government to operate the grid over a period. 'When you project it beyond 50 years," Sparks said, "the analysis becomes astronomical in favor of the system." Sparks said the upper Colorado River Commission would meet in 50-ye- 2. Personals "Well, are you two entertaining each Today's Chuckle Fumes Force Evacuation Of Apartment By United- - Press International WAYNESBURG, Pa. Mrs. Jeanette Litton emptied a downtown building Friday night set off seven sulphur " fumigating NOTES GOOD SIGN (UPD Sen. Clintold P Anderson, President Kennedy Friday the "Treasury is in good hands." Anderson said that Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon recently sent him a get well card to Albuquerque, N.M., with "postage WASHINGTON Sen. (UPI) FriWallace F Bennett, which bill would a submitted day establish three national parks in southeastern Utah. The three parks, Needles, Grandview Point, and Upheaval Dome, are within the area recommended by Interior Secretary Stewart Udall for a single national .WASHINGTON . when she building's occupants. ton R-Uta- (UPI) just about apartment bombs. Mrs. LittOn, who moved in along with her six children Friday, told firemen and police she felt the bombs would get rid of everything. They did, including most of the Bennett Offers Bill for Three National Parks h, park. f Bennett said his bill has the backing of Utah Gov. George D. Clyde as well as the Utah Park an' Recreation Commission and the Utah Tourist and Publicity Ancient Romans saw nothing' "spooky" about graves. They conducted their daily business and their gayest amidst monu- pleasures merits to the dead. Tombs lined the busiest highways. And what tombs they were, decorated With beautiful carvings, statues, altars, and bas-relief- s. Encyclopedia Brltannlca . Council. GUT OUR WAY By WILLIAMS the Folks In and Around Provo For other?" Seven Killed As Navy Patrol Plane Goes Down WASHINGTON The (UPI) Navy announced Saturday that an patrol plane crash ed in the Atlantic Ocean about 120 miles west of Bermuda, kill iug seven of the 10 crew mem bers. The Navy said the survivors re ported that one of the plane's two engines failed while it was flying in r. fleet exercise Friday night The Diane crashed in a rough sea the survivors said. Names of the victims and the survivors were withheld pending notification of the next of kin. The Navy identified the plane as a Marlir P5M2S, a very large, d seaplane. anti-submari- ne twin-engine- Legal Notices 25-Mon- You Get $ 100.00 Mo. Pay ... $ 5.08 200.00 400.00 60f 00 80C.00 1000.00 1200.00 1500.00 10.16 20.32 30.48 40.64 50.80 60.E0 75.80 DIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CO. of PROVO 32 N. Univ. Dial FR ALLEN'S ' PHOTO SUPPLY 24 No. Univeristy Ave. EXPERT VERIFAX COPYING Birth Certificates Documents Etc Marriage Licenses FR NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Merretfs Jay Lynn Portraits Notice is hereby given that at a FR meeting of the Board of Directors t 20 No. Univ. Ave. held on the 15 th day of Sep tern Grand Opening Special ber, 1961, an Operation and MainChild Sitting: 8 x 10 Goldtone tenance Assessment of $1.00 per . $10.50 NOW $3.95 Reg. share was levied on all the stock of the Corporation, both Classes collect" "A" and "B", payable immediate LEAVES LITTLE DOUBT ly to the Provo River Water Users Association at its office, 84 North CALL ON THESE FIRMS FOB WASHINGTON (UPD G. Men- No. 218s 'Provo, nen Williams left little doubt that University Avenue, Utah. he is assistant secretary of state Any stock upon which this asfor African affairs when he ar sessment remain unpaid on II Yon Give Expert Serrjce, rived at a party this week wear November may will be delin 1961, 15, Your Inexpensive Ad to Order a a bow white with black tie ing quent and advertised for sale at Run on one Here Regularly a white bow and giraffe public auction and, unless payment rhinoceros on the other. is made before, will be sold on the 15tH day of December, 1961, to ALTERATIONS Men's, Wompay; the delinquent assessment, to CUYLER'S. FR en's7 Tailoring aooointments 11 a on gether with the cost of advertising to p.m. and expense of sale. AUTO" GLASS MYKL WENTZ, Secretary BROKEN glass replaced, specialized Provo River Water eiiicient woric. Anlander ManufacUsers Assn. turing Company, 490 South FR Published in The Daily and SunBICYCLES AND TRICYCLES day Herald Sept. 25, Oct. 1, 8, 15, FERGUSON'S Bike Shop, Schwinii WASHINGTON (UPI) Interi 1961. . aeaier xsew. used, trade in Reor Secretary Stewart Udall will vi parts 795 South State Call pairs, FR sit Utah Oct. 6 to discuss the NOTICE O BID Bids will be accepted by Utah BICYCLES, new. used, repairs Roy's Wilderness" Bill and a measure to oiK.e onop, acnwinn L'eaier 1070 create a national park in southern County for fifty thousand tax West 1st South FR 3.1744. ' notice forms for 1962. Each tax BULLDOZER FOR ANY PURPOSE Utah. With Udall jwill be Reclamation notice will be a set composed of LEVELING basements, roads, reser- trees, etc. .Phone FR Commissioner Floyd Dominy, ac five shjets and four carbons. vjuts, or FR at obtained be forms may Sample to Sen. Frank , Moss, cording CARPET SHAMPOOING Udall and Dominy also plan Room 216, City and County BuildA-l 1961 tax notices for the CARPET shampooing, complete to discuss the federal grid system ing, and iiwuc of must similar and be cicamng, iree estimates qualequal from Glen Canyon Dam. Phone FR ity in every way. Delivery of the CONCRETE WORK They plan to visit reclamation entire order must be made no projects in the state, and will vi- later than February 1, 1962. Bids EXPERT concrete work, free esti- sit Salt Lake City. must be received by the Utah FURRIER County Auditor no later than Oc- HELEN Swensen Fur restyled, re tober 15, 1961. Utah County restored, cleaned and elazed paired, mortn university t H serves the right to accept or re" bids. or all GARAGES ject any LEWIS J. HARMER, MARTIN OVERHEAD DOORS Sec tional, one piece, installed. .ReUtah County Auditor modeling. R. w. Lowry. Phone Published iri The Daily Herald AC Sept. 18, 25; Oct. 2 1961. INSTRUCTION PIANO and organ instruction. War ASSESSMENT NOTICE ren kjt. Aurea music studio. 76 West 800 North, Orem, AC TEVIPANOGOS CANAL COMPANY LANDSCAPING Principal place of business, Provo, LANDSCAPING. Fall planting of Air Utah County, State of Utah. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) wua,wiruDs ana duids. i,ois preIs Notice at a that hereby given Force pared for planting. Free estimates. Eugene M. Secretary Small cat, truck, tractor work. Zuckert called on industry Friday meeting of the Board of Directors FR on assessan held 14, 1961, night for "improved performance ment of August MASONRY WORK $7.00 per share was levied in fulfilling our demand for the on the outstanding capital stock SATISFACTION Guaranteed. Brick, incredibly complex devices that of the uiock wotk. smau jODs catered to, corporation, payable imconstitute the sinews of a modern mediately to C. Joseph Rowberry, LAWNMOWERS and automatfc1 saw v war machine." Secretary, at his residence, 276 service, wotk guaranteed. iiiingSouth Zuckert addressed the 15th an East 458 5th West, Provo. ' Utah Avenue, Spruce Provo, FR nual convention of the Air Force County, State of Utah. Association. RADIATORS Any stck upon which this asRADIATORS He pointed out that one small sessment may remain repaired rebuilt, clean unpaid on ed or recored Specialized efficient mistake in the procedure1 of test- September .30, 1961 will be delinworkmanship. Ahiander Co., 490 South University FRMfg ing a new missile can cost mil- quent and advertised for sale at lions of dollars if the weapon ex- public auction, and unless payment RADIO AND TV SERVICE on the ploded pad. is made before, will' be sold on RADIO, TV. record players, record- a viucuunea technicians to exto is October 28, 1961 at the hour of impossible Stating.it serve you. Over 26 years service in Utah County. Ralph's Radio and pect perfect performance in the 2 o'clock P. M. at the residence TV, Provo FR euvironmeht of a racing technolo of the Secretary, 276 East Spruce CALL :pete's TV for really fast and gy, Zuckert suggested that all Avenue, Provo, Utah County, State dependable service, color, black concerned bear down on three of Utah, to pay the delinquent asand white. FR areas "deserving particular atten sessment, together with the cost of PROMPT, dependable, reasonable tion." He listed these as reliabili- advertising and expense of sale. ' service for all makes televisions, tape recorders, phonographs, and Notice also business and is ty, cost, responsibilihereby given that radios. Wakefields. FR ;.. at the same meeting of the Board WAYNE'S TV Service. 90 ty. . day guar of Directors an administrative . antee on all work. AC of $1.50 per shareholder charge REMODELING TRIES ANOTHER BALL was assessed. WE repair roofs, fix leaks, reroof nouses Also siding and remodelPlease mail check or money ora, CLEVELAND (UPI) Mel ing Phone FR to made der s the Timpano-gopayable coach of the Cleveland InALL types remodeling, siding, roof C al Company to 2170 North dians baseball team, played in to pay ing, nothing down o years Licensed Contractor FR two professional basketball games 650 East, Provo, Utah. 110 South 7th West. C. JOSEPH ROWBERRY for the Nejv York KnickerbockCABINET WORK Secretary ers' during the 1948-4- 9 season. His REMODEL in Published The kitchens, etc. Children's Daily Herald scoring production in those , two for Christmas. For esticupboards 1961. 11, 18, 25, Sept. mates call AC games was one free throw. Expbrt Service " 21 Uni-verst- 50 70. 85. Performance 63. 39. Mc-Gah- 00. 1961 .by HA. Inc. TJA. R.e. U.S. Ft- - Oft "Why do you call it a. 'green' house when it's whits?" Builders Supply PART time help, $200 month guaranteed for those who qualify. Call Three-Wa- y TWO salesmen, fall-oshelter commodity. Wholesale only. Call FR Appointments only. EXPERIENCED meat cutter wanted. Apply at Thrift City, for informa- West Just off State 1700 So., Orem, AC USED AUTOMATIC iy, and WASHERS: 76 bination Washer Dryers, REFRIGERATORS. TVs.. ALL FULLY GUARANTEED TO TRAIN FOR CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Men and Worn n Needed We Prepare Men ana Women Age 18 to 55. No experienre necessary, grammar school education usually sufficient. Permanent job, no short hours. High pay, advancement. Send name home address, ph. numbar. time home. Write Box 935 this paper. Mf rural, give direction. SPANISH is fun! Classes for chil dren oeginnang October 4 from 6 to 12 years. Teacher with wide experience. For information call FR 176 East 2nd North, lay-offs- j, - Provo. GUITAR and accordian lessons. In- strumenx furnished beginntrs Herger Music. FR 17. Work Wanted $ 5.00 L. $18.00 ROLLAWAY BEDS LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN BOOKCASE BED ...... $29.95 SOFA AND 39.95 GAIN INC 165 West 1st North HAND TOOLS QUALITY CHAIRv$l UNFINISHED CHESTS, 4 drawers to 12 $10.95 & up NIGHT STANDS ...... $ 5.95 LOAFER LOUNGE in Nauga-hyd- e. No dwn. pmt. $49.95 AND POWER, TOOLS Carpenters NAUGAHYDE CHAIR $24.95 Plasterers BUNK BEDS Cement Finishers Sheet Rockers $29.93 MATTRESSES $12.95 Brick Masons 465-202- 4. gs HOLLYyOOD HEADBOARDS and in Excellent Condition No Down Payment Required -- "LOOK" Com- HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL silk finishing and counter work. University Cleaners, 75 East 1150 North. WOMAN to care for bedridden wife while husband works. Contact Ralph- K. Hiatt, LADY who plays piano, types, 25 or older. Needs permanent employment. Apply Wakefields. WANTED, ambitious mature woman to represent Avon Products during profitable Christmas season. Excellent earnings, complete training. Write immediately for interview. Avon Manager, 164 North 7th East, Provo, Utah. 12. Help Wanted, male, female HONEST and energetic person for Provo area. Guaranteed high earn-ninon our new 1962 sales program. Car essential. No canvasing. We train. Free samples. Part time okay if able ito work 16 hours per week. Please .. . apply only if ambitious. Write M. R. Rogers Company, BoXj 141, Provo. Utah. Represeiitativesi will call. 14. Instruction - 13. s ) DAvis LADY: Must live in 5 days a week to care for two small boys, no other duties. Box 21 Thistle. NEED attractive woman to learn all charges. 29. JJ TIMMERMAN 11. Help Wanted Female Above payments Include To Improve dbt SAVE : 10 call Mr. Holman, FR a.m., 2 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. CREDIT manager, experience desirable but not necessary. M. D. Close Finance Company, 222 North Uni. versity, Provo. ELECTRICIAN to become manager; part, owner of established Electric Company. Describe qualifications. Box 121 Herald. Repayment Plan th Industry Asked He F. See last Sunday's ad for the many bargains! Youll nence and here in Cen-- " tral Utah. security For private interview y h. (Yin REPRESENTATIVE Qualified man to service Burroughs business machines. Applicants with a high school education, experience in mechanics or electronics, and under 27 years of age. will be considered. This position offers on the job training, opportunity for advancement and liberal employe benefits. Write or visit us today. SALES representatives, local area. Car furnished. Excellent opportunity to build a future of perma- Phone: Tell irs how much you want, pick up the cash at your conSame-davenience. No service. 91 ' BURROUGHS SERVICE tion. 46. By NADINE SELTZER 10. Help Wanted Male ' $25 to $1500 I SWEETIE PIE FALL SALE v ut D-N.- 15-1- TO and. Found FR Udall Plans Utah Visit ' GIGANTIC j' LOST in Provo September 11, wallet. Reward, $10. Joseph Best. AC LOST: Brittany Spaniel pup, brown and white with brown collar. Reward, vicinity of 7th East and 4th North. FR LOST: one collie pup' with black harness collar. Call AC FOUND: Wedding band, September 2. May contact address and des- cribe. Mr. H. C. Gerlund, 121 West-ov- er Drive, Longview, Washington . 154 South 4th East Salt take City SIGNATURE LOANS ARRANGED BY PHONE FUMES FORCE FLIGHT 0. i 7. Lost H. A NEW LOAN SERVICE all-feder- al ities proposal. The committee was suggested Wednesday by Colorado Gov. Steve Mc Nichols in a strongly worded letter to Utah Gov. George Clyde. Mc Nichols letter said there "can be no dispute" that the commission purposely withheld inforrria-tio- n about the recent utility proposal from the state of Colorado. Center. Burroughs "Corp. ar Albuquerque. N.M., Oct, 6th to attempt to set up a technical committee to evaluate the private util- WINTER storage for boats. FR DEERSKINS tanned gloves, jackets, made to order. Norms 182 West 52. Miscellaneous Fcf Salt 51. Copy should be checked for errors by the advertiser on the first day of publication Notice of errors must be made immediately to the Herald Classified Dept Errors not the fault of the advertiser which clearly lessen the value of the advertisement will be rectified by republication without extra be charge but the Herald will infor onlv the first responsible correct insertion The Herald reserves the right to reject advertisements , and revise or reclassify some The 'Daily Herald strives to protect its readers against fraud deception or injustice f Readers are cautioned to make NO payment to get a position advertised in the help wanted columns. Ads in other columns which require investment in stocks, samples, eauipment or cash bond should be thoroughly, investigated before paying out any money Advertisers requiring a cash investment for sample of merchandise sales aids. etc. must so specify in their ads All help wanted ads MUST specify the nature of the work Sales help wanted ads must mention the article or service to be sold and state if the oav is in the form of salary commission or both, Bona fide offers oi employment with pay belong in the Help Wanted columns Kindly report, any exceptions to this rule to the Classified advertising manager. Colorado's 'Partners'; Project Under Criticism 52. Miscellaneous For Sale 1. Personals Standard Builders Supply Co - 1430 N. State Nothing down, payments $5.48 monthly. FR A D E I NEW. 9x12 . L rugs $24 95, 2 piece living room set, $89.95 five piece 125 West 500 South, Prov .kitchen set, $49.95 34 piece bedroom set $99. platform rockers $39 Steve's Trading Post 975 South BIG bargains. Unclaimed guns, - all State Street, Provo. types, also apartment gas GOOD used gas, oil, and coal furnFinance Company. 445 West stove. Cen- aces. Also electric water heater. FR LIKE new, 30.06 with Weaver scone- -, USED Furniture and baby furniture sight. Regular $170 gun for $J25. Also new and usedx saddles. Fairly stoves washers, dryers. TV sets, 200 items, come and look around, gooti house trailer Has refrigerator and sink. Steve's Trading Post. 975 South $100. Saddle horse 773 NorthOnly State Street. Provo. State, Orem. AC Residence AC COAL, lump and stoker, the best in NEW Hoover upright and ConsteHa the west. AC nun ui rut vaccuum cleaner. Neve V1CTORIO tomato juicer. No pre- Hed- - Sale fcrice eacli. cooking. Louie DeRose, 502 South Will sell JFor $49 each or$69SQn frw - 4th . HU East, 990 NorthSpringville, 4th East, Pleasant GIRL'S or boy's 26" bicvcle. 345 rove, su Al's Marke Spanish Fork. FIREPLACE wood, apple, cherry. DODGE panel truck in A- -l condi- Aaron Dickey. AC Elmer Carlton FR HORSE, good for hunting or kids.! GAS $45.00. Ideal gas range (camper) refrigerator, $25.00. Bed DEXTER twin tubs. $20. 903 West with springs, cheap. FR XNortn, JrTovo. FR GOOD quality coal and fireplace BABY crib and mattress. $10.00. wood. FR .357 MAGNUM Smith and Wesson, B.T.U. floor furnace. $50. holster, belt, ammunition. $75. , h6000 reriect condition. Phone . HU MOSSBERB 22' bolt action rifle. New 1956 650 C.C. Road Rocket motor- overhauled. FR cytje. Ask recently parts, 15 shot. $25. HU for Mel. ' 2.5 POWER Scope, also TV antenna MEYER'S snow plow. Electric hy-both reasonable. FR arouc uit jeep or Chevrolet 1 SPRING filly colt. Call Payson $150.00 or best offer or swap. 1240 East Canyon Road Spanish Also one 30.06 rifle7 or Fork. see Glendon Taylor, Genola. ONE pair binoculars-6x3-0 Bausch and RADIAL arm saw with- stand and JLXMno, sat), su several attachments, like new $150 HEAVY duty electric blacksmith Also one belt sander. Nearly new xurge. 10 gauge luggins shot gun, $25. AC bolt action. Gasoline pump. FR 4 0058. COAL, honest weight. Prompt delivery. Mangum Coal Company. MUST sell Sportsman golf set. Bag, AC AC oa us ana giove. t li BICYCLES, new used, repairs. Roy's 20 GALLONS gas water heater, $10.. Bike Shop, Schwinn Dealer 1070 gas space neater $20., Maytag West 1st South FR washer, $35., boys 24" bicycle $10. 1960 Zero-freetwin cement wash tubs and stand freezer, like new, must sell, make offer. HU $15. 653 North 200 East. MUST sell. Kitchen range, washer, PORTABLE light plant, 1500 watt. 9oc. miscellaneous motors and dryer, refrigerator. Used Furni-tur- e. FR equipment. Payson. REMINGTON .270 deer rifle with 1961 model 5 hp. tote gote. AC 5 63. 34. 75. isj . FR3-661- 1. 47. . 754-341- 1. - DRESSMAKING, alterations, 15 years oi experience. AC WILL tend working mother's child in my home. AC Orem. EXPERT tree trimming! topping. free estireasonaDie, removal, mate. y2. AC 18. w. IRONING and mending Call 36 East 1200 South, Orem. GIBBONS Furnace Cleaning com plete, gas, ii.uo, coal $14. FR WILL tend children In my, home. up to two years old. FR 4437. scope, $95. AC PLOWING, bull dozing, yards clean ed or leveled, lawns planted. FENCE HARDWOOD dancers. dinette set, $50 Dry peeled aspen FR and oak fence dancers. Grant coiiee table. $7,.50 leathertog 128 Floor West ind Shelton, Midway. Lamp $7.50. PAINTING, wallpaper cleaning, walls South. vya&nea. wotk guaranteed. inone AFRICAN soil. sterilized violets, FR Plant marvel fertilizer. 239 South COAL, lump and slack, Merrill Kit 3rd West. chen, AC Call SEWING, ironing, mending. an -- uoj, eai jsast 4th south, USED gas range, good condition, 21" General Electric T.V. Provo. FR $45. FR DUTCH lady would like to do house- - SPACE gas heater. Also used bushel DEER rifle, 30.06 Remington Oame wotk, Fridays. FR master.-- Model 760, pump acUonu baskets and boxes. 142 South 400 817 East 3rd North. Orem.. West, 15 $3.50V IRONING, bushel Shirts 3-17- 4s ze 465-292- 1, 41. 18. 60. cents. FR East. North , 4th 543 44. Shrubs, Flowers, Nursery Stock PEONY plants, red, white and pink. 1166 South 5th West. FR . 50. JPets SIDE GLANCES A. By GALBRAITH v!) HUNTING dogs. Mother ia register 'J ed Bntany. 310 North 400 East, Spanish JFork, Phone SIAMESE kittens and mother' for for sale. Call FREE cute kittens need good homes. 141 East 5th North. FR GOLDEN Toy Cocker pups, AU 612 West 16UW NOTtn, Orem. 1 I CCM 798-648- 7. 798-620- 4. 3y. 51. Musical Instruments HAMMOND chord organ and bench. mahogany, like new. $600. SK American Fork, after 6 p. m. PIANOS, used uprights. A- -l con dition. 39 North 2nd West. ORGANS at discount prices. Clear ance- sale, organ Center 39 North 200 West. STRADIVARIUS .trumpet, good con dition, very reasonable. Call FR PIANO tuning and; repairing work - guaranteed. Phone FR 798-304- 0. - 35 or BIG bargains. Unclaimed band, musi cal instruments. Finance Company. 445 West Center. ANNIVERSARY piano sale. Every . reauceo in price. Over 40 piano new and used pianos to choose from. Layaway for Christmas. Hart Brothers Music Company, 706 South State, Orem. USED single tension field drum, wood tinisn; 2 new heads. AC PIANOS Why pay more? Factory to you. Lester Taylor. FR 19S1 bj NEA, Inc. TM. Rff. U.S. Prt, Off, 2 9-- watt for Mr. Snyder, thank you. I taught him in tho fourth crfccto and ha was real cood in arith:i!s.f! I'll |